Example #1
   * This handler is used for the navigation nodes that request content from an external URL. This
   * handler pulls the "real url" from from the component specified by the <code>compId</code>
   * parameter (this necessarily depends on the presence of the navigation container in the view for
   * the component look up to work). Once the component has been found, the url is retrieved from
   * the attribute map, and its contents retrieved. If <code>processPage</code> is true, the URL
   * contents are interpretted and the resulting component(s) are added to the component tree (This
   * feature is not currently supported).. Otherwise, the contents are returned in the output
   * parameter <code>pluginPage</code> to be output as-is on the page.
   * @param handlerCtx The <code>HandlerContext</code>.
      id = "retrievePluginPageContents",
      input = {@HandlerInput(name = "compId", type = String.class, required = true)},
      output = {@HandlerOutput(name = "pluginPage", type = String.class)})
  public static void retrievePluginPageContents(HandlerContext handlerCtx) {
    String id = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("compId");
    UIComponent comp = handlerCtx.getFacesContext().getViewRoot().findComponent(id);
    String urlContents = "";
    if (comp != null) {
      String url = (String) comp.getAttributes().get(NavigationNodeFactory.REAL_URL);
      try {
        // Read from the URL...
        URL contentUrl = FileUtil.searchForFile(url, null);
        if (contentUrl == null) {
          throw new IOException("Unable to locate file: " + url);
        urlContents = new String(FileUtil.readFromURL(contentUrl));

        // FIXME: Implement processPage support
        if (processPage) {
            // probably do something like what includeIntegrations does
      } catch (IOException ex) {
            .log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to read url: " + url, ex);

    // Set the content to output...
    handlerCtx.setOutputValue("pluginPage", urlContents);
Example #2
   * Includes the first IP based on priority for the given type. It adds the content to the given
   * UIComponent root. If the IP content looks like a URL (contains ://), a StaticText component
   * will be added with the value of the content from the URL.
      id = "includeFirstIntegrationPoint",
      input = {
        @HandlerInput(name = "type", type = String.class, required = true),
        @HandlerInput(name = "root", type = UIComponent.class, required = false)
  public static void includeFirstIntegrationPoint(HandlerContext handlerCtx)
      throws java.io.IOException {
    // Get the input
    String type = (String) handlerCtx.getInputValue("type");
    UIComponent root = (UIComponent) handlerCtx.getInputValue("root");

    // Get the IntegrationPoints
    FacesContext ctx = handlerCtx.getFacesContext();
    Set<IntegrationPoint> points = getSortedIntegrationPoints(getIntegrationPoints(ctx, type));
    if (points != null) {
      Iterator<IntegrationPoint> it = points.iterator();
      if (it.hasNext()) {
        // Get the first one...
        IntegrationPoint point = it.next();
        root = getIntegrationPointParent(ctx, root, point);

        // Check to see if IP points to an external URL...
        if (point.getContent().lastIndexOf("://", 15) != -1) {
          // Treat content as a url...
          URL contentURL = FileUtil.searchForFile(point.getContent(), null);
          if (contentURL == null) {
            throw new IOException("Unable to locate file: " + point.getContent());

          // Read the content...
          String content = new String(FileUtil.readFromURL(contentURL));

          // Create a StaticText component and add it under the
          // "root" component.
          LayoutComponent stDesc =
              new LayoutComponent(
                  new ComponentType(
          stDesc.addOption("value", content);
          ComponentUtil.getInstance(ctx).createChildComponent(ctx, stDesc, root);
        } else {
          // Include the first one...
          includeIntegrationPoint(ctx, root, point);