/** * Check that the Client API Connection interface implements the close() method * * @paramm descriptor deployment descriptor for the rar file * @return result object containing the result of the individual test performed */ public Result check(ConnectorDescriptor descriptor) { // get the connection Result result = getInitializedResult(); ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor(); if (isCCIImplemented(descriptor, result)) { Class c = testConnectionImpl(descriptor, result); if (c == null) { return result; } // now check the close() method Method m = getMethod(c, "close", null); if (m != null) { // passed result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.passed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".passed", "The connection interface [ {0} ] implements the close() method", new Object[] {c.getName()})); } else { result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.failed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: The connection interface [ {0} ] does not implement the close() method", new Object[] {c.getName()})); } } else { // test is NA result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( "com.sun.enterprise.tools.verifier.tests.connector.cci.notApp", "The CCI interfaces do not seem to be implemented by this resource adapter")); } return result; }
/** * Entity Bean's ejbCreate(...) methods return test. Each entity Bean class may define zero or * more ejbCreate(...) methods. The number and signatures of a entity Bean's create methods are * specific to each EJB class. The method signatures must follow these rules: * * <p>The method name must be ejbCreate. * * <p>The return type must be primary key type. * * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion */ public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) { Result result = getInitializedResult(); ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor(); if (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) { String persistence = ((EjbEntityDescriptor) descriptor).getPersistenceType(); if (EjbEntityDescriptor.BEAN_PERSISTENCE.equals(persistence)) { boolean oneFailed = false; boolean oneWarning = false; int foundAtLeastOne = 0; try { Context context = getVerifierContext(); ClassLoader jcl = context.getClassLoader(); Class c = Class.forName( descriptor.getEjbClassName(), false, getVerifierContext().getClassLoader()); String primaryKeyType = ((EjbEntityDescriptor) descriptor).getPrimaryKeyClassName(); boolean ejbCreateFound = false; boolean returnsPrimaryKeyType = false; // start do while loop here.... do { Method[] methods = c.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { // reset flags from last time thru loop ejbCreateFound = false; returnsPrimaryKeyType = false; // The method name must be ejbCreate. if (methods[i].getName().startsWith("ejbCreate")) { foundAtLeastOne++; ejbCreateFound = true; // The return type must be primary key type. Class rt = methods[i].getReturnType(); if (rt.getName().equals(primaryKeyType)) { returnsPrimaryKeyType = true; } // now display the appropriate results for this particular ejbCreate // method if (ejbCreateFound && !returnsPrimaryKeyType) { if (primaryKeyType.equals("java.lang.Object")) { oneWarning = true; result.addWarningDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.addWarningDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".debug1", "For EJB Class [ {0} ] method [ {1} ]", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName(), methods[i].getName()})); result.addWarningDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".warning", "Warning: An [ {0} ] method was found, but [ {1} ] method has [ {2} ] return type. Deployment descriptor primary key type [ {3} ]. Definition of the primary key type is deferred to deployment time ?", new Object[] { methods[i].getName(), methods[i].getName(), methods[i].getReturnType().getName(), primaryKeyType })); } else { oneFailed = true; result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".debug1", "For EJB Class [ {0} ] method [ {1} ]", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName(), methods[i].getName()})); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: An [ {0} ] method was found, but [ {1} ] method has illegal return value. [ {2} ] methods must return primary key type [ {3} ].", new Object[] { methods[i].getName(), methods[i].getName(), methods[i].getName(), primaryKeyType })); break; } } } } if (oneFailed == true) break; } while (((c = c.getSuperclass()) != null) && (foundAtLeastOne == 0)); if (foundAtLeastOne == 0) { result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable0", "[ {0} ] does not declare any ejbCreate(...) methods.", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName()})); } if (oneFailed == false && foundAtLeastOne > 0) { result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".debug1", "For EJB Class [ {0} ]", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName()})); result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".passed", "[ {0} ] properly declares ejbCreate<method> method to return primary key type [ {1} ].", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName(), primaryKeyType})); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Verifier.debug(e); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.failed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failedException", "Error: [ {0} ] class not found.", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName()})); oneFailed = true; } if (oneFailed) { result.setStatus(result.FAILED); } else if (foundAtLeastOne == 0) { result.setStatus(result.NOT_APPLICABLE); } else { if (oneWarning) { result.setStatus(result.WARNING); } else { result.setStatus(result.PASSED); } } return result; } else { // if (CONTAINER_PERSISTENCE.equals(persistence)) { result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable1", "Expected [ {0} ] managed persistence, but [ {1} ] bean has [ {2} ] managed persistence.", new Object[] { EjbEntityDescriptor.BEAN_PERSISTENCE, descriptor.getName(), persistence })); return result; } } else { result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "[ {0} ] expected {1} bean, but called with {2} bean.", new Object[] {getClass(), "Entity", "Session"})); return result; } }
/** * Define ejbFindByPrimaryKey method arguments test. * * <p>Every entity enterprise Bean class must define the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method. * * <p>The methods arguments types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP. * * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion */ public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) { Result result = getInitializedResult(); ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor(); if (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) { String persistentType = ((EjbEntityDescriptor) descriptor).getPersistenceType(); if (EjbEntityDescriptor.BEAN_PERSISTENCE.equals(persistentType)) { Class[] ejbFinderMethodParameterTypes; boolean ejbFindByPrimaryKeyMethodFound = false; boolean oneFailed = false; boolean isLegalRMIIIOP = false; try { // retrieve the EJB Class Methods Context context = getVerifierContext(); ClassLoader jcl = context.getClassLoader(); Class EJBClass = Class.forName( descriptor.getEjbClassName(), false, getVerifierContext().getClassLoader()); // start do while loop here.... do { Method[] ejbFinderMethods = EJBClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int j = 0; j < ejbFinderMethods.length; ++j) { if (ejbFinderMethods[j].getName().equals("ejbFindByPrimaryKey")) { // Every entity enterprise Bean class must define the // ejbFindByPrimaryKey method. ejbFindByPrimaryKeyMethodFound = true; // The methods arguments types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP. ejbFinderMethodParameterTypes = ejbFinderMethods[j].getParameterTypes(); if (RmiIIOPUtils.isValidRmiIIOPParameters(ejbFinderMethodParameterTypes)) { // these method parameters are valid, continue isLegalRMIIIOP = true; } if (ejbFindByPrimaryKeyMethodFound && isLegalRMIIIOP) { result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".debug1", "For EJB Class [ {0} ] Finder Method [ {1} ]", new Object[] {EJBClass.getName(), ejbFinderMethods[j].getName()})); result.addGoodDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".passed", "An [ {0} ] method with valid RMI-IIOP argument types was found.", new Object[] {ejbFinderMethods[j].getName()})); } else if (ejbFindByPrimaryKeyMethodFound && (!isLegalRMIIIOP)) { oneFailed = true; result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".debug1", "For EJB Class [ {0} ] Finder Method [ {1} ]", new Object[] {EJBClass.getName(), ejbFinderMethods[j].getName()})); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: An [ {0} ] method was found, but [ {1} ] method has illegal parameter values. [ {2} ] methods arguments types must be legal types for RMI-IIOP.", new Object[] { ejbFinderMethods[j].getName(), ejbFinderMethods[j].getName(), ejbFinderMethods[j].getName() })); } // found one, and there should only be one, break out break; } } } while (((EJBClass = EJBClass.getSuperclass()) != null) && (!ejbFindByPrimaryKeyMethodFound)); if (!ejbFindByPrimaryKeyMethodFound) { oneFailed = true; result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".debug3", "For EJB Class [ {0} ]", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName()})); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failed1", "Error: No ejbFindByPrimaryKey method was found in bean class.")); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Verifier.debug(e); result.addErrorDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.failed( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".failedException", "Error: EJB Class [ {0} ] does not exist or is not loadable.", new Object[] {descriptor.getEjbClassName()})); oneFailed = true; } if (oneFailed) { result.setStatus(result.FAILED); } else { result.setStatus(result.PASSED); } } else { // (CONTAINER_PERSISTENCE.equals(persistentType)) result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable2", "Expected persistence type [ {0} ], but bean [ {1} ] has persistence type [ {2} ]", new Object[] { EjbEntityDescriptor.BEAN_PERSISTENCE, descriptor.getName(), persistentType })); } return result; } else { result.addNaDetails( smh.getLocalString( "tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] {compName.toString()})); result.notApplicable( smh.getLocalString( getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "[ {0} ] expected {1} bean, but called with {2} bean.", new Object[] {getClass(), "Entity", "Session"})); return result; } }