/** @return the Java serialization encoding version. */ public static byte getEncodingVersion(ORB orb, IOR ior) { // Is Java serialization enabled? // Check the JavaSerializationComponent (tagged component) // in the IIOPProfile. If present, the peer ORB's GIOP is capable // of using Java serialization instead of CDR serialization. // In such a case, use Java serialization, iff the java serialization // versions match. if (orb.getORBData().isJavaSerializationEnabled()) { IIOPProfile prof = ior.getProfile(); IIOPProfileTemplate profTemp = (IIOPProfileTemplate) prof.getTaggedProfileTemplate(); java.util.Iterator iter = profTemp.iteratorById(ORBConstants.TAG_JAVA_SERIALIZATION_ID); if (iter.hasNext()) { JavaSerializationComponent jc = (JavaSerializationComponent) iter.next(); byte jcVersion = jc.javaSerializationVersion(); if (jcVersion >= Message.JAVA_ENC_VERSION) { return Message.JAVA_ENC_VERSION; } else if (jcVersion > Message.CDR_ENC_VERSION) { return jc.javaSerializationVersion(); } else { // throw error? // Since encodingVersion is <= 0 (CDR_ENC_VERSION). } } } return Message.CDR_ENC_VERSION; // default }
public ServerSocket createServerSocket(String type, InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress) throws IOException { ServerSocketChannel serverSocketChannel = null; ServerSocket serverSocket = null; if (orb.getORBData().acceptorSocketType().equals(ORBConstants.SOCKETCHANNEL)) { serverSocketChannel = ServerSocketChannel.open(); serverSocket = serverSocketChannel.socket(); } else { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(); } serverSocket.bind(inetSocketAddress); return serverSocket; }
public Socket createSocket(String type, InetSocketAddress inetSocketAddress) throws IOException { SocketChannel socketChannel = null; Socket socket = null; if (orb.getORBData().connectionSocketType().equals(ORBConstants.SOCKETCHANNEL)) { socketChannel = SocketChannel.open(inetSocketAddress); socket = socketChannel.socket(); } else { socket = new Socket(inetSocketAddress.getHostName(), inetSocketAddress.getPort()); } // Disable Nagle's algorithm (i.e., always send immediately). socket.setTcpNoDelay(true); return socket; }