void receive(InputStream in, int byteCount) throws IOException {
      assert (!Thread.holdsLock(SpdyStream.this));

      if (byteCount == 0) {

      int pos;
      int limit;
      int firstNewByte;
      boolean finished;
      boolean flowControlError;
      synchronized (SpdyStream.this) {
        finished = this.finished;
        pos = this.pos;
        firstNewByte = this.limit;
        limit = this.limit;
        flowControlError = byteCount > buffer.length - available();

      // If the peer sends more data than we can handle, discard it and close the connection.
      if (flowControlError) {
        Util.skipByReading(in, byteCount);

      // Discard data received after the stream is finished. It's probably a benign race.
      if (finished) {
        Util.skipByReading(in, byteCount);

      // Fill the buffer without holding any locks. First fill [limit..buffer.length) if that
      // won't overwrite unread data. Then fill [limit..pos). We can't hold a lock, otherwise
      // writes will be blocked until reads complete.
      if (pos < limit) {
        int firstCopyCount = Math.min(byteCount, buffer.length - limit);
        Util.readFully(in, buffer, limit, firstCopyCount);
        limit += firstCopyCount;
        byteCount -= firstCopyCount;
        if (limit == buffer.length) {
          limit = 0;
      if (byteCount > 0) {
        Util.readFully(in, buffer, limit, byteCount);
        limit += byteCount;

      synchronized (SpdyStream.this) {
        // Update the new limit, and mark the position as readable if necessary.
        this.limit = limit;
        if (this.pos == -1) {
          this.pos = firstNewByte;