public void doGetAction() { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(actionId) && (currentAction == null || !currentAction.getId().equals(actionId))) { int id = Integer.parseInt(actionId); // TODO: this should be able to process generic actions. CommentUtils.getComment( getActivity(), new CommentGetListener() { @Override public void onError(SocializeException error) { countdown(); showError(getContext(), error); } @Override public void onGet(Comment entity) { ActionDetailLayoutView.this.currentAction = entity; content.setAction(entity); if (entity.getUser() != null) { doGetUserProfile(entity.getUser().getId(), entity); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userId)) { doGetUserProfile(Long.parseLong(userId), entity); } } }, id); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userId)) { doGetUserProfile(Long.parseLong(userId), null); } }
/** * Returns a simple one-line address based on city and country * * @param address * @return */ public String getSimpleLocation(Address address) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String locality = address.getLocality(); String countryName = address.getCountryName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(locality)) { builder.append(locality); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(countryName)) { builder.append(countryName); } return builder.toString(); }
protected void doGetUserProfile(SocializeAction action) { if (action != null && action.getUser() != null) { doGetUserProfile(action.getUser().getId(), action); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userId)) { doGetUserProfile(Long.parseLong(userId), action); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * @see com.socialize.networks.AbstractSocialNetworkSharer#doShare(, com.socialize.entity.Entity, com.socialize.entity.PropagationUrlSet, java.lang.String, com.socialize.networks.SocialNetworkListener, com.socialize.api.action.ActionType) */ @Override protected void doShare( Activity context, Entity entity, PropagationInfo urlSet, String comment, SocialNetworkListener listener, ActionType type) { Tweet tweet = new Tweet(); switch (type) { case SHARE: if (StringUtils.isEmpty(comment)) comment = "Shared " + entity.getDisplayName(); break; case LIKE: comment = "\u2764 likes " + entity.getDisplayName(); break; case VIEW: comment = "Viewed " + entity.getDisplayName(); break; } StringBuilder status = new StringBuilder(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(comment)) { status.append(entity.getDisplayName()); } else { status.append(comment); } status.append(", "); status.append(urlSet.getEntityUrl()); tweet.setText(status.toString()); UserSettings settings = UserUtils.getUserSettings(context); if (settings != null && settings.isLocationEnabled()) { tweet.setLocation(LocationUtils.getLastKnownLocation(context)); tweet.setShareLocation(true); } TwitterUtils.tweet(context, tweet, listener); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public boolean validateSessionAuthDataLegacy(SocializeSession loaded, AuthProviderData data) { if (data.getAuthProviderType().equals(AuthProviderType.SOCIALIZE)) { return true; } if (data.getAuthProviderType() != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getAppId3rdParty())) { AuthProviderType loadedAuthProviderType = loaded.getAuthProviderType(); String loadedAppId3rdParty = loaded.get3rdPartyAppId(); if (loadedAuthProviderType != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(loadedAppId3rdParty) && loadedAuthProviderType.equals(data.getAuthProviderType()) && loadedAppId3rdParty.equals(data.getAppId3rdParty())) { return true; } } return false; }
public void setUserDetails(User user, SocializeAction action) { String profilePicData = user.getSmallImageUri(); final ImageView userIcon = content.getProfilePicture(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(profilePicData)) { userIcon.getBackground().setAlpha(64); imageLoader.loadImageByUrl( profilePicData, new ImageLoadListener() { @Override public void onImageLoadFail(ImageLoadRequest request, Exception error) { Log.e(SocializeLogger.LOG_TAG, error.getMessage(), error); new Runnable() { public void run() { userIcon.setImageDrawable(defaultProfilePicture); userIcon.getBackground().setAlpha(255); } }); } @Override public void onImageLoad(ImageLoadRequest request, final SafeBitmapDrawable drawable) { // Must be run on UI thread new Runnable() { public void run() { drawable.setAlpha(255); userIcon.setImageDrawable(drawable); userIcon.getBackground().setAlpha(255); } }); } }); } else { userIcon.setImageDrawable(defaultProfilePicture); userIcon.getBackground().setAlpha(255); } content.getDisplayName().setText(user.getDisplayName()); content.loadUserActivity(user, action); }
@Override public void post( Activity parent, Entity entity, String message, PropagationInfo propInfo, SocialNetworkListener listener) { String caption = "Download the app now to join the conversation."; String linkName = appUtils.getAppName(); String link = propInfo.getAppUrl(); String appId = getSocialize().getConfig().getProperty(SocializeConfig.FACEBOOK_APP_ID); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(appId)) { post(parent, appId, linkName, message, link, caption, listener); } else { String msg = "Cannot post message to Facebook. No app id found. Make sure you specify in"; onError(parent, msg, new SocializeException(msg), listener); } }
@Override public void postPhoto( Activity parent, Share share, String comment, Uri photoUri, SocialNetworkListener listener) { PropagationInfoResponse propagationInfoResponse = share.getPropagationInfoResponse(); PropagationInfo propInfo = propagationInfoResponse.getPropagationInfo(ShareType.FACEBOOK); if (propInfo != null) { String link = propInfo.getAppUrl(); String appId = getSocialize().getConfig().getProperty(SocializeConfig.FACEBOOK_APP_ID); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(appId)) { postPhoto(parent, appId, link, comment, photoUri, listener); } else { String msg = "Cannot post message to Facebook. No app id found. Make sure you specify in"; onError(parent, msg, new SocializeException(msg), listener); } } else { String msg = "Cannot post message to Facebook. No propagation info found"; onError(parent, msg, new SocializeException(msg), listener); } }
private final String prepareEndpoint(String host, String endpoint, boolean secure) { endpoint = endpoint.trim(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(host)) { logger.warn("The session did not have a host configured, using the config"); host = config.getProperty(SocializeConfig.API_HOST); } if (host != null) { if (!host.startsWith("http")) { if (secure) { host = "https://" + host; } else { host = "http://" + host; } } if (!host.endsWith("/")) { if (!endpoint.startsWith("/")) { host += "/"; } } else if (endpoint.startsWith("/")) { endpoint = endpoint.substring(1, endpoint.length()); } endpoint = host + endpoint; } else { logger.error("Could not locate host property in session or config!"); } if (!endpoint.endsWith("/")) { endpoint += "/"; } return endpoint; }
private ListResult<T> doListTypeRequest( HttpUriRequest request, ActionType type, boolean isJSONResponse) throws SocializeException { List<T> results = null; List<ActionError> errors = null; HttpEntity entity = null; ListResult<T> result = null; if (!clientFactory.isDestroyed()) { try { HttpClient client = clientFactory.getClient(); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Request: " + request.getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestLine().getUri()); } HttpResponse response = executeRequest(client, request); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Response: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } entity = response.getEntity(); if (httpUtils.isHttpError(response)) { if (sessionPersister != null && httpUtils.isAuthError(response)) { sessionPersister.delete(context); } String msg = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); throw new SocializeApiError(httpUtils, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), msg); } else { result = new ListResult<T>(); if (isJSONResponse) { // Read the json just for logging String json = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("JSON Response: " + json); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(json)) { JSONObject object = jsonParser.parseObject(json); if (object.has(JSON_ATTR_ERRORS) && !object.isNull(JSON_ATTR_ERRORS)) { JSONArray errorList = object.getJSONArray(JSON_ATTR_ERRORS); int length = errorList.length(); errors = new ArrayList<ActionError>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = errorList.getJSONObject(i); ActionError error = errorFactory.fromJSON(jsonObject); errors.add(error); } result.setErrors(errors); } if (object.has(JSON_ATTR_ITEMS) && !object.isNull(JSON_ATTR_ITEMS)) { JSONArray list = object.getJSONArray(JSON_ATTR_ITEMS); int length = list.length(); results = new ArrayList<T>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { results.add(fromJSON(list.getJSONObject(i), type)); } result.setItems(results); } if (object.has(JSON_ATTR_COUNT) && !object.isNull(JSON_ATTR_COUNT)) { result.setTotalCount(object.getInt(JSON_ATTR_COUNT)); } } } } } catch (Throwable e) { throw SocializeException.wrap(e); } finally { closeEntity(entity); } return result; } else { if (logger != null) { logger.warn("Attempt to access HttpClientFactory that was already destroyed"); } return null; } }
@Override public SocializeSession authenticate( String endpoint, String key, String secret, AuthProviderData data, String uuid) throws SocializeException { try { SessionLock.lock(); WritableSession session = loadSession(endpoint, key, secret); if (session != null) { if (validateSession(session, data)) { return session; } else { session = setProviderCredentialsForUser(data, session); } } if (session == null) { session = sessionFactory.create(key, secret, data); } endpoint = prepareEndpoint(session, endpoint, true); if (!clientFactory.isDestroyed()) { HttpClient client = clientFactory.getClient(); HttpEntity entity = null; try { HttpUriRequest request = requestFactory.getAuthRequest(session, endpoint, uuid, data); if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calling authenticate endpoint for device [" + uuid + "]"); } HttpResponse response = executeRequest(client, request); entity = response.getEntity(); if (httpUtils.isHttpError(response)) { if (sessionPersister != null && httpUtils.isAuthError(response)) { sessionPersister.delete(context); } String msg = ioUtils.readSafe(entity.getContent()); throw new SocializeApiError(httpUtils, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), msg); } else { JSONObject json = jsonParser.parseObject(entity.getContent()); User user = userFactory.fromJSON(json.getJSONObject("user")); String oauth_token = json.getString("oauth_token"); String oauth_token_secret = json.getString("oauth_token_secret"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oauth_token)) { throw new SocializeException("oauth_token was empty in response from server"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oauth_token_secret)) { throw new SocializeException("oauth_token_secret was empty in response from server"); } session.setConsumerToken(oauth_token); session.setConsumerTokenSecret(oauth_token_secret); session.setUser(user); setProviderCredentialsForUser(data, session); // Ensure the user credentials match the user auth data returned from the server verifyProviderCredentialsForUser(session, user); saveSession(session); } } catch (Exception e) { throw SocializeException.wrap(e); } finally { closeEntity(entity); } } else { if (logger != null) { logger.warn("Attempt to access HttpClientFactory that was already destroyed"); } } return session; } finally { SessionLock.unlock(); } }