private Tab fullTextSearchTab(JcrExplorer jackrabbitExplorer) { Tab searchFullTextTab = new Tab(); searchFullTextTab.setTitle("Full Text Search"); final DynamicForm searchFullTextForm = new DynamicForm(); searchFullTextForm.setID("searchFullTextForm"); searchFullTextForm.setNumCols(3); searchFullTxt.setName("searchFullTxt"); searchFullTxt.setTitle("Full Text Search"); searchFullTxt.setWidth(250); searchFullTxt.setRequired(true); // RegExpValidator regExpValidator = new RegExpValidator(); // regExpValidator.setExpression("^[\\w\\d\\_\\.]{1,}$"); // searchFullTxt.setValidateOnChange(true); // searchFullTxt.setValidators(regExpValidator); SubmitItem searchFullTextSubmitItem = new SubmitItem("searchFullTextSubmitItem"); searchFullTextSubmitItem.setTitle("Search"); searchFullTextSubmitItem.setWidth(100); class SearchFullTextSubmitValuesHandler implements SubmitValuesHandler { private JcrExplorer jackrabbitExplorer; public SearchFullTextSubmitValuesHandler(JcrExplorer jackrabbitExplorer) { this.jackrabbitExplorer = jackrabbitExplorer; } public void onSubmitValues( event) { if (searchFullTextForm.validate()) { JcrExplorer.showLoadingImg(); JcrExplorer.service.fullTextSearch( searchFullTxt.getValue().toString(), new SearchServiceCallback(jackrabbitExplorer)); } } }; searchFullTextForm.addSubmitValuesHandler( new SearchFullTextSubmitValuesHandler(jackrabbitExplorer)); searchFullTextForm.setSaveOnEnter(true); searchFullTxt.setStartRow(true); searchFullTxt.setEndRow(false); searchFullTextSubmitItem.setStartRow(false); searchFullTextSubmitItem.setEndRow(true); searchFullTextForm.setItems(searchFullTxt, searchFullTextSubmitItem); searchFullTextTab.setPane(searchFullTextForm); return searchFullTextTab; }
private Tab xpathSearchTab(JcrExplorer jackrabbitExplorer) { Tab searchXpathTab = new Tab(); searchXpathTab.setTitle("Xpath Search"); final DynamicForm searchXpathForm = new DynamicForm(); searchXpathForm.setID("searchXpathForm"); searchXpathForm.setNumCols(3); searchXpathTxt.setName("searchXpathTxt"); searchXpathTxt.setTitle("Xpath Search"); searchXpathTxt.setWidth(250); searchXpathTxt.setRequired(true); SubmitItem searchXpathSubmitItem = new SubmitItem("searchXpathSubmitItem"); searchXpathSubmitItem.setTitle("Search"); searchXpathSubmitItem.setWidth(100); class SearchXpathSubmitValuesHandler implements SubmitValuesHandler { private JcrExplorer jackrabbitExplorer; public SearchXpathSubmitValuesHandler(JcrExplorer jackrabbitExplorer) { this.jackrabbitExplorer = jackrabbitExplorer; } public void onSubmitValues( event) { if (searchXpathForm.validate()) { JcrExplorer.showLoadingImg(); JcrExplorer.service.xpathSearch( searchXpathTxt.getValue().toString(), new SearchServiceCallback(jackrabbitExplorer)); } } }; searchXpathForm.addSubmitValuesHandler(new SearchXpathSubmitValuesHandler(jackrabbitExplorer)); searchXpathForm.setSaveOnEnter(true); searchXpathTxt.setStartRow(true); searchXpathTxt.setEndRow(false); searchXpathSubmitItem.setStartRow(false); searchXpathSubmitItem.setEndRow(true); searchXpathForm.setItems(searchXpathTxt, searchXpathSubmitItem); searchXpathTab.setPane(searchXpathForm); return searchXpathTab; }
// Submit button on Completion Variables pop-up protected void submit(Map<String, String> map, boolean assign) { String varString = "", outcomeString = ""; if (map.get("Choose") != null) { outcomeString = "?outcome=" + map.get("Choose"); } else if (map.get("mustChoose") != null) { SC.say("Please choose one of the available options before submitting."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String key = map.get("key" + i), value = map.get("value" + i); if (key != null && !key.equals("Note Name")) { // key = BpmServiceMain.xmlEncode(key); if (value == null || value == "Note or URL") { SC.say("The name for note #" + (i + 1) + " is filled in, but there is no value"); return; } // value = BpmServiceMain.xmlEncode(value); varString += "&var=" + BpmServiceMain.urlEncode(key + ":" + value); } else if ((key == null || key.equals("Note Name")) && (value != null && !value.equals("Note or URL"))) { SC.say("The value for note #" + (i + 1) + " is filled in, but there is no name"); return; } } if (outcomeString.equals("")) varString = varString.replaceFirst("&", "?"); final String tempString = map.get("taskID") + outcomeString + varString; if (assign) { submitItem.disable(); BpmServiceMain.sendPostNoLocation( "/tasks/active/" + map.get("taskID") + "?assignee=" + BpmServiceMain.getUser(), new AsyncCallback<Void>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { SC.say( "Error. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet, that the server is currently online, and that the task was not already assigned."); submitItem.enable(); } public void onSuccess(Void arg0) { BpmServiceMain.sendDelete( "/tasks/active/" + tempString, true, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { SC.say( "Error. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet, that the server is currently online, and that the task was not already completed."); confirm.destroy(); updateTasks(); } public void onSuccess(Void arg0) { confirm.destroy(); updateTasks(); } }); } }); } else { BpmServiceMain.sendDelete( "/tasks/active/" + tempString, true, new AsyncCallback<Void>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { SC.say( "Error. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet, that the server is currently online, and that the task was not already completed."); } public void onSuccess(Void arg0) { confirm.destroy(); updateTasks(); } }); } }