     aliases = {"/flip"},
     usage = "[<direction>]",
     desc = "Flip the contents of the clipboard",
     help = "Flips the contents of the clipboard across the point from which the copy was made.\n",
     min = 0,
     max = 1)
 public void flip(
     Player player,
     LocalSession session,
     EditSession editSession,
     @Optional(Direction.AIM) @Direction Vector direction)
     throws WorldEditException {
   ClipboardHolder holder = session.getClipboard();
   Clipboard clipboard = holder.getClipboard();
   AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
   transform = transform.scale(direction.positive().multiply(-2).add(1, 1, 1));
   player.print("The clipboard copy has been flipped.");
 public Vector positive() {
   return wrap(m_parent.positive());