public boolean actSecondary( ServerInterface server, LocalConfiguration config, LocalPlayer player, LocalSession session, WorldVector clicked) { LocalWorld world = clicked.getWorld(); EditSession editSession = WorldEdit.getInstance().getEditSessionFactory().getEditSession(world, -1, player); targetBlock = (editSession).getBlock(clicked); BlockType type = BlockType.fromID(targetBlock.getType()); if (type != null) { player.print("Replacer tool switched to: " + type.getName()); } return true; }
@Command( aliases = {"/removenear", "removenear"}, usage = "<block> [size]", desc = "Remove blocks near you.", min = 1, max = 2) @CommandPermissions("worldedit.removenear") @Logging(PLACEMENT) public void removeNear( CommandContext args, LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession) throws WorldEditException { BaseBlock block = we.getBlock(player, args.getString(0), true); int size = Math.max(1, args.getInteger(1, 50)); we.checkMaxRadius(size); int affected = editSession.removeNear(session.getPlacementPosition(player), block.getType(), size); player.print(affected + " block(s) have been removed."); }
@Override public boolean setBlock(Vector location, BaseBlock block) throws WorldEditException { int id = block.getType(); switch (id) { case 54: case 130: case 142: case 27: case 137: case 52: case 154: case 84: case 25: case 144: case 138: case 176: case 177: case 63: case 68: case 323: case 117: case 116: case 28: case 66: case 157: case 61: case 62: case 140: case 146: case 149: case 150: case 158: case 23: case 123: case 124: case 29: case 33: case 151: case 178: { if (this.BSblocked) { return false; } this.BScount++; if (this.BScount > Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR_MAX_BLOCKSTATES) { this.BSblocked = true; PS.debug( "&cPlotSquared detected unsafe WorldEdit: " + location.getBlockX() + "," + location.getBlockZ()); } if (WEManager.maskContains( this.mask, location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ())) { if (this.count++ > this.max) { if (this.parent != null) { try { Field field = AbstractDelegateExtent.class.getDeclaredField("extent"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(this.parent, new com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.NullExtent()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.parent = null; } return false; } return super.setBlock(location, block); } break; } default: { int x = location.getBlockX(); int y = location.getBlockY(); int z = location.getBlockZ(); if (WEManager.maskContains( this.mask, location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ())) { if (this.count++ > this.max) { if (this.parent != null) { try { Field field = AbstractDelegateExtent.class.getDeclaredField("extent"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(this.parent, new com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.NullExtent()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.parent = null; } return false; } switch (id) { case 0: case 2: case 4: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 24: case 25: case 30: case 32: case 37: case 39: case 40: case 41: case 42: case 45: case 46: case 47: case 48: case 49: case 51: case 52: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 58: case 60: case 61: case 62: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 73: case 74: case 78: case 79: case 80: case 81: case 82: case 83: case 84: case 85: case 87: case 88: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 110: case 112: case 113: case 117: case 121: case 122: case 123: case 124: case 129: case 133: case 138: case 137: case 140: case 165: case 166: case 169: case 170: case 172: case 173: case 174: case 176: case 177: case 181: case 182: case 188: case 189: case 190: case 191: case 192: { if (Settings.EXPERIMENTAL_FAST_ASYNC_WORLDEDIT) { SetQueue.IMP.setBlock(, x, y, z, id); } else { super.setBlock(location, block); } break; } default: { if (Settings.EXPERIMENTAL_FAST_ASYNC_WORLDEDIT) { SetQueue.IMP.setBlock(, x, y, z, new PlotBlock((short) id, (byte) block.getData())); } else { super.setBlock(location, block); } break; } } return true; } } } return false; }
@Override public void save(CuboidClipboard clipboard, File file) throws IOException, DataException { int width = clipboard.getWidth(); int height = clipboard.getHeight(); int length = clipboard.getLength(); if (width > MAX_SIZE) { throw new DataException("Width of region too large for a .schematic"); } if (height > MAX_SIZE) { throw new DataException("Height of region too large for a .schematic"); } if (length > MAX_SIZE) { throw new DataException("Length of region too large for a .schematic"); } HashMap<String, Tag> schematic = new HashMap<String, Tag>(); schematic.put("Width", new ShortTag((short) width)); schematic.put("Length", new ShortTag((short) length)); schematic.put("Height", new ShortTag((short) height)); schematic.put("Materials", new StringTag("Alpha")); schematic.put("WEOriginX", new IntTag(clipboard.getOrigin().getBlockX())); schematic.put("WEOriginY", new IntTag(clipboard.getOrigin().getBlockY())); schematic.put("WEOriginZ", new IntTag(clipboard.getOrigin().getBlockZ())); schematic.put("WEOffsetX", new IntTag(clipboard.getOffset().getBlockX())); schematic.put("WEOffsetY", new IntTag(clipboard.getOffset().getBlockY())); schematic.put("WEOffsetZ", new IntTag(clipboard.getOffset().getBlockZ())); // Copy byte[] blocks = new byte[width * height * length]; byte[] addBlocks = null; byte[] blockData = new byte[width * height * length]; ArrayList<Tag> tileEntities = new ArrayList<Tag>(); for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int z = 0; z < length; ++z) { int index = y * width * length + z * width + x; BaseBlock block = clipboard.getPoint(new BlockVector(x, y, z)); // Save 4096 IDs in an AddBlocks section if (block.getType() > 255) { if (addBlocks == null) { // Lazily create section addBlocks = new byte[(blocks.length >> 1) + 1]; } addBlocks[index >> 1] = (byte) (((index & 1) == 0) ? addBlocks[index >> 1] & 0xF0 | (block.getType() >> 8) & 0xF : addBlocks[index >> 1] & 0xF | ((block.getType() >> 8) & 0xF) << 4); } blocks[index] = (byte) block.getType(); blockData[index] = (byte) block.getData(); // Get the list of key/values from the block CompoundTag rawTag = block.getNbtData(); if (rawTag != null) { Map<String, Tag> values = new HashMap<String, Tag>(); for (Entry<String, Tag> entry : rawTag.getValue().entrySet()) { values.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } values.put("id", new StringTag(block.getNbtId())); values.put("x", new IntTag(x)); values.put("y", new IntTag(y)); values.put("z", new IntTag(z)); CompoundTag tileEntityTag = new CompoundTag(values); tileEntities.add(tileEntityTag); } } } } schematic.put("Blocks", new ByteArrayTag(blocks)); schematic.put("Data", new ByteArrayTag(blockData)); schematic.put("Entities", new ListTag(CompoundTag.class, new ArrayList<Tag>())); schematic.put("TileEntities", new ListTag(CompoundTag.class, tileEntities)); if (addBlocks != null) { schematic.put("AddBlocks", new ByteArrayTag(addBlocks)); } // Build and output CompoundTag schematicTag = new CompoundTag(schematic); NBTOutputStream stream = new NBTOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))); stream.writeNamedTag("Schematic", schematicTag); stream.close(); }