public void cancelRelaCom() { LEDBankComRelaSchema tBankComRelaSchema = new LEDBankComRelaSchema(); tBankComRelaSchema.setBankCode(this.getBankCode()); tBankComRelaSchema.setComCode(this.getComCode()); tBankComRelaSchema.setPayFlag(this.getPayFlag()); LEDBankComRelaDB tBankComRelaDB = new LEDBankComRelaDB(); tBankComRelaDB.setSchema(tBankComRelaSchema); LEDBankComRelaSet tBankComRelaSet = tBankComRelaDB.query(); if (tBankComRelaSet.size() < 1) { this.setOperateCode("cancelRelaCom_Fail010"); this.operateNotice = ECPubFun.getDisplayString(valiConfig.getBundle(), this.operateCode, null); return; } MMap map = new MMap(); map.put(tBankComRelaSchema, "DELETE"); mVData.clear(); mVData.add(map); PubSubmit pubSubmit = new PubSubmit(); if (!pubSubmit.submitData(mVData, "delete")) { this.setOperateCode("cancelRelaCom_Fail020"); this.operateNotice = ECPubFun.getDisplayString(valiConfig.getBundle(), this.operateCode, null); return; } else { this.setOperateCode("cancelRelaCom_Succ010"); this.operateNotice = ECPubFun.getDisplayString(valiConfig.getBundle(), this.operateCode, null); queryComInfo(); return; } }
private void queryComInfo() { String bankCode = this.getBankCode(); ExeSQL exeSQL = new ExeSQL(); comInfoList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String relaComSQL = "select com.comCode,com.outComCode,com.Name,,com.SatrapName," + " (select a.codename from ledcode a where a.codetype='provience' and a.code=com.Province),(select a.codename from ledcode a where a.codetype='city' and a.code=com.City),'R'" + " from ledCom com where exists(select 1 from LEDBankComRela rela where rela.bankCode='" + bankCode + "' and rela.comCode=com.comCode)"; String notRelaComSQL = " union all select com.comCode,com.outComCode,com.Name,,com.SatrapName," + " (select a.codename from ledcode a where a.codetype='provience' and a.code=com.Province),(select a.codename from ledcode a where a.codetype='city' and a.code=com.City),'C'" + " from ledCom com where not exists(select 1 from LEDBankComRela rela where rela.bankCode='" + bankCode + "' and rela.comCode=com.comCode)"; String comSQL = relaComSQL + notRelaComSQL + " order by 1"; SSRS tSSRS = exeSQL.execSQL(comSQL); if (tSSRS == null) { this.setOperateCode("queryComInfo_Fail010"); this.operateNotice = ECPubFun.getDisplayString(valiConfig.getBundle(), this.operateCode, null); return; } for (int i = 1; i <= tSSRS.MaxRow; i++) { String[] tComInfo = new String[tSSRS.MaxCol + 2]; for (int j = 1; j < tSSRS.MaxCol; j++) { tComInfo[j - 1] = tSSRS.GetText(i, j); } String flag = tSSRS.GetText(i, tSSRS.MaxCol); if ("R".equals(flag)) { tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol - 1] = "已关联"; tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol] = ""; tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol + 1] = "取消关联"; } else if ("C".equals(flag)) { tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol - 1] = "未关联"; tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol] = "关联"; tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol + 1] = ""; } else { tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol - 1] = ""; tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol] = ""; tComInfo[tSSRS.MaxCol + 1] = ""; } this.setComInfo(tComInfo); comInfoList.add(tComInfo); } }