private void readSoapEnvelopeEnd(XmlInputStream xin) throws IOException, ConnectionException { xin.nextTag(); typeMapper.verifyTag(Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NS, "Body", xin.getNamespace(), xin.getName()); xin.nextTag(); typeMapper.verifyTag(Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NS, "Envelope", xin.getNamespace(), xin.getName()); }
private XMLizable bind(XmlInputStream xin, QName responseElement, Class responseType) throws IOException, ConnectionException { readSoapEnvelopeStart(xin); xin.peekTag(); typeMapper.verifyTag( responseElement.getNamespaceURI(), responseElement.getLocalPart(), xin.getNamespace(), xin.getName()); // todo: change responseElement to typeInfo. TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo( responseElement.getNamespaceURI(), responseElement.getLocalPart(), null, null, 1, 1, true); XMLizable result = (XMLizable) typeMapper.readObject(xin, info, responseType); readSoapEnvelopeEnd(xin); return result; }
private void readSoapHeader(XmlInputStream xin) throws IOException, ConnectionException { while (!headerEndTag(xin)) { xin.peekTag(); if (xin.getEventType() == XmlInputStream.START_TAG) { QName tag = new QName(xin.getNamespace(), xin.getName()); Class headerType = (knownHeaders != null) ? knownHeaders.get(tag) : null; if (headerType != null) { TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo(xin.getNamespace(), xin.getName(), null, null, 1, 1, true); XMLizable result = (XMLizable) typeMapper.readObject(xin, info, headerType); if (connection != null) { setHeader(tag, headerType, result); } } else { throw new ConnectionException("Unrecognized header: " + tag.toString()); } } }; }
private ConnectionException createException(XmlInputStream xin) throws IOException, ConnectionException { readSoapEnvelopeStart(xin); xin.nextTag(); typeMapper.verifyTag(Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NS, "Fault", xin.getNamespace(), xin.getName()); xin.nextTag(); if (!"faultcode".equals(xin.getName())) { throw new ConnectionException("Unable to find 'faultcode' in SOAP:Fault"); } String faultCodeStr = xin.nextText(); String prefix = TypeMapper.getPrefix(faultCodeStr); String name = TypeMapper.getType(faultCodeStr); String namespace = xin.getNamespace(prefix); QName faultCode = new QName(namespace, name); xin.nextTag(); if (!"faultstring".equals(xin.getName())) { throw new ConnectionException("Unable to find 'faultstring' in SOAP:Fault"); } String faultstring = xin.nextText(); ConnectionException e; xin.peekTag(); if ("detail".equals(xin.getName())) { e = parseDetail(xin, faultCode, faultstring); } else { e = new SoapFaultException(faultCode, faultstring); } xin.nextTag(); typeMapper.verifyTag(Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NS, "Fault", xin.getNamespace(), xin.getName()); readSoapEnvelopeEnd(xin); return e; }
private ConnectionException parseDetail(XmlInputStream xin, QName faultCode, String faultstring) throws IOException, ConnectionException { ConnectionException e; xin.nextTag(); // consume <detail> xin.peekTag(); // move to the body of <detail> if (xin.getEventType() == XmlInputStream.END_TAG) { // check for empty detail element throw new SoapFaultException(faultCode, faultstring); } TypeInfo info = new TypeInfo(null, null, null, null, 1, 1, true); try { e = (ConnectionException) typeMapper.readObject(xin, info, ConnectionException.class); if (e instanceof SoapFaultException) { ((SoapFaultException) e).setFaultCode(faultCode); if (faultstring != null && (faultstring.contains("Session timed out") || faultstring.contains("Session not found") || faultstring.contains("Illegal Session")) && "INVALID_SESSION_ID".equals(faultCode.getLocalPart())) { e = new SessionTimedOutException(faultstring, e); } } } catch (ConnectionException ce) { throw new ConnectionException( "Failed to parse detail: " + xin + " due to: " + ce, ce.getCause()); } xin.nextTag(); // consume </detail> if (!"detail".equals(xin.getName())) { throw new ConnectionException("Failed to find </detail>"); } return e; }
private boolean isHeader(XmlInputStream xin) { return Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NS.equals(xin.getNamespace()) && "Header".equals(xin.getName()); }