private static String createEntryKey( final EntityInfoAggregator entityInfo, final Map<String, Object> data) throws EntityProviderException { final List<EntityPropertyInfo> keyPropertyInfos = entityInfo.getKeyPropertyInfos(); StringBuilder keys = new StringBuilder(); for (final EntityPropertyInfo keyPropertyInfo : keyPropertyInfos) { if (keys.length() > 0) { keys.append(','); } final String name = keyPropertyInfo.getName(); if (keyPropertyInfos.size() > 1) { keys.append(Encoder.encode(name)).append('='); } final EdmSimpleType type = (EdmSimpleType) keyPropertyInfo.getType(); try { keys.append( Encoder.encode( type.valueToString( data.get(name), EdmLiteralKind.URI, keyPropertyInfo.getFacets()))); } catch (final EdmSimpleTypeException e) { throw new EntityProviderException(EntityProviderException.COMMON, e); } } return keys.toString(); }
private void appendAtomMandatoryParts( final XMLStreamWriter writer, final EntityInfoAggregator eia, final Map<String, Object> data) throws EntityProviderException { try { writer.writeStartElement(FormatXml.ATOM_ID); location = properties.getServiceRoot().toASCIIString() + createSelfLink(eia, data, null); writer.writeCharacters(location); writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeStartElement(FormatXml.ATOM_TITLE); writer.writeAttribute(FormatXml.ATOM_TYPE, FormatXml.ATOM_TEXT); EntityPropertyInfo titleInfo = eia.getTargetPathInfo(EdmTargetPath.SYNDICATION_TITLE); if (titleInfo != null) { EdmSimpleType st = (EdmSimpleType) titleInfo.getType(); Object object = data.get(titleInfo.getName()); String title = st.valueToString(object, EdmLiteralKind.DEFAULT, titleInfo.getFacets()); if (title != null) { writer.writeCharacters(title); } } else { writer.writeCharacters(eia.getEntitySetName()); } writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeStartElement(FormatXml.ATOM_UPDATED); writer.writeCharacters(getUpdatedString(eia, data)); writer.writeEndElement(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new EntityProviderException(EntityProviderException.COMMON, e); } catch (EdmSimpleTypeException e) { throw new EntityProviderException(EntityProviderException.COMMON, e); } }
protected static void appendPropertyValue( final JsonStreamWriter jsonStreamWriter, final EntityPropertyInfo propertyInfo, final Object value) throws IOException, EdmException, EntityProviderException { if (propertyInfo.isComplex()) { if (value == null || value instanceof Map<?, ?>) { jsonStreamWriter.beginObject(); appendPropertyMetadata(jsonStreamWriter, propertyInfo.getType()); for (final EntityPropertyInfo childPropertyInfo : ((EntityComplexPropertyInfo) propertyInfo).getPropertyInfos()) { jsonStreamWriter.separator(); final String name = childPropertyInfo.getName();; appendPropertyValue( jsonStreamWriter, childPropertyInfo, value == null ? null : ((Map<?, ?>) value).get(name)); } jsonStreamWriter.endObject(); } else { throw new EntityProviderException( EntityProviderException.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT.addContent( "A complex property must have a Map as data")); } } else { final EdmSimpleType type = (EdmSimpleType) propertyInfo.getType(); final Object contentValue = value instanceof Map ? ((Map<?, ?>) value).get(propertyInfo.getName()) : value; final String valueAsString = type.valueToString(contentValue, EdmLiteralKind.JSON, propertyInfo.getFacets()); switch (EdmSimpleTypeKind.valueOf(type.getName())) { case String: jsonStreamWriter.stringValue(valueAsString); break; case Boolean: case Byte: case SByte: case Int16: case Int32: jsonStreamWriter.unquotedValue(valueAsString); break; case DateTime: case DateTimeOffset: // Although JSON escaping is (and should be) done in the JSON // serializer, we backslash-escape the forward slash here explicitly // because it is not required to escape it in JSON but in OData. jsonStreamWriter.stringValueRaw( valueAsString == null ? null : valueAsString.replace("/", "\\/")); break; default: jsonStreamWriter.stringValueRaw(valueAsString); break; } } }
private String getTargetPathValue( final EntityInfoAggregator eia, final String targetPath, final Map<String, Object> data) throws EntityProviderException { try { EntityPropertyInfo info = eia.getTargetPathInfo(targetPath); if (info != null) { EdmSimpleType type = (EdmSimpleType) info.getType(); Object value = data.get(info.getName()); return type.valueToString(value, EdmLiteralKind.DEFAULT, info.getFacets()); } return null; } catch (EdmSimpleTypeException e) { throw new EntityProviderException(EntityProviderException.COMMON, e); } }
protected static String createETag(final EntityInfoAggregator eia, final Map<String, Object> data) throws EntityProviderException { try { String etag = null; Collection<EntityPropertyInfo> propertyInfos = eia.getETagPropertyInfos(); for (EntityPropertyInfo propertyInfo : propertyInfos) { EdmType edmType = propertyInfo.getType(); if (edmType instanceof EdmSimpleType) { EdmSimpleType edmSimpleType = (EdmSimpleType) edmType; if (etag == null) { etag = edmSimpleType.valueToString( data.get(propertyInfo.getName()), EdmLiteralKind.DEFAULT, propertyInfo.getFacets()); } else { etag = etag + Edm.DELIMITER + edmSimpleType.valueToString( data.get(propertyInfo.getName()), EdmLiteralKind.DEFAULT, propertyInfo.getFacets()); } } } if (etag != null) { etag = "W/\"" + etag + "\""; } return etag; } catch (EdmSimpleTypeException e) { throw new EntityProviderException(EntityProviderException.COMMON, e); } }