static { INTERFACES = new Vector(); INTERFACES.addElement("SubmitListener"); INTERFACES.addElement("PageListener"); }
private static void addListeners(PrintWriter pw) { // add SubmitListener if (INTERFACES.contains("SubmitListener")) { println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the given submit event"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the submit event to be processed"); println(pw, " * @return true to continue processing events, false to stop processing events"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public boolean submitPerformed(SubmitEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + ") {"); println(pw, TAB + "return true;"); println(pw, "}"); } // Add PageListener if (INTERFACES.contains("PageListener")) { println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the page requested event"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the page event to be processed"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public void pageRequested(PageEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + ") {"); println(pw, "}"); println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the page request end event"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the page event to be processed"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public void pageRequestEnd(PageEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + ") {"); println(pw, "}"); println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the page submit end event"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the page event to be processed"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public void pageSubmitEnd(PageEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + ") {"); println(pw, "}"); println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the page submit event"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the page event to be processed"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public void pageSubmitted(PageEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + "){"); println(pw, "}"); } // add ValueChangeListener if (INTERFACES.contains("ValueChangedListener")) { println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the value change event"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the event to be processed"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @return true to continue processing events, false to stop processing events"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public boolean valueChanged(ValueChangedEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + "){"); println(pw, TAB + "return true;"); println(pw, "}"); } // add TreeListener if (INTERFACES.contains("TreeListener")) { println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the item contracted event"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the event to be processed"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public void itemContracted(TreeExpandContractEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + "){"); println(pw, "}"); println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the item expanded event"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the event to be processed"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "public void itemExpanded(TreeExpandContractEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + ")"); println(pw, "{"); println(pw, "}"); } // FileUploadListener if (INTERFACES.contains("FileUploadListener")) { println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the file upload event"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the event to be processed"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "void fileUploaded(FileUploadEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + "){"); println(pw, "}"); } // Calendar Listener if (INTERFACES.contains("CalendarListener")) { println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the calendar date selection event"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the event to be processed"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "void dateSelected(CalendarDateSelectedEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + "){"); println(pw, "}"); println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * Process the month change event"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @param " + EVENT_PARAMETER + " the event to be processed"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " * @return true to continue processing events, false to stop processing events"); println(pw, " *"); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, "boolean monthChanged(CalendarMonthChangeEvent " + EVENT_PARAMETER + "){"); println(pw, TAB + "return true;"); println(pw, "}"); } }
/** Generates a stub controller for a view. */ public static void generateCode( p, Hashtable hashFields, JspController cont, String controllerName) { try { PrintWriter pw = p; println(pw, "<BR>"); println(pw, ""); String cName = controllerName; String packageName = ""; if (cName == null || cName.equals("") || cName.equals("com.salmonllc.jsp.JspController")) cName = "GeneratedController"; int pos = cName.lastIndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) { packageName = cName.substring(0, pos); cName = cName.substring(pos + 1); } // create the package statement println(pw, "//package statement"); if (packageName != null) println(pw, PACKAGE + SPACE + packageName + ";"); // create some standard import statements println(pw, ""); println(pw, "//Salmon import statements"); println(pw, IMPORT + SPACE + "com.salmonllc.jsp.*;"); println(pw, IMPORT + SPACE + "*;"); println(pw, ""); println(pw, ""); // Start the Class definition println(pw, "/**"); println(pw, " * " + cName + ": a SOFIA generated controller"); println(pw, " */"); pw.print(CLASSDEF + SPACE + cName + SPACE); pw.print(EXTENDS + SPACE + BASECLASS + SPACE); if (INTERFACES != null && INTERFACES.size() > 0) { pw.print(IMPLEMENTS + SPACE); pw.print(INTERFACES.elementAt(0)); for (int i = 1; i < INTERFACES.size(); i++) { pw.print(COMMA + SPACE); pw.print(INTERFACES.elementAt(i)); } } println(pw, " {"); // Add the variables cont.printVars(pw); // add the Initialize Method println(pw, SPACE); println(pw, "/**"); println( pw, " * Initialize the page. Set up listeners and perform other initialization activities."); println(pw, " */"); println(pw, INITMETHOD + "{"); // For Page Listeners if (INTERFACES.contains(new String("PageListener"))) println(pw, TAB + "addPageListener(this);"); if (hashFields != null) { Enumeration en = hashFields.keys(); while (en.hasMoreElements() && INTERFACES != null) { String key = (String) en.nextElement(); Object obj = hashFields.get(key); // For Buttons if (INTERFACES.contains(new String("SubmitListener"))) { if (obj instanceof com.salmonllc.html.HtmlSubmitButton || obj instanceof com.salmonllc.html.HtmlSubmitImage) println(pw, TAB + computeFieldName(key) + ".addSubmitListener(this);"); } // For Value Change Listeners if (INTERFACES.contains(new String("ValueChangedListener"))) { if (obj instanceof com.salmonllc.html.HtmlCheckBox || obj instanceof com.salmonllc.html.HtmlRadioButton || obj instanceof com.salmonllc.html.HtmlDropDownList) println(pw, TAB + computeFieldName(key) + ".addValueChangeListener(this);"); } // For Tree Listeners if (INTERFACES.contains(new String("TreeListener"))) { if (obj instanceof com.salmonllc.html.HtmlTreeControl) println(pw, TAB + computeFieldName(key) + ".addTreeListener(this);"); } } // while loop } // hashatable not null println(pw, "}"); // add the listeners addListeners(pw); // End the class definition println(pw, ""); println(pw, "}"); pw.flush(); } catch ( e) { System.out.println("Cannot create Java File."); e.printStackTrace(); } }