  * 根据userName 和 site 判断用户是否存在
  * @param userName
  * @param site
  * @return
 public AcountEntity getByUserNameAndType(String userName, String site) {
   return acountDao.getByUserNameAndType(userName, site);
  * 创建用户是否成功
  * @param acount
  * @return
 public boolean createAcount(AcountEntity acount) {
   return acountDao.add(acount);
 * 杂项模块,包括其他模块不适合的所有信息,比如登录
 * @author Dream.xie
public class CommonModule extends NormalModule {
  /** 帐号DAO */
  private AcountDao acountDao = AcountDao.getInstance();

   * 根据userName 和 site 判断用户是否存在
   * @param userName
   * @param site
   * @return
  public AcountEntity getByUserNameAndType(String userName, String site) {
    return acountDao.getByUserNameAndType(userName, site);

   * 创建用户是否成功
   * @param acount
   * @return
  public boolean createAcount(AcountEntity acount) {
    return acountDao.add(acount);

   * 登陆或者创建用户
   * @param userName
   * @param site
   * @param conn TODO
   * @return TODO
  public boolean loginOrCreateAccount(String userName, String site, Connection conn) {

    //        AcountDaoImpl dao = new AcountDaoImpl(DBHelper.createDBHelper(DBHelperType.GAME));
    //        Acount acount = dao.getByUserNameAndType(userName, site);
    //        if (acount != null) {
    //            conn.setId(acount.getPlayerID());
    //            return true;
    //        }
    //        /**
    //         *
    //         * 对应数据库数据
    //        String sql = "select * from t_g_acount where `USER_NAME_`=? and `SITE_`=?";
    //        DBParamWrapper params = new DBParamWrapper();
    //        params.put(Types.VARCHAR, userName);
    //        params.put(Types.VARCHAR, site);
    //        Acount acount = query(sql, params);
    //        return acount;
    //         */
    //        acount = new Acount();
    //        acount.setOnLine(1);
    //        acount.setLastLoginTime(new Date());
    //        acount.setCreateTime(new Date());
    //        acount.setLastLoginTime(new Date());
    //        acount.setSite(site);
    //        acount.setType(1);
    //        acount.setUserName(userName);
    //        acount.setAdType("");
    //        if (!dao.add(acount)) {
    //            LogUtil.error("创建账户失败");
    //            this.sendCommonMessage(0, this.getResource("createAcountError"), conn);
    //            //创建角色不成功的话,关闭连接
    //            conn.closeConnection();
    //            return false;
    //        }
    //        acount = dao.getByUserNameAndType(acount.getUserName(), acount.getSite());
    //        if (acount == null) {
    //            this.sendCommonMessage(0, this.getResource("getAcountError"), conn);
    //            //创建角色不成功的话,关闭连接
    //            conn.closeConnection();
    //            LogUtil.error("创建账户成功,之后获取用户失败");
    //            return false;
    //        }
    //        //是否有已经在线了
    //        Connection oldPlayer =
    // GameServer.getInstance().getSocketManager().getConnection(conn);
    //        if (oldPlayer != null) {
    //            this.sendCommonMessage(1, this.getResource("kickYouDown"), oldPlayer);
    //            oldPlayer.closeConnection();
    //        }
    //        acount.setLastLoginTime(new Date());
    //        conn.setState(State.CONNECTED);
    //        GameServer.getInstance().getSocketManager().addNewConnection(conn);
    //        /**if (!dao.addAndGet(acount))  {
    //               boolean result = false;
    //        String sql = "insert into t_g_acount(`ID_`,`USER_NAME_`,`SITE_`,`ON_LINE_`,"
    //                        + "`BAN_LOGIN_END_TIME_`,`BAN_CHAT_END_TIME_`,`TYPE_`,"
    //                        + "`AD_TYPE_`,`CREATE_TIME_`,`LAST_LOGIN_TIME_`)
    // values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);";
    //        DBParamWrapper params = new DBParamWrapper();
    //        params.put(Types.BIGINT, acount.getPlayerID());
    //        params.put(Types.VARCHAR, acount.getUserName());
    //        params.put(Types.VARCHAR, acount.getSite());
    //        params.put(Types.TINYINT, acount.getOnLine());
    //        params.put(Types.TIMESTAMP, acount.getBanLoginEndTime());
    //        params.put(Types.TIMESTAMP, acount.getBanChatEndTime());
    //        params.put(Types.TINYINT, acount.getType());
    //        params.put(Types.VARCHAR, acount.getAdType());
    //        params.put(Types.TIMESTAMP, acount.getCreateTime());
    //        params.put(Types.TIMESTAMP, acount.getLastLoginTime());
    //        result = getDBHelper().execNoneQuery(sql, params) > -1 ;
    //        if (!result) {
    //            return false;
    //        }
    //        String querySql = "select ID_ from t_g_acount where USER_NAME_=? and SITE_=?";
    //        DBParamWrapper queryParams = new DBParamWrapper();
    //        queryParams.put(Types.VARCHAR, acount.getUserName());
    //        queryParams.put(Types.VARCHAR, acount.getSite());
    //        Long id = getDBHelper().executeQuery(querySql, queryParams, new DataReader<Long>() {
    //            @Override
    //            public Long readData(ResultSet rs, Object... objects) throws Exception {
    //                return rs.getLong("ID_");
    //            }
    //        });
    //        acount.setPlayerID(id);
    //        return true;
    //            return null;
    //        }*/
    //        this.sendLoginSuccess(conn.getId(), conn);
    //        return true;
    return true;

   * 发送公共消息
   * @param msgType
   * @param content
   * @param conn
  public void sendCommonMessage(int msgType, String content, Connection conn) {
    Message message = new Message(SocketTypeConstant.OUT_COMMON_MESSAGE);
    CommonMessageProto.CommonMessageProtoMsg.Builder msg =

  /** 将刷新数据获取数据的包放到下一个包中去 这样更能区分一个账户多个角色 */
  public void sendLoginSuccess(long playerID, Connection conn) {
    Message message = new Message(SocketTypeConstant.OUT_LOGIN_SUCCESS);
    LoginSuccessProtoMsg.Builder builder = LoginSuccessProtoMsg.newBuilder();