public static Set<Double> edgeAngles(final Node<?> node) { final Set<Double> angles = new TreeSet<>(new NumericComparator<Double>()); for (final Edge<?> edge : node.getInEdges()) { final double toAngle = edge.getToAngle(); angles.add(toAngle); } for (final Edge<?> edge : node.getOutEdges()) { final double fromAngle = edge.getFromAngle(); angles.add(fromAngle); } return angles; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T, V> V getField( final Node<T> node, final String name, final Function<Node<T>, V> function) { final String fieldName = NodeProperties.class.getName() + "." + name; if (!node.hasProperty(fieldName)) { final FunctionObjectPropertyProxy<Node<T>, V> proxy = new FunctionObjectPropertyProxy<>(function); node.setProperty(fieldName, proxy); } final V value = (V) node.getProperty(fieldName); return value; }
/** * Only move the node if there is one of them * * @param graph2 * @param maxDistance * @param node1 * @return */ public static <T> boolean movePointsWithinTolerance( final Map<Point, Point> movedNodes, final Graph<T> graph2, final double maxDistance, final Node<T> node1) { final Graph<T> graph1 = node1.getGraph(); final List<Node<T>> nodes2 = graph2.getNodes(node1, maxDistance); if (nodes2.size() == 1) { final Node<T> node2 = nodes2.get(0); if (graph1.findNode(node2) == null) { final GeometryFactory precisionModel = graph1.getPrecisionModel(); final Point midPoint = LineSegmentUtil.midPoint(precisionModel, node1, node2); if (!node1.equals(2, midPoint)) { if (movedNodes != null) { movedNodes.put(node1.newPoint2D(), midPoint); } node1.moveNode(midPoint); } if (!node2.equals(2, midPoint)) { if (movedNodes != null) { movedNodes.put(node2.newPoint2D(), midPoint); } node2.moveNode(midPoint); } } } return true; }
public static Map<String, Set<Double>> edgeAnglesByType(final Node<?> node) { final Map<String, Set<Double>> anglesByType = new HashMap<>(); for (final Edge<?> edge : node.getInEdges()) { final String typePath = edge.getTypeName(); final double toAngle = edge.getToAngle(); final Set<Double> angles = getAnglesForType(anglesByType, typePath); angles.add(toAngle); } for (final Edge<?> edge : node.getOutEdges()) { final String typePath = edge.getTypeName(); final double fromAngle = edge.getFromAngle(); final Set<Double> angles = getAnglesForType(anglesByType, typePath); angles.add(fromAngle); } return anglesByType; }
public static Set<String> edgeTypeNames(final Node<?> node) { final Set<String> typePaths = new HashSet<>(); for (final Edge<?> edge : node.getEdges()) { final String typePath = edge.getTypeName(); typePaths.add(typePath); } return typePaths; }
public static Set<RecordDefinition> edgeRecordDefinitions(final Node<?> node) { final Set<RecordDefinition> recordDefinitions = new HashSet<>(); for (final Edge<?> edge : node.getEdges()) { final Object object = edge.getObject(); if (object instanceof Record) { final Record record = (Record) object; final RecordDefinition recordDefinition = record.getRecordDefinition(); recordDefinitions.add(recordDefinition); } } return recordDefinitions; }
public static <T> Map<String, List<Edge<T>>> edgesByType(final Node<T> node) { final Map<String, List<Edge<T>>> edgesByType = new HashMap<>(); for (final Edge<T> edge : node.getEdges()) { final String typePath = edge.getTypeName(); List<Edge<T>> typeEdges = edgesByType.get(typePath); if (typeEdges == null) { typeEdges = new ArrayList<>(); edgesByType.put(typePath, typeEdges); } typeEdges.add(edge); } return edgesByType; }
public static <T> Map<String, Map<LineString, Set<Edge<T>>>> edgesByTypeNameAndLine( final Node<T> node) { final List<Edge<T>> edges = node.getEdges(); final Map<String, Map<LineString, Set<Edge<T>>>> typeLineEdgeMap = new HashMap<>(); for (final Edge<T> edge : new HashSet<>(edges)) { final String typePath = edge.getTypeName(); Map<LineString, Set<Edge<T>>> lineEdgeMap = typeLineEdgeMap.get(typePath); if (lineEdgeMap == null) { lineEdgeMap = new HashMap<>(); typeLineEdgeMap.put(typePath, lineEdgeMap); } Edge.addEdgeToEdgesByLine(node, lineEdgeMap, edge); } return typeLineEdgeMap; }
public static <T> Map<LineString, Map<String, Set<Edge<T>>>> edgesByLineAndTypeName( final Node<T> node) { final List<Edge<T>> edges = node.getEdges(); final Map<LineString, Map<String, Set<Edge<T>>>> lineEdgeMap = new HashMap<>(); for (final Edge<T> edge : new HashSet<>(edges)) { LineString line = edge.getLine(); Map<String, Set<Edge<T>>> edgesByType = edgesByTypeForLine(lineEdgeMap, line); if (edgesByType == null) { edgesByType = new HashMap<>(); if (edge.getEnd(node).isTo()) { line = line.reverse(); } lineEdgeMap.put(line, edgesByType); } Set<Edge<T>> typeEdges = edgesByType.get(edge.getTypeName()); if (typeEdges == null) { typeEdges = new HashSet<>(); final String typePath = edge.getTypeName(); edgesByType.put(typePath, typeEdges); } typeEdges.add(edge); } return lineEdgeMap; }
public static List<LineString> intersection( final GeometryFactory geometryFactory, final LineString points1, final LineString points2, final double maxDistance) { final LineStringGraph graph1 = new LineStringGraph(points1); graph1.setPrecisionModel(geometryFactory); final LineStringGraph graph2 = new LineStringGraph(points2); graph2.setPrecisionModel(geometryFactory); final Map<Point, Point> movedNodes = new HashMap<>(); graph1.forEachNode((node) -> movePointsWithinTolerance(movedNodes, graph2, maxDistance, node)); graph2.forEachNode((node) -> movePointsWithinTolerance(movedNodes, graph1, maxDistance, node)); final Map<Edge<LineSegment>, List<Node<LineSegment>>> pointsOnEdge1 = graph1.getPointsOnEdges(graph2, maxDistance); final Map<Edge<LineSegment>, List<Node<LineSegment>>> pointsOnEdge2 = graph2.getPointsOnEdges(graph1, maxDistance); graph1.splitEdges(pointsOnEdge1); graph2.splitEdges(pointsOnEdge2); Point startPoint = points1.getPoint(0); if (movedNodes.containsKey(startPoint)) { startPoint = movedNodes.get(startPoint); } Point endPoint = points1.getPoint(points1.getVertexCount() - 1); if (movedNodes.containsKey(endPoint)) { endPoint = movedNodes.get(endPoint); } final List<LineString> intersections = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Point> currentCoordinates = new ArrayList<>(); Node<LineSegment> previousNode = graph1.getNode(startPoint); do { final List<Edge<LineSegment>> outEdges = previousNode.getOutEdges(); if (outEdges.isEmpty()) { previousNode = null; } else if (outEdges.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot handle overlaps\n" + points1 + "\n " + points2); } else { final Edge<LineSegment> edge = outEdges.get(0); final LineSegment line = edge.getObject(); final Node<LineSegment> nextNode = edge.getToNode(); if (graph2.hasEdgeBetween(previousNode, nextNode)) { if (currentCoordinates.size() == 0) { currentCoordinates.add(line.getPoint(0)); } currentCoordinates.add(line.getPoint(1)); } else { if (currentCoordinates.size() > 0) { final LineString points = new LineStringDouble(points1.getAxisCount(), currentCoordinates); intersections.add(points); currentCoordinates.clear(); } } previousNode = nextNode; } } while (previousNode != null && !endPoint.equals(2, startPoint)); if (currentCoordinates.size() > 0) { final LineString points = new LineStringDouble(points1.getAxisCount(), currentCoordinates); intersections.add(points); } return intersections; }