Example #1
 public Object getValue() {
   /* <ul><li> a wrapper class (such as {@link Integer}) for a primitive type
    *     <li> {@code String}
    *     <li> {@code TypeMirror}
    *     <li> {@code VariableElement} (representing an enum constant)
    *     <li> {@code AnnotationMirror}
    *     <li> {@code List<? extends AnnotationValue>}
    *              (representing the elements, in declared order, if the value is an array)
    *   */
   Object value = f.getValue();
   if (value == null) return null;
   if (value instanceof String
       || value instanceof Boolean
       || value instanceof Character
       || value instanceof Byte
       || value instanceof Short
       || value instanceof Integer
       || value instanceof Long
       || value instanceof Float
       || value instanceof Double) return value;
   if (value instanceof TypeMirror) return Facades.facade((TypeMirror) value);
   if (value instanceof VariableElement) return Facades.facade((VariableElement) value);
   if (value instanceof AnnotationMirror) return Facades.facade((AnnotationMirror) value);
   if (value instanceof List)
     return Facades.facadeAnnotationValueList((List<? extends AnnotationValue>) value);
   throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to facade value type " + value);
Example #2
 public String toString() {
   return f.toString();
Example #3
 public int hashCode() {
   return f.hashCode();
Example #4
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (obj instanceof AnnotationValueFacade == false) return false;
   return f.equals(((AnnotationValueFacade) obj).f);
Example #5
 public <R, P> R accept(AnnotationValueVisitor<R, P> v, P p) {
   return f.accept(Wrappers.wrap(v), p);