 public void storeKey(Key key) throws KeyStoringException {
   Path keyPath = FileSystemService.getUserRapidMinerDir().toPath().resolve(DEFAULTKEY_FILE_NAME);
   try {
     KeyGeneratorTool.storeKey(key.getEncoded(), keyPath);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     throw new KeyStoringException("Could not store new cipher key", e);
 public SecretKey loadKey() throws KeyLoadingException {
   // try to load key from file
   File keyFile = new File(FileSystemService.getUserRapidMinerDir(), DEFAULTKEY_FILE_NAME);
   try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(keyFile);
       ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fis)) {
     int length = in.readInt();
     byte[] rawKey = new byte[length];
     int actualLength = in.read(rawKey);
     if (length != actualLength) {
       throw new IOException("Cannot read key file (unexpected length)");
     return KeyGeneratorTool.makeKey(rawKey);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     // catch to log the problem, then throw again to indicate error
     throw new KeyLoadingException("Cannot retrieve key: " + e.getMessage());