public static Integer insert(
      Connection conn,
      Integer networkId,
      NetworkIntegerSettingEnum settingEnum,
      Integer settingValue)
      throws SQLException {

    conn = start(conn);

    String sql =
        "insert into `network_integer_settings` ("
            + "`network_id`, "
            + "`setting_id`, "
            + "`setting_value` "
            + ") values (?, ?, ?);";

    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
    ps.setInt(1, networkId);
    ps.setInt(2, settingEnum.getId());
    ps.setInt(3, settingValue);

    Integer generatedId = DatabaseUtils.getFirstGeneratedKey(ps.getGeneratedKeys());

    end(conn, ps, null);
    return generatedId;
  private static NetworkIntegerSetting loadPrimitives(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
    NetworkIntegerSetting out = new NetworkIntegerSetting();

    out.setId(DatabaseUtils.getInt(rs, "id"));
    out.setValue(DatabaseUtils.getInt(rs, "setting_value"));
    out.setSettingEnum(NetworkIntegerSettingEnum.getById(DatabaseUtils.getInt(rs, "setting_id")));

    return out;
  public static NetworkIntegerSetting getByNetworkIdAndSettingEnum(
      Connection conn, Integer networkId, NetworkIntegerSettingEnum setting) throws SQLException {
    conn = start(conn);

    String sql =
        "select * "
            + "from `network_integer_settings` "
            + "where `network_id` = ? "
            + "and `setting_id` = ? "
            + "limit 1;";

    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    ps.setInt(1, networkId);
    ps.setInt(2, setting.getId());
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();

    NetworkIntegerSetting out = null;

    while ( out = loadPrimitives(rs);

    end(conn, ps, rs);
    return out;
  public static void updateByNetworkIdAndSettingEnum(
      Connection conn,
      Integer networkId,
      NetworkIntegerSettingEnum settingEnum,
      Integer settingValue)
      throws SQLException {

    conn = start(conn);

    String sql =
        "update `network_integer_settings` "
            + "set `setting_value` = ? "
            + "where `network_id` = ? "
            + "and `setting_id` = ? "
            + "limit 1;";

    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
    ps.setInt(1, settingValue);
    ps.setInt(2, networkId);
    ps.setInt(3, settingEnum.getId());

    end(conn, ps, null);
Example #5
  public static Tuple<Integer, Integer> add(
      Integer networkId, Integer userId, Integer smartGroupRef, String text) throws SQLException {

    // Currently non-transactional
    Connection conn = null;

    // Getting network settings
    Map<NetworkIntegerSettingEnum, Integer> networkIntegerSettings =

    // Validating minimum length
    if (text.length()
        < networkIntegerSettings.get(NetworkIntegerSettingEnum.SHARED_ITEM_MIN_LENGTH))
      throw new UIException("Message is too short");

    // Validating max length
    if (text.length()
        > networkIntegerSettings.get(NetworkIntegerSettingEnum.SHARED_ITEM_MAX_LENGTH))
      throw new UIException("Message is too long");

    // Validating for timing attacks
    if (Vars.enableTimelocks) {

      // Validating for minute attack
      Integer per5Minutes =
      Integer last5Minutes =
              conn, networkId, userId, DateUtils.minutesAgo(5));
      if (last5Minutes >= per5Minutes)
        throw new UIException("Limit: " + per5Minutes + " messages every 5 minutes");

      // Validating for hour attack
      Integer perHour = networkIntegerSettings.get(NetworkIntegerSettingEnum.SHARED_ITEMS_PER_HOUR);
      Integer lastHour =
              conn, networkId, userId, DateUtils.hoursAgo(1));
      if (lastHour >= perHour) throw new UIException("Limit: " + perHour + " messages per hour");

      // Validating for day attack
      Integer perDay = networkIntegerSettings.get(NetworkIntegerSettingEnum.SHARED_ITEMS_PER_DAY);
      Integer lastDay =
              conn, networkId, userId, DateUtils.daysAgo(1));
      if (lastDay >= perDay) throw new UIException("Limit: " + perDay + " messages per day");

    // Retrieving points per shared item
    Integer pointsPerSharedItem =

    UserToNetwork fromUserToNetwork =
        UserToNetworkDao.getByUserIdAndNetworkId(conn, userId, networkId);

    // Check that the from user has the required number of points
    if (fromUserToNetwork.getCurrentPoints() < (pointsPerSharedItem * -1)) {

      // User does not have enough points, return null
      throw new UIException("Not enough points");

    // Check that the user has the authority to add a message
    SmartGroup smartGroup = SmartGroupDao.getByNetworkIdAndRef(null, networkId, smartGroupRef);

    // Only editors can submit messages to official smart groups
    if (smartGroup.getVisibility().equals(SmartGroupVisibilityEnum.OFFICIAL)) {

      if (fromUserToNetwork.getRole().isLowerThan(RoleEnum.EDITOR))
        throw new UIException("Members can not post in official groups");

      // Visitors can not post messages to smart groups
    } else if (smartGroup.getVisibility().equals(SmartGroupVisibilityEnum.SHARED)) {

      if (fromUserToNetwork.getRole().isLowerThan(RoleEnum.MEMBER))
        throw new UIException("Visitors can not post in groups");

    // Retrieving max ref
    Integer maxRef =
        SharedItemDao.getMaxRefByNetworkIdAndSmartGroupRef(conn, networkId, smartGroupRef);

    /* Creating next ref, starting with 1 and not 0 */
    Integer nextRef = 1;
    if (maxRef != null) nextRef = maxRef + 1;

    // Insert shared item
    SharedItemDao.insert(conn, networkId, userId, smartGroupRef, nextRef, text);

    // Increment one point for author
        conn, userId, networkId, pointsPerSharedItem);

    // Sending notification emails
    EmailServices.newSharedItemForActiveUserToSmartGroups(networkId, smartGroupRef, nextRef);

    Tuple<Integer, Integer> out = new Tuple<Integer, Integer>(nextRef, pointsPerSharedItem);

    return out;