/** * @throws PureException * @see com.pureinfo.ark.interaction.list.ISearchAction#getTitle() */ public String getTitle() throws PureException { if (request.getParameter("paperForm") != null) { return "论文(著作)列表"; } String sProductForm = request.getParameter("dp_productForm"); if (sProductForm != null && sProductForm.length() > 0) { return ProductConstants.getDescByForm(sProductForm) + "列表"; } return "成果列表"; }
protected String getScenery() { String sForm = request.getParameter("dp_productForm"); if (request.getParameter("paperForm") != null) { return "tutorial_list"; } if (sForm != null) { try { return ProductConstants.getSeneryPrefixByForm(sForm) + "_list"; } catch (PureException ex) { return "list"; } } return "list"; }
/** @see com.pureinfo.ark.interaction.ActionBase#beforeExecution() */ protected ActionForward beforeExecution() throws PureException { Product product = (Product) getSearchBean(); SRMWebUtil.propertyAndOrSearch((SearchForm) form, request); String sProductForm = product.getProductForm(); // 1. to validate the authorization IAuth2Mgr authMgr = Auth2Helper.getManager(); ISQLLogic logic = authMgr.getSQLLogicRule(loginUser, product, ArkActionTypes.LIST); if (logic == SQLLogicString.FALSE) { String sDesc = (StringUtils.isEmpty(sProductForm)) ? "成果" : ProductConstants.getDescByForm(sProductForm); throw new PureException(ArkExceptionTypes.AUTH_NO_RIGHT, "对不起,您没有权限查看" + sDesc + "列表!"); } // 2. to add the restriction QueryFilter filter = ((SearchForm) form).getQueryFilter(); OrganizationHelper.addOrgTypeFilter(filter, request); /** 此处需要讨论 if (logic != SQLLogicString.TRUE) { filter.addCondition(logic); } */ // 3. to parse some special parameters int nCurrRange = this.getRange(); // 获奖与鉴定的年份小搜索是具体的年份 if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sProductForm)) { if (sProductForm.equals(ProductConstants.SPRODUCT_FORM_HONOR)) { if (nCurrRange != 0) { filter.addCondition("year(publish_date)=" + nCurrRange); // filter.addOrder("{this.rank}"); } } else if (sProductForm.equals(ProductConstants.SPRODUCT_FORM_APPRAISE)) { if (nCurrRange != 0) { filter.addCondition("{this.publicationYear}=" + nCurrRange); } } else { if (!(nCurrRange == RANGE_ALL)) { filter.addPropertyCondition( "this", "publishDate", SQLOperator.BETWEEN, new Date[] {getBeginYear(), getEndYear()}); } } } else { String sPaperForm = request.getParameter("paperForm"); if (sPaperForm != null) { if (sPaperForm.equals(ProductConstants.SPRODUCT_FORM_HONOR)) { filter.addPropertyCondition("this", "productForm", SQLOperator.EQUAL, sPaperForm); // filter.addOrder("{this.rank}"); } else { String[] _sPaper = new String[] { ProductConstants.SPRODUCT_FORM_PAPER, ProductConstants.SPRODUCT_FORM_MONOGRAPH }; filter.addPropertyCondition("this", "productForm", SQLOperator.IN, _sPaper); // 显示范围 filter.addPropertyCondition( "this", "publishDate", SQLOperator.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, getBeginYear()); filter.addPropertyCondition( "this", "publishDate", SQLOperator.LESS_OR_EQUAL, getEndYear()); } String sOrderBy = request.getTrimedParameter("orderBy"); if (sOrderBy == null || sOrderBy.length() == 0) { filter.setOrder("{this.lastModifiedTime} DESC, " + filter.getOrder()); } } } // set default order for honor list and appraise list if (ProductConstants.SPRODUCT_FORM_HONOR.equals(sProductForm) || ProductConstants.SPRODUCT_FORM_APPRAISE.equals(sProductForm)) { String sOrderBy = request.getTrimedParameter("orderBy"); if (sOrderBy == null || sOrderBy.length() == 0) { // filter.setOrder("YEAR({this.publishDate}) // DESC,{this.level}"); filter.setOrder("{this.rank},YEAR({this.publishDate}),{this.level}"); } } return super.beforeExecution(); }