public ClanPosition getPosition(String pos) {
   if (pos == null) return null;
   pos = pos.trim();
   if (CMath.isInteger(pos)) {
     int i = CMath.s_int(pos);
     if ((i >= 0) && (i < positions.length)) return positions[i];
   for (ClanPosition P : positions) if (P.getID().equalsIgnoreCase(pos)) return P;
   return null;
Example #2
  public boolean execute(MOB mob, Vector commands, int metaFlags) throws {
    if ((commands.size() == 1) && (((String) commands.firstElement()).startsWith("QUESTW")))
    if ((commands.size() > 1) && (((String) commands.elementAt(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("WON"))) {
      Vector qVec = new Vector();
      for (int q = 0; q < CMLib.quests().numQuests(); q++) {
        Quest Q = CMLib.quests().fetchQuest(q);
        if (Q.wasWinner(mob.Name())) {
          String name = Q.displayName().trim().length() > 0 ? Q.displayName() :;
          if (!qVec.contains(name)) qVec.addElement(name);
      StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("^HQuests you are listed as having won:^?^N\n\r");
      for (int i = 0; i < qVec.size(); i++) msg.append(((String) qVec.elementAt(i)) + "^N\n\r");
      if (!mob.isMonster()) mob.tell(msg.toString());
    } else if ((commands.size() > 2)
        && (((String) commands.elementAt(1)).equalsIgnoreCase("DROP"))) {
      ScriptingEngine foundS = null;
      for (Enumeration<ScriptingEngine> e = mob.scripts(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        ScriptingEngine SE = e.nextElement();
        if (SE == null) continue;
        if ((SE.defaultQuestName().length() > 0)
            && (CMLib.quests().findQuest(SE.defaultQuestName()) == null)) foundS = SE;
      if (foundS != null) mob.delScript(foundS);
      foundS = null;

      String rest = CMParms.combine(commands, 2);
      Quest Q = CMLib.quests().findQuest(rest);
      if (Q == null) {
        mob.tell("There is no such quest as '" + rest + "'.");
        return false;
      for (Enumeration<ScriptingEngine> e = mob.scripts(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        ScriptingEngine SE = e.nextElement();
        if (SE == null) continue;
        if ((SE.defaultQuestName().length() > 0)
            && (SE.defaultQuestName().equalsIgnoreCase( foundS = SE;
      if (foundS == null) {
        mob.tell("You have not accepted a quest called '" + rest + "'.  Enter QUESTS for a list.");
        return false;
      if ((!mob.isMonster()
          && (mob.session()
              .confirm("Drop the quest '" + + "', are you sure (y/N)?", "N")))) {
        CMLib.coffeeTables().bump(Q, CoffeeTableRow.STAT_QUESTDROPPED);
        mob.tell("Quest dropped.");
        return false;
    } else if (commands.size() == 1) {
      List<Quest> qQVec = CMLib.quests().getPlayerPersistantQuests(mob);
      Vector<String> qVec = new Vector<String>();
      for (Quest Q : qQVec) {
        String name = Q.displayName().trim().length() > 0 ? Q.displayName() :;
        if (!qVec.contains(name)) qVec.addElement(name);
      StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("^HQuests you are listed as having accepted:^?^N\n\r");
      for (int i = 0; i < qVec.size(); i++) msg.append(((String) qVec.elementAt(i)) + "^N\n\r");
      if (!mob.isMonster())
        mob.tell(msg.toString() + "\n\r^HEnter QUEST [QUEST NAME] for more information.^N^.");

    } else {
      String rest = CMParms.combine(commands, 1);
      Quest Q = CMLib.quests().findQuest(rest);
      if (Q == null) {
        mob.tell("There is no such quest as '" + rest + "'.");
        return false;
      ScriptingEngine foundS = null;
      for (Enumeration<ScriptingEngine> e = mob.scripts(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        ScriptingEngine SE = e.nextElement();
        if (SE == null) continue;
        if ((SE.defaultQuestName().length() > 0)
            && (SE.defaultQuestName().equalsIgnoreCase( foundS = SE;
      if (foundS == null) {
        mob.tell("You have not accepted a quest called '" + rest + "'.  Enter QUESTS for a list.");
        return false;
      String name = Q.displayName().trim().length() > 0 ? Q.displayName() :;
      if (! name += " (" + + ")";
      mob.tell("^HQuest Information: ^w" + name + "^N");
      String instructions = null;
      if ((instructions == null) || (instructions.length() == 0))
        instructions = foundS.getVar("*", "INSTRUCTIONS");
      if ((instructions == null) || (instructions.length() == 0))
        instructions = Q.isStat("INSTRUCTIONS") ? Q.getStat("INSTRUCTIONS") : null;
      if ((instructions == null) || (instructions.length() == 0))
        instructions = "No further information available.";
      String timeRemaining = foundS.getVar("*", "TIME_REMAINING");
      if ((timeRemaining != null) && (timeRemaining.length() > 0)) {
        String timeRemainingType = foundS.getVar("*", "TIME_REMAINING_TYPE");
        if (((timeRemainingType.equalsIgnoreCase("TICKS") || (timeRemainingType.length() == 0))
            && (CMath.isInteger(timeRemaining)))) {
          long ticks = CMath.s_int(timeRemaining);
          ticks *= CMProps.getTickMillis();
          if (ticks > 60000) timeRemaining = (ticks / 60000) + " minutes";
          else timeRemaining = (ticks / 1000) + " seconds";
        } else if (timeRemainingType.length() > 0) timeRemaining += " " + timeRemainingType;
      String progress = foundS.getVar("*", "PROGRESS");
      mob.tell("^w" + instructions + "^N");
      if ((timeRemaining != null) && (timeRemaining.length() > 0))
        mob.tell("\n\r^yTime Remaining: ^w" + timeRemaining + "^N");
      if ((progress != null) && (progress.length() > 0))
        mob.tell("\n\r^yProgress: ^w" + progress + "^N");
    return false;