Example #1
 public boolean execute(MOB mob, List<String> commands, int metaFlags) throws java.io.IOException {
   if (!standIfNecessary(mob, metaFlags, true)) return false;
   if (mob.isAttributeSet(MOB.Attrib.AUTORUN))
     CMLib.tracking().run(mob, Directions.DOWN, false, false, false);
   else CMLib.tracking().walk(mob, Directions.DOWN, false, false, false);
   return false;
  public void setArrestingOfficer(Area legalArea, MOB mob) {
    if ((arrestingOfficer != null)
        && (arrestingOfficer.getStartRoom() != null)
        && (arrestingOfficer.location() != null)
        && (legalArea != null)
        && (arrestingOfficer.getStartRoom().getArea() != arrestingOfficer.location().getArea())
        && (!legalArea.inMyMetroArea(arrestingOfficer.location().getArea())))
      CMLib.tracking().wanderAway(arrestingOfficer, true, true);

    if ((mob == null) && (arrestingOfficer != null))
    arrestingOfficer = mob;
  public void tickLycanthropically(MOB mob) {
    if (mob == null) return;
    if (mob.location() == null) return;
    if (mob.isInCombat()) return;

    if ((CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < 15) && ((mob.location().domainType() & Room.INDOORS) > 0))
          .show(mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_NOISE, L("<S-NAME> howl(s) at the moon! ARROOOOOOOO!!!!"));
    // time to tick lycanthropically
    final MOB M = victimHere(mob.location(), mob);
    if (M != null) {
      deathTrail = null;
      CMLib.combat().postAttack(mob, M, mob.fetchWieldedItem());
    if ((deathTrail != null) && (!deathTrail.contains(mob.location()))) deathTrail = null;
    if (deathTrail == null) {
      final Vector rooms = new Vector();
      if ((findVictim(mob, mob.location(), rooms, 0)) && (rooms.size() > 0)) {
        TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags flags;
        flags =
            new TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags()
        deathTrail = CMLib.tracking().findBastardTheBestWay(mob.location(), rooms, flags, 50);
        if (deathTrail != null) deathTrail.add(mob.location());
    if (deathTrail != null) {
      final int nextDirection =
          CMLib.tracking().trackNextDirectionFromHere(deathTrail, mob.location(), true);
      if ((nextDirection == 999) || (nextDirection == -1)) deathTrail = null;
      else if (nextDirection >= 0) {
        final Room nextRoom = mob.location().getRoomInDir(nextDirection);
        if ((nextRoom != null) && ((nextRoom.getArea() == mob.location().getArea()))
            || (!mob.isMonster())) {
          if (!CMLib.tracking().walk(mob, nextDirection, false, false)) deathTrail = null;
          else if (CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() < 15)
            mob.location().show(mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_NOISE, L("<S-NAME> sniff(s) at the air."));

        } else deathTrail = null;
 public boolean okMessage(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) {
   switch (CMLib.tracking().isOkWaterSurfaceAffect(this, msg)) {
     case CANCEL:
       return false;
     case FORCEDOK:
       return true;
     case CONTINUE:
       return super.okMessage(myHost, msg);
  public boolean okMessage(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) {
    if (CMLib.flags().isSleeping(this)) return super.okMessage(myHost, msg);

    if ((msg.targetMinor() == CMMsg.TYP_ENTER) && (msg.amITarget(this))) {
      final Rideable ladder = CMLib.tracking().findALadder(msg.source(), this);
      if (ladder != null) {
      if ((getRoomInDir(Directions.DOWN) != msg.source().location())) return true;
    return super.okMessage(myHost, msg);
  public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) {
    if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false;

    final Vector V = new Vector();
    TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags flags;
    flags =
        new TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags()
        .getRadiantRooms(mob.location(), V, flags, null, adjustedLevel(mob, asLevel), null);
    for (int v = V.size() - 1; v >= 0; v--) {
      final Room R = (Room) V.elementAt(v);
      if ((R.domainType() != Room.DOMAIN_INDOORS_CAVE) || (R == mob.location()))
    if (V.size() > 0) {
              CMMsg.MASK_ALWAYS | CMMsg.TYP_NOISE,
              L("The faint sound of fungus popping into existence can be heard."));
      int done = 0;
      for (int v = 0; v < V.size(); v++) {
        final Room R = (Room) V.elementAt(v);
        if (R == mob.location()) continue;
        buildMyThing(mob, R);
        if ((done++) == adjustedLevel(mob, asLevel)) break;

    return true;
Example #7
  public void unInvoke() {
    // undo the affects of this spell
    if (!(affected instanceof MOB)) return;
    final MOB mob = (MOB) affected;


    if ((canBeUninvoked()) && (!mob.amDead())) {
      mob.location().show(mob, null, CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL, L("<S-YOUPOSS> free-will returns."));
      if (mob.amFollowing() != null) CMLib.commands().postFollow(mob, null, false);
      CMLib.commands().postStand(mob, true);
      if (mob.isMonster()) {
        if ((CMLib.dice().rollPercentage() > 50)
            || ((mob.getStartRoom() != null)
                && (mob.getStartRoom().getArea() != mob.location().getArea())
                && (CMLib.flags().isAggressiveTo(mob, null)
                    || (invoker == null)
                    || (!mob.location().isInhabitant(invoker)))))
          CMLib.tracking().wanderAway(mob, true, true);
        else if ((invoker != null) && (invoker != mob)) mob.setVictim(invoker);
  public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) {
    tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 0;
    super.tick(ticking, tickID);

    tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 1;
    if (tickID != Tickable.TICKID_MOB) {
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT;
      return true;
    if (!canFreelyBehaveNormal(ticking)) {
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT;
      return true;
    final MOB mob = (MOB) ticking;

    // ridden things dont wander!
    if (ticking instanceof Rideable)
      if (((Rideable) ticking).numRiders() > 0) {
        tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT;
        return true;
    tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 2;
    if (((mob.amFollowing() != null) && (mob.location() == mob.amFollowing().location()))
        || (!CMLib.flags().canTaste(mob))) {
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT;
      return true;

    tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 3;
    final Room thisRoom = mob.location();
    MOB victim = GoodGuardian.anyPeaceToMake(mob.location(), mob);
    GoodGuardian.keepPeace(mob, victim);
    victim = null;
    int dirCode = -1;
    tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 4;
    for (int d = Directions.NUM_DIRECTIONS() - 1; d >= 0; d--) {
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 5 + d;
      final Room room = thisRoom.getRoomInDir(d);
      final Exit exit = thisRoom.getExitInDir(d);
      if ((room != null) && (exit != null) && (okRoomForMe(mob, thisRoom, room, false))) {
        tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 20 + d;
        if (exit.isOpen()) {
          tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 40 + d;
          victim = GoodGuardian.anyPeaceToMake(room, mob);
          if (victim != null) {
            dirCode = d;
          tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 60 + d;
        tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 80 + d;
      if (dirCode >= 0) break;
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 100 + d;
    tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 120;
    if ((dirCode >= 0) && (!CMSecurity.isDisabled(CMSecurity.DisFlag.MOBILITY))) {
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 121;
      CMLib.tracking().walk(mob, dirCode, false, false);
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 122;
      GoodGuardian.keepPeace(mob, victim);
      tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_MISC + 123;
    tickStatus = Tickable.STATUS_NOT;
    return true;
Example #9
  public boolean tick(Tickable ticking, int tickID) {
    if (!super.tick(ticking, tickID)) return false;

    if (tickID != Tickable.TICKID_MOB) return true;

    if (affected == null) return false;
    if (--fallTickDown > 0) return true;
    fallTickDown = 1;

    int direction = Directions.DOWN;
    String addStr = L("down");
    if (reversed()) {
      direction = Directions.UP;
      addStr = L("upwards");
    if (affected instanceof MOB) {
      final MOB mob = (MOB) affected;
      if (mob == null) return false;
      if (mob.location() == null) return false;

      if (CMLib.flags().isInFlight(mob)) {
        damageToTake = 0;
        return false;
      } else if (!canFallFrom(mob.location(), direction)) return stopFalling(mob);
      else {
        if (mob.phyStats().weight() < 1) {
          mob.tell(L("\n\r\n\rYou are floating gently @x1.\n\r\n\r", addStr));
        } else {
          mob.tell(L("\n\r\n\rYOU ARE FALLING @x1!!\n\r\n\r", addStr.toUpperCase()));
          int damage =
                                  CMath.mul(mob.maxState().getHitPoints(), 0.1),
                                  CMath.div(mob.baseWeight(), 150.0))),
          if (damage > (mob.maxState().getHitPoints() / 3))
            damage = (mob.maxState().getHitPoints() / 3);
          damageToTake = reversed() ? damage : (damageToTake + damage);
        temporarilyDisable = true;
        CMLib.tracking().walk(mob, direction, false, false);
        temporarilyDisable = false;
        if (!canFallFrom(mob.location(), direction)) return stopFalling(mob);
        return true;
    } else if (affected instanceof Item) {
      final Item item = (Item) affected;
      if ((room == null) && (item.owner() != null) && (item.owner() instanceof Room))
        room = (Room) item.owner();

      if ((room == null)
          || ((room != null) && (!room.isContent(item)))
          || (!CMLib.flags().isGettable(item))
          || (item.container() != null)
          || (CMLib.flags().isInFlight(item.ultimateContainer(null)))
          || (room.getRoomInDir(direction) == null)) {
        return false;
      if (room.numItems() > 100) {
        fallTickDown = CMLib.dice().roll(1, room.numItems() / 50, 0);
        if ((--fallTickDown) > 0) return true;
      final Room nextRoom = room.getRoomInDir(direction);
      if (canFallFrom(room, direction)) {
        room.show(invoker, null, item, CMMsg.MSG_OK_ACTION, L("<O-NAME> falls @x1.", addStr));
        nextRoom.moveItemTo(item, ItemPossessor.Expire.Player_Drop);
        room = nextRoom;
            L("<O-NAME> falls in from @x1.", (reversed() ? "below" : "above")));
        return true;
      if (reversed()) return true;
      return false;

    return false;
Example #10
  public boolean invoke(
      MOB mob, Vector commands, Environmental givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) {
    if (!super.invoke(mob, commands, givenTarget, auto, asLevel)) return false;

    Room target = mob.location();
    if ((auto) && (givenTarget != null) && (givenTarget instanceof Room))
      target = (Room) givenTarget;
    Ability A = target.fetchEffect(ID());
    if (A != null) {
      mob.tell("This place is already a safehouse.");
      return false;
    if ((!auto) && (CMLib.law().getLegalBehavior(target) == null)) {
      mob.tell("There is no law here!");
      return false;
    if (!isGoodSafehouse(target)) {
      TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags flags;
      flags =
          new TrackingLibrary.TrackingFlags()
      Vector V = CMLib.tracking().getRadiantRooms(target, flags, 50 + (2 * getXLEVELLevel(mob)));
      Room R = null;
      int v = 0;
      for (; v < V.size(); v++) {
        R = (Room) V.elementAt(v);
        if ((isGoodSafehouse(R)) && (!isLawHere(R))) break;
      mob.tell("A place like this can't be a safehouse.");
      if ((isGoodSafehouse(R)) && (!isLawHere(R))) {
        V =
                    target, CMParms.makeVector(R), flags, 50 + (2 * getXLEVELLevel(mob)));
        StringBuffer trail = new StringBuffer("");
        int dir = CMLib.tracking().trackNextDirectionFromHere(V, target, true);
        while (target != R) {
          if ((dir < 0) || (dir >= Directions.NUM_DIRECTIONS()) || (target == null)) break;
          if (target.getRoomInDir(dir) != R) trail.append(", ");
          target = target.getRoomInDir(dir);
          dir = CMLib.tracking().trackNextDirectionFromHere(V, target, true);
        if (target == R)
          mob.tell("You happen to know of one nearby though.  Go: " + trail.toString());
      return false;

    boolean success = proficiencyCheck(mob, 0, auto);

    CMMsg msg =
            auto ? "" : "<S-NAME> hide(s) out from the law here.");
    if (!success)
      return beneficialVisualFizzle(
              ? ""
              : "<S-NAME> attempt(s) hide out from the law here, but things are just too hot.");
    else if (mob.location().okMessage(mob, msg)) {
      mob.location().send(mob, msg);
      beneficialAffect(mob, target, asLevel, (CMProps.getIntVar(CMProps.SYSTEMI_TICKSPERMUDMONTH)));
    return success;