public void initLibrary() { PayPal pp = PayPal.getInstance(); if (pp == null) { // Test to see if the library is already initialized // This main initialization call takes your Context, AppID, and target server pp = PayPal.initWithAppID(getContext(), "APP-80W284485P519543T", PayPal.ENV_NONE); // Required settings: // Set the language for the library pp.setLanguage("en_US"); // Some Optional settings: // Sets who pays any transaction fees. Possible values are: // FEEPAYER_SENDER, FEEPAYER_PRIMARYRECEIVER, FEEPAYER_EACHRECEIVER, and // FEEPAYER_SECONDARYONLY pp.setFeesPayer(PayPal.FEEPAYER_EACHRECEIVER); // true = transaction requires shipping pp.setShippingEnabled(true); _paypalLibraryInit = true; } }
public void initLibrary() { PayPal pp = PayPal.getInstance(); if (pp == null) { // Test to see if the library is already initialized // This main initialization call takes your Context, AppID, and target server pp = PayPal.initWithAppID( this, "AZ2HgxDaSTTKy6ALdkinZ4GoOiwOgu9YlR3TDhcxiTU3XrDQLMRfbRvwAOLK", PayPal.ENV_LIVE); // Required settings: // Set the language for the library pp.setLanguage("en_US"); // Some Optional settings: // Sets who pays any transaction fees. Possible values are: // FEEPAYER_SENDER, FEEPAYER_PRIMARYRECEIVER, FEEPAYER_EACHRECEIVER, and // FEEPAYER_SECONDARYONLY pp.setFeesPayer(PayPal.FEEPAYER_EACHRECEIVER); // true = transaction requires shipping pp.setShippingEnabled(true); _paypalLibraryInit = true; } }
private boolean executeSetPaymentInfo(JSONArray inputs, CallbackContext callbackContext) { JSONObject args = null; String strType = "TYPE_GOODS"; String currencyType = "", strLang = "en_US"; int nButton = PayPal.BUTTON_152x33; boolean bHideButton = false; this.isThirdParty = false; try { args = inputs.getJSONObject(0); isThirdParty = args.getBoolean("isThirdParty"); strLang = args.getString("lang"); strType = args.getString("paymentType"); nButton = args.getInt("showPayPalButton"); if (nButton < PayPal.BUTTON_152x33 || nButton > PayPal.BUTTON_294x45) { nButton = PayPal.BUTTON_152x33; bHideButton = true; } currencyType = args.getString("paymentCurrency"); if (isThirdParty) { this.ppPaymentM = new PayPalAdvancedPayment(); JSONArray array = args.getJSONArray("receivers"); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject item = array.getJSONObject(i); PayPalReceiverDetails receiver = new PayPalReceiverDetails(); receiver.setRecipient(item.getString("recipient")); BigDecimal amt = new BigDecimal(args.getString("subTotal")); amt.round(new MathContext(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); receiver.setSubtotal(amt); receiver.setIsPrimary(item.getBoolean("isPrimary")); int receiverPType; String rPType = item.getString("paymentType"); if (rPType.equals("TYPE_GOODS")) { receiverPType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS; } else if (rPType.equals("TYPE_SERVICE")) { receiverPType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_SERVICE; } else if (rPType.equals("TYPE_PERSONAL")) { receiverPType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_PERSONAL; } else { receiverPType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_NONE; } receiver.setPaymentType(receiverPType); this.ppPaymentM.getReceivers().add(receiver); } this.ppPaymentM.setCurrencyType(currencyType); this.ppPaymentM.setMerchantName(args.getString("merchantName")); } else { this.ppPayment = new PayPalPayment(); this.ppPayment.setPaymentType(this.pType); this.ppPayment.setCurrencyType(currencyType); this.ppPayment.setRecipient(args.getString("recipient")); this.ppPayment.setMerchantName(args.getString("merchantName")); BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal(args.getString("subTotal")); amount.round(new MathContext(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); this.ppPayment.setSubtotal(amount); if (strType.equals("TYPE_GOODS")) { this.pType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_GOODS; } else if (strType.equals("TYPE_SERVICE")) { this.pType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_SERVICE; } else if (strType.equals("TYPE_PERSONAL")) { this.pType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_PERSONAL; } else { this.pType = PayPal.PAYMENT_TYPE_NONE; } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "Got JSON Exception " + e.getMessage()); callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(Status.JSON_EXCEPTION)); return true; } PayPal pp = PayPal.getInstance(); pp.setLanguage(strLang); pp.setShippingEnabled(false); pp.setFeesPayer(PayPal.FEEPAYER_EACHRECEIVER); pp.setDynamicAmountCalculationEnabled(false); if (this.ppButton != null) { webView.removeView(this.ppButton); this.ppButton = null; } // Back in the UI thread -- show the "Pay with PayPal" button // Generate the PayPal Checkout button and save it for later use this.ppButton = pp.getCheckoutButton(this.cordova.getActivity(), nButton, CheckoutButton.TEXT_PAY); // You'll need to have an OnClickListener for the CheckoutButton. this.ppButton.setOnClickListener(this); this.ppButton.setId(PAYPAL_BUTTON_ID); webView.addView(this.ppButton); this.ppButton.setVisibility(bHideButton ? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE); callbackContext.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(Status.OK)); return true; }