  public void processPolygon(OsmPolygon osmPolygon) throws Osm2xpBusinessException {

    // polygon is null or empty don't process it
    if (osmPolygon.getNodes() != null && !osmPolygon.getNodes().isEmpty()) {
      // polygon MUST be in clockwise order
      // if we're on a single pass mode
      // here we must check if the polygon is on more than one tile
      // if that's the case , we must split it into several polys
      List<OsmPolygon> polygons = new ArrayList<OsmPolygon>();
      if (GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSinglePass()) {
      // if not on a single pass mode, add this single polygon to the poly
      // list
      else {
      // try to transform those polygons into dsf objects.
      for (OsmPolygon poly : polygons) {
        // look for light rules

        // try to generate a 3D object
        if (!process3dObject(poly)) {
          // nothing generated? try to generate a facade building.
          if (!processBuilding(poly)) {
            // nothing generated? try to generate a forest.
 public Boolean mustStoreNode(Node node) {
   Boolean result = true;
   if (!GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSinglePass()) {
     result = GeomUtils.compareCoordinates(currentTile, node);
   return result;
  public void complete() {

    // if smart exclusions enabled and tile is not empty, send them to
    // writer
    if (!StatsHelper.isTileEmpty(stats) && XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSmartExclusions()) {
      String exclusions = exclusionsHelper.exportExclusions();

    } else {

    if (!StatsHelper.isTileEmpty(stats)) {
          "Tile "
              + (int) currentTile.x
              + "/"
              + (int) currentTile.y
              + " stats : "
              + stats.getBuildingsNumber()
              + " buildings, "
              + stats.getForestsNumber()
              + " forests, "
              + stats.getStreetlightsNumber()
              + " street lights, "
              + stats.getObjectsNumber()
              + " objects. (generation took "
              + MiscUtils.getTimeDiff(startTime, new Date())
              + ")");

      // stats
      try {
        if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isGenerateXmlStats()
            || XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isGeneratePdfStats()) {
        if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isGenerateXmlStats()) {
          StatsHelper.saveStats(folderPath, currentTile, stats);
        if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isGeneratePdfStats()) {
          StatsHelper.generatePdfReport(folderPath, stats);
      } catch (Osm2xpBusinessException e) {
        Osm2xpLogger.error("Error saving stats file for tile " + currentTile, e);
    } else if (!GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSinglePass()) {
          "Tile "
              + (int) currentTile.x
              + "/"
              + (int) currentTile.y
              + " is empty, no dsf generated");
 public void processNode(Node node) throws Osm2xpBusinessException {
   // process the node if we're on a single pass mode.
   // if not on single pass, only process if the node is on the current
   // lat/long tile
   if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isGenerateObj()) {
     if ((!GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSinglePass()
             && GeomUtils.compareCoordinates(currentTile, node))
         || GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSinglePass()) {
       // write a 3D object in the dsf file if this node is in an
       // object
       // rule
       XplaneDsf3DObject object =
           dsfObjectsProvider.getRandomDsfObjectIndexAndAngle(node.getTag(), node.getId());
       if (object != null) {
         List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
         object.setPolygon(new OsmPolygon(node.getId(), node.getTag(), nodes));
   * choose and write a 3D object in the dsf file.
   * @param polygon osm polygon.
   * @return true if a 3D object has been written in the dsf file.
  private boolean process3dObject(OsmPolygon osmPolygon) {
    Boolean result = false;

    if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isGenerateObj()) {
      // simplify shape if checked and if necessary
      if (GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSimplifyShapes() && !osmPolygon.isSimplePolygon()) {
      XplaneDsfObject object = dsfObjectsProvider.getRandomDsfObject(osmPolygon);
      if (object != null) {
        try {
          result = true;
        } catch (Osm2xpBusinessException e) {
          result = false;
    return result;
   * Construct and write a facade building in the dsf file.
   * @param osmPolygon osm polygon
   * @return true if a building has been gennerated in the dsf file.
  private boolean processBuilding(OsmPolygon osmPolygon) {
    Boolean result = false;
    if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isGenerateBuildings()
        && OsmUtils.isBuilding(osmPolygon.getTags())
        && !OsmUtils.isExcluded(osmPolygon.getTags(), osmPolygon.getId())
        && osmPolygon.getPolygon().getVertexNumber() > BUILDING_MIN_VECTORS
        && osmPolygon.getPolygon().getVertexNumber() < BUILDING_MAX_VECTORS) {

      // check that the largest vector of the building
      // and that the area of the osmPolygon.getPolygon() are over the
      // minimum values set by the user
      Double maxVector = osmPolygon.getMaxVectorSize();
      if (maxVector > XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().getMinHouseSegment()
          && maxVector < XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().getMaxHouseSegment()
          && ((osmPolygon.getPolygon().getArea() * 100000) * 100000)
              > XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().getMinHouseArea()) {

        // simplify shape if checked and if necessary
        if (GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSimplifyShapes() && !osmPolygon.isSimplePolygon()) {

        // compute height and facade dsf index
        Integer facade = computeFacadeIndex(osmPolygon);
        // write building in dsf file
        writeBuildingToDsf(osmPolygon, facade);
        // Smart exclusions
        if (XplaneOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSmartExclusions()) {
        result = true;
    return result;
  protected void parseDense(DenseNodes nodes) {
    // parse nodes only if we're not on a single pass mode, or if the nodes
    // collection of single pass mode is done
    if (this.nodesRefCollectionDone) {
      long lastId = 0, lastLat = 0, lastLon = 0;
      int j = 0;
      DenseInfo di = null;
      if (nodes.hasDenseinfo()) {
        di = nodes.getDenseinfo();
      for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getIdCount(); i++) {
        List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
        long lat = nodes.getLat(i) + lastLat;
        lastLat = lat;
        long lon = nodes.getLon(i) + lastLon;
        lastLon = lon;
        long id = nodes.getId(i) + lastId;
        lastId = id;
        double latf = parseLat(lat), lonf = parseLon(lon);
        if (nodes.getKeysValsCount() > 0) {
          while (nodes.getKeysVals(j) != 0) {
            int keyid = nodes.getKeysVals(j++);
            int valid = nodes.getKeysVals(j++);
            Tag tag = new Tag();
        if (di != null) {
          com.osm2xp.model.osm.Node node = new com.osm2xp.model.osm.Node();
          try {
            // give the node to the translator for processing
            // ask translator if we have to store this node if we
            // aren't on a single pass mode

            if (!GuiOptionsHelper.getOptions().isSinglePass()) {
              if (translator.mustStoreNode(node)) {
            // if we're on a single pass mode, and if
            // nodesRefCollectionDone is true it means we already
            // have the reference of usefull nodes, so we check if
            // this node is one of them, if yes, store it
            else {
              if (processor.getNode(node.getId()) != null) {
          } catch (Osm2xpBusinessException e) {
            Osm2xpLogger.error("Error processing node.", e);
          } catch (DataSinkException e) {
            Osm2xpLogger.error("Error processing node.", e);