public OSchemaShared(boolean clustersCanNotBeSharedAmongClasses) { super(new ODocument().setTrackingChanges(false)); this.clustersCanNotBeSharedAmongClasses = clustersCanNotBeSharedAmongClasses; Orient.instance().registerWeakOrientStartupListener(this); Orient.instance().registerWeakOrientShutdownListener(this); }
public ODatabasePoolAbstract( final Object iOwner, final int iMinSize, final int iMaxSize, final int iTimeout) { maxSize = iMaxSize; timeout = iTimeout; owner = iOwner; Orient.instance().registerListener(this); }
/** Pre-loads OrientDB using empty (system) TCCL so javax.script engines can be found. */ private static void preloadOrientEngine() { ClassLoader tccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(null); com.orientechnologies.orient.core.Orient.instance(); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(tccl); } }
@Override public void deinit() { final long endRecords = database.countClass("Account"); System.out.println( "Total accounts: " + endRecords + ". Expected: " + (beginRecords + data.getCycles())); System.out.println(Orient.instance().getProfiler().dump()); if (database != null) database.close(); super.deinit(); }
@Override public void init() { Orient.instance().getProfiler().startRecording(); database = new ODatabaseDocumentTx(System.getProperty("url")).open("admin", "admin"); record = database.newInstance(); database.declareIntent(new OIntentMassiveInsert()); database.begin(TXTYPE.NOTX); beginRecords = database.countClass("Account"); System.out.println("Total accounts: " + beginRecords); }
/** * Register statistic information about usage of index in {@link OProfilerStub}. * * @param index which usage is registering. */ private void updateStatistic(OIndex<?> index) { final OProfiler profiler = Orient.instance().getProfiler(); if (profiler.isRecording()) { Orient.instance() .getProfiler() .updateCounter( profiler.getDatabaseMetric(index.getDatabaseName(), "query.indexUsed"), "Used index in query", +1); final int paramCount = index.getDefinition().getParamCount(); if (paramCount > 1) { final String profiler_prefix = profiler.getDatabaseMetric(index.getDatabaseName(), "query.compositeIndexUsed"); profiler.updateCounter(profiler_prefix, "Used composite index in query", +1); profiler.updateCounter( profiler_prefix + "." + paramCount, "Used composite index in query with " + paramCount + " params", +1); } } }
/** * Drops a database from a remote server instance. * * @param iDatabaseName The database name * @param storageType Storage type between "plocal" or "memory". * @return The instance itself. Useful to execute method in chain * @throws IOException */ public synchronized OServerAdmin dropDatabase( final String iDatabaseName, final String storageType) throws IOException { boolean retry = true; while (retry) { retry = networkAdminOperation( new OStorageRemoteOperation<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean execute( final OChannelBinaryAsynchClient network, OStorageRemoteSession session) throws IOException { try { try { storage.beginRequest( network, OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_DROP, session); network.writeString(iDatabaseName); network.writeString(storageType); } finally { storage.endRequest(network); } storage.getResponse(network, session); return false; } catch (OModificationOperationProhibitedException oope) { return handleDBFreeze(); } } }, "Cannot delete the remote storage: " + storage.getName()); } final Set<OStorage> underlyingStorages = new HashSet<OStorage>(); for (OStorage s : Orient.instance().getStorages()) { if (s.getType().equals(storage.getType()) && s.getName().equals(storage.getName())) { underlyingStorages.add(s.getUnderlying()); } } for (OStorage s : underlyingStorages) { s.close(true, true); } ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.remove(); return this; }
public OServerNetworkListener( final OServer iServer, final OServerSocketFactory iSocketFactory, final String iHostName, final String iHostPortRange, final String iProtocolName, final Class<? extends ONetworkProtocol> iProtocol, final OServerParameterConfiguration[] iParameters, final OServerCommandConfiguration[] iCommands) { super( Orient.instance().getThreadGroup(), "OrientDB " + iProtocol.getSimpleName() + " listen at " + iHostName + ":" + iHostPortRange); server = iServer; socketFactory = iSocketFactory == null ? OServerSocketFactory.getDefault() : iSocketFactory; // DETERMINE THE PROTOCOL VERSION BY CREATING A NEW ONE AND THEN THROW IT AWAY // TODO: CREATE PROTOCOL FACTORIES INSTEAD try { protocolVersion = iProtocol.newInstance().getVersion(); } catch (Exception e) { OLogManager.instance() .error( this, "Error on reading protocol version for %s", e, ONetworkProtocolException.class, iProtocol); } listen(iHostName, iHostPortRange, iProtocolName); protocolType = iProtocol; readParameters(iServer.getContextConfiguration(), iParameters); if (iCommands != null) { for (int i = 0; i < iCommands.length; ++i) { if (iCommands[i].stateful) // SAVE STATEFUL COMMAND CFG registerStatefulCommand(iCommands[i]); else // EARLY CREATE STATELESS COMMAND registerStatelessCommand(OServerNetworkListener.createCommand(server, iCommands[i])); } } start(); }
@BeforeClass public void beforeClass() throws IOException { OGlobalConfiguration.FILE_LOCK.setValue(Boolean.FALSE); String buildDirectory = System.getProperty("buildDirectory"); if (buildDirectory == null) buildDirectory = "."; storageLocal = (OLocalPaginatedStorage) Orient.instance() .loadStorage("plocal:" + buildDirectory + "/ReadWriteCacheConcurrentTest"); storageLocal.create(null); prepareFilesForTest(FILE_COUNT); }
public void close(final boolean iForce) { lock.acquireExclusiveLock(); OChannelBinaryClient network = null; try { if (networkPool.size() > 0) { try { network = beginRequest(OChannelBinaryProtocol.REQUEST_DB_CLOSE); } finally { endRequest(network); } getResponse(network); } setSessionId(-1); if (!checkForClose(iForce)) return; // CLOSE THE CHANNEL if (serviceThread != null) { serviceThread.sendShutdown(); serviceThread.interrupt(); } synchronized (networkPool) { for (OChannelBinaryClient n : networkPool) n.close(); networkPool.clear(); } level2Cache.shutdown(); super.close(iForce); status = STATUS.CLOSED; Orient.instance().unregisterStorage(this); } catch (OException e) { // PASS THROUGH throw e; } catch (Exception e) { OLogManager.instance().debug(this, "Error on closing remote connection: %s", network); } finally { lock.releaseExclusiveLock(); } }
static OIdentifiable readIdentifiable(final OChannelBinaryClient network) throws IOException { final int classId = network.readShort(); if (classId == OChannelBinaryProtocol.RECORD_NULL) return null; if (classId == OChannelBinaryProtocol.RECORD_RID) { return network.readRID(); } else { final ORecordInternal<?> record = Orient.instance().getRecordFactoryManager().newInstance(network.readByte()); if (record instanceof ORecordSchemaAware<?>) ((ORecordSchemaAware<?>) record) .fill(network.readRID(), network.readInt(), network.readBytes(), false); else // DISCARD CLASS ID record.fill(network.readRID(), network.readInt(), network.readBytes(), false); return record; } }
/** Called each time one of the security classes (OUser, ORole, OServerRole) is modified. */ public void securityRecordChange(final String dbURL, final ODocument record) { // The point of this is to notify any matching (via URL) active database that its user // needs to be reloaded to pick up any changes that may affect its security permissions. // We execute this in a new thread to avoid blocking the caller for too long. Orient.instance() .submit( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { OClientConnectionManager ccm = server.getClientConnectionManager(); if (ccm != null) { for (OClientConnection cc : ccm.getConnections()) { try { ODatabaseDocumentInternal ccDB = cc.getDatabase(); if (ccDB != null) { ccDB.activateOnCurrentThread(); if (!ccDB.isClosed() && ccDB.getURL() != null) { if (ccDB.getURL().equals(dbURL)) { ccDB.reloadUser(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { OLogManager.instance() .error(this, "securityRecordChange() Exception: ", ex); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { OLogManager.instance().error(this, "securityRecordChange() Exception: ", ex); } ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.remove(); } }); }
private OProfiler getProfilerInstance() throws Exception { return Orient.instance().getProfiler(); }
@Override public boolean execute(final OHttpRequest iRequest, OHttpResponse iResponse) throws Exception { checkSyntax(iRequest.url, 1, "Syntax error: server"); = "Server status"; try { StringWriter jsonBuffer = new StringWriter(); OJSONWriter json = new OJSONWriter(jsonBuffer); json.beginObject(); json.beginCollection(1, true, "connections"); String lastCommandOn; String connectedOn; final List<OClientConnection> conns = OClientConnectionManager.instance().getConnections(); for (OClientConnection c : conns) { final ONetworkProtocolData data =; synchronized (dateTimeFormat) { lastCommandOn = dateTimeFormat.format(new Date(data.lastCommandReceived)); connectedOn = dateTimeFormat.format(new Date(c.since)); } json.beginObject(2); writeField(json, 2, "connectionId",; writeField( json, 2, "remoteAddress", c.protocol.getChannel() != null ? c.protocol.getChannel().toString() : "Disconnected"); writeField(json, 2, "db", data.lastDatabase != null ? data.lastDatabase : "-"); writeField(json, 2, "user", data.lastUser != null ? data.lastUser : "******"); writeField(json, 2, "totalRequests", data.totalRequests); writeField(json, 2, "commandInfo", data.commandInfo); writeField(json, 2, "commandDetail", data.commandDetail); writeField(json, 2, "lastCommandOn", lastCommandOn); writeField(json, 2, "lastCommandInfo", data.lastCommandInfo); writeField(json, 2, "lastCommandDetail", data.lastCommandDetail); writeField(json, 2, "lastExecutionTime", data.lastCommandExecutionTime); writeField(json, 2, "totalWorkingTime", data.totalCommandExecutionTime); writeField(json, 2, "connectedOn", connectedOn); writeField(json, 2, "protocol", c.protocol.getType()); writeField(json, 2, "clientId", data.clientId); final StringBuilder driver = new StringBuilder(); if (data.driverName != null) { driver.append(data.driverName); driver.append(" v"); driver.append(data.driverVersion); driver.append(" Protocol v"); driver.append(data.protocolVersion); } writeField(json, 2, "driver", driver.toString()); json.endObject(2); } json.endCollection(1, false); json.beginCollection(1, true, "dbs"); Map<String, OResourcePool<String, ODatabaseDocumentTx>> dbPool = OSharedDocumentDatabase.getDatabasePools(); for (Entry<String, OResourcePool<String, ODatabaseDocumentTx>> entry : dbPool.entrySet()) { for (ODatabaseDocumentTx db : entry.getValue().getResources()) { json.beginObject(2); writeField(json, 2, "db", db.getName()); writeField(json, 2, "user", db.getUser() != null ? db.getUser().getName() : "-"); writeField(json, 2, "status", db.isClosed() ? "closed" : "open"); writeField(json, 2, "type", db.getType()); writeField(json, 2, "storageType", db.getStorage().getType()); json.endObject(2); } } json.endCollection(1, false); json.beginCollection(1, true, "storages"); Collection<OStorage> storages = Orient.instance().getStorages(); for (OStorage s : storages) { json.beginObject(2); writeField(json, 2, "name", s.getName()); writeField(json, 2, "type", s.getClass().getSimpleName()); writeField( json, 2, "path", s instanceof OStorageLocalAbstract ? ((OStorageLocalAbstract) s).getStoragePath().replace('\\', '/') : ""); writeField(json, 2, "activeUsers", s.getUsers()); json.endObject(2); } json.endCollection(1, false); json.beginCollection(2, true, "properties"); for (OServerEntryConfiguration entry : OServerMain.server().getConfiguration().properties) { json.beginObject(3, true, null); json.writeAttribute(4, false, "name",; json.writeAttribute(4, false, "value", entry.value); json.endObject(3, true); } json.endCollection(2, true); json.endObject(); iResponse.send( OHttpUtils.STATUS_OK_CODE, "OK", OHttpUtils.CONTENT_JSON, jsonBuffer.toString(), null); } finally { } return false; }
@Parameters(value = "url") public TransactionAtomicTest(String iURL) { Orient.instance().registerEngine(new OEngineRemote()); url = iURL; }
protected OServerShutdownHook(final OServer iServer) { server = iServer; Orient.instance().removeShutdownHook(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(this); }
public <RET extends ORecordInternal<?>> RET executeReadRecord( final ORecordId iRid, ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final String iFetchPlan, final boolean iIgnoreCache) { checkOpeness(); // setCurrentDatabaseinThreadLocal(); try { checkSecurity( ODatabaseSecurityResources.CLUSTER, ORole.PERMISSION_READ, getClusterNameById(iRid.getClusterId())); // SEARCH IN LOCAL TX ORecordInternal<?> record = getTransaction().getRecord(iRid); if (record == null && !iIgnoreCache) // SEARCH INTO THE CACHE record = getLevel1Cache().findRecord(iRid); if (record != null) { OFetchHelper.checkFetchPlanValid(iFetchPlan); callbackHooks(TYPE.BEFORE_READ, record); if (record.getInternalStatus() == ORecordElement.STATUS.NOT_LOADED) record.reload(); callbackHooks(TYPE.AFTER_READ, record); return (RET) record; } final ORawBuffer recordBuffer =, iFetchPlan); if (recordBuffer == null) return null; if (iRecord == null || iRecord.getRecordType() != recordBuffer.recordType) // NO SAME RECORD TYPE: CAN'T REUSE OLD ONE BUT CREATE A NEW ONE FOR IT iRecord = Orient.instance().getRecordFactoryManager().newInstance(recordBuffer.recordType); iRecord.fill(iRid, recordBuffer.version, recordBuffer.buffer, false); callbackHooks(TYPE.BEFORE_READ, iRecord); iRecord.fromStream(recordBuffer.buffer); iRecord.setInternalStatus(ORecordElement.STATUS.LOADED); callbackHooks(TYPE.AFTER_READ, iRecord); if (!iIgnoreCache) getLevel1Cache().updateRecord(iRecord); return (RET) iRecord; } catch (OException e) { // RE-THROW THE EXCEPTION throw e; } catch (Exception e) { // WRAP IT AS ODATABASE EXCEPTION OLogManager.instance() .exception("Error on retrieving record " + iRid, e, ODatabaseException.class); } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public abstract class ORecordSerializerStringAbstract implements ORecordSerializer, Serializable { protected static final OJVMProfiler PROFILER = Orient.instance().getProfiler(); private static final char DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = '.'; private static final String MAX_INTEGER_AS_STRING = String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE); private static final int MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS = MAX_INTEGER_AS_STRING.length(); protected abstract StringBuilder toString( final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final StringBuilder iOutput, final String iFormat, final OUserObject2RecordHandler iObjHandler, final Set<Long> iMarshalledRecords, boolean iOnlyDelta, boolean autoDetectCollectionType); public abstract ORecordInternal<?> fromString( String iContent, ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, String[] iFields); public StringBuilder toString(final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final String iFormat) { return toString( iRecord, new StringBuilder(), iFormat, ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(), OSerializationLongIdThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(), false, true); } public StringBuilder toString( final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final String iFormat, final boolean autoDetectCollectionType) { return toString( iRecord, new StringBuilder(), iFormat, ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(), OSerializationLongIdThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(), false, autoDetectCollectionType); } public StringBuilder toString( final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final StringBuilder iOutput, final String iFormat) { return toString( iRecord, iOutput, iFormat, null, OSerializationLongIdThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(), false, true); } public ORecordInternal<?> fromString(final String iSource) { return fromString( iSource, (ORecordInternal<?>) ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().newInstance(), null); } public ORecordInternal<?> fromStream( final byte[] iSource, final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, final String[] iFields) { final long timer = PROFILER.startChrono(); try { return fromString(OBinaryProtocol.bytes2string(iSource), iRecord, iFields); } finally { PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.fromStream"), "Deserialize record from stream", timer); } } public byte[] toStream(final ORecordInternal<?> iRecord, boolean iOnlyDelta) { final long timer = PROFILER.startChrono(); try { return OBinaryProtocol.string2bytes( toString( iRecord, new StringBuilder(), null, null, OSerializationLongIdThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get(), iOnlyDelta, true) .toString()); } finally { PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.toStream"), "Serialize record to stream", timer); } } public static Object fieldTypeFromStream( final ODocument iDocument, OType iType, final Object iValue) { if (iValue == null) return null; if (iType == null) iType = OType.EMBEDDED; switch (iType) { case STRING: case INTEGER: case BOOLEAN: case FLOAT: case DECIMAL: case LONG: case DOUBLE: case SHORT: case BYTE: case BINARY: case DATE: case DATETIME: case LINK: return simpleValueFromStream(iValue, iType); case EMBEDDED: // EMBEDED RECORD return ((ODocument) OStringSerializerEmbedded.INSTANCE.fromStream((String) iValue)) .addOwner(iDocument); case CUSTOM: // RECORD final Object result = OStringSerializerAnyStreamable.INSTANCE.fromStream((String) iValue); if (result instanceof ODocument) ((ODocument) result).addOwner(iDocument); return result; case EMBEDDEDSET: case EMBEDDEDLIST: { final String value = (String) iValue; return ORecordSerializerSchemaAware2CSV.INSTANCE.embeddedCollectionFromStream( iDocument, iType, null, null, value); } case EMBEDDEDMAP: { final String value = (String) iValue; return ORecordSerializerSchemaAware2CSV.INSTANCE.embeddedMapFromStream( iDocument, null, value, null); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type " + iType + " not supported to convert value: " + iValue); } public static Object convertValue(final String iValue, final OType iExpectedType) { final Object v = getTypeValue((String) iValue); return OType.convert(v, iExpectedType.getDefaultJavaType()); } public static void fieldTypeToString( final StringBuilder iBuffer, OType iType, final Object iValue) { if (iValue == null) return; final long timer = PROFILER.startChrono(); if (iType == null) { if (iValue instanceof ORID) iType = OType.LINK; else iType = OType.EMBEDDED; } switch (iType) { case STRING: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.string2string"), "Serialize string to string", timer); break; case BOOLEAN: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.bool2string"), "Serialize boolean to string", timer); break; case INTEGER: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.int2string"), "Serialize integer to string", timer); break; case FLOAT: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.float2string"), "Serialize float to string", timer); break; case DECIMAL: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.decimal2string"), "Serialize decimal to string", timer); break; case LONG: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.long2string"), "Serialize long to string", timer); break; case DOUBLE: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.double2string"), "Serialize double to string", timer); break; case SHORT: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.short2string"), "Serialize short to string", timer); break; case BYTE: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.byte2string"), "Serialize byte to string", timer); break; case BINARY: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.binary2string"), "Serialize binary to string", timer); break; case DATE: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.date2string"), "Serialize date to string", timer); break; case DATETIME: simpleValueToStream(iBuffer, iType, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.datetime2string"), "Serialize datetime to string", timer); break; case LINK: if (iValue instanceof ORecordId) ((ORecordId) iValue).toString(iBuffer); else ((ORecord<?>) iValue).getIdentity().toString(iBuffer); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.link2string"), "Serialize link to string", timer); break; case EMBEDDEDSET: ORecordSerializerSchemaAware2CSV.INSTANCE.embeddedCollectionToStream( ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.getIfDefined(), null, iBuffer, null, null, iValue, null, true); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.embedSet2string"), "Serialize embeddedset to string", timer); break; case EMBEDDEDLIST: ORecordSerializerSchemaAware2CSV.INSTANCE.embeddedCollectionToStream( ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.getIfDefined(), null, iBuffer, null, null, iValue, null, true); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.embedList2string"), "Serialize embeddedlist to string", timer); break; case EMBEDDEDMAP: ORecordSerializerSchemaAware2CSV.INSTANCE.embeddedMapToStream( ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.getIfDefined(), null, iBuffer, null, null, iValue, null, true); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.embedMap2string"), "Serialize embeddedmap to string", timer); break; case EMBEDDED: OStringSerializerEmbedded.INSTANCE.toStream(iBuffer, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.embed2string"), "Serialize embedded to string", timer); break; case CUSTOM: OStringSerializerAnyStreamable.INSTANCE.toStream(iBuffer, iValue); PROFILER.stopChrono( PROFILER.getProcessMetric("serializer.record.string.custom2string"), "Serialize custom to string", timer); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Type " + iType + " not supported to convert value: " + iValue); } } /** * Parses a string returning the closer type. Numbers by default are INTEGER if haven't decimal * separator, otherwise FLOAT. To treat all the number types numbers are postponed with a * character that tells the type: b=byte, s=short, l=long, f=float, d=double, t=date. * * @param iUnusualSymbols Localized decimal number separators * @param iValue Value to parse * @return The closest type recognized */ public static OType getType(final String iValue) { if (iValue.length() == 0) return null; final char firstChar = iValue.charAt(0); if (firstChar == ORID.PREFIX) // RID return OType.LINK; else if (firstChar == '\'' || firstChar == '"') return OType.STRING; else if (firstChar == OStringSerializerHelper.BINARY_BEGINEND) return OType.BINARY; else if (firstChar == OStringSerializerHelper.EMBEDDED_BEGIN) return OType.EMBEDDED; else if (firstChar == OStringSerializerHelper.LINK) return OType.LINK; else if (firstChar == OStringSerializerHelper.COLLECTION_BEGIN) return OType.EMBEDDEDLIST; else if (firstChar == OStringSerializerHelper.MAP_BEGIN) return OType.EMBEDDEDMAP; else if (firstChar == OStringSerializerHelper.CUSTOM_TYPE) return OType.CUSTOM; // BOOLEAN? if (iValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || iValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) return OType.BOOLEAN; // NUMBER OR STRING? boolean integer = true; for (int index = 0; index < iValue.length(); ++index) { final char c = iValue.charAt(index); if (c < '0' || c > '9') if ((index == 0 && (c == '+' || c == '-'))) continue; else if (c == DECIMAL_SEPARATOR) integer = false; else { if (index > 0) if (!integer && c == 'E') { // CHECK FOR SCIENTIFIC NOTATION if (index < iValue.length()) { if (iValue.charAt(index + 1) == '-') // JUMP THE DASH IF ANY (NOT MANDATORY) index++; continue; } } else if (c == 'f') return OType.FLOAT; else if (c == 'c') return OType.DECIMAL; else if (c == 'l') return OType.LONG; else if (c == 'd') return OType.DOUBLE; else if (c == 'b') return OType.BYTE; else if (c == 'a') return OType.DATE; else if (c == 't') return OType.DATETIME; else if (c == 's') return OType.SHORT; return OType.STRING; } } if (integer) { // AUTO CONVERT TO LONG IF THE INTEGER IS TOO BIG final int numberLength = iValue.length(); if (numberLength > MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS || (numberLength == MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS && iValue.compareTo(MAX_INTEGER_AS_STRING) > 0)) return OType.LONG; } return integer ? OType.INTEGER : OType.FLOAT; } /** * Parses the field type char returning the closer type. Default is STRING. b=binary if * iValue.lenght() >= 4 b=byte if iValue.lenght() <= 3 s=short, l=long f=float d=double a=date * t=datetime * * @param iValue Value to parse * @param iCharType Char value indicating the type * @return The closest type recognized */ public static OType getType(final String iValue, final char iCharType) { if (iCharType == 'f') return OType.FLOAT; else if (iCharType == 'c') return OType.DECIMAL; else if (iCharType == 'l') return OType.LONG; else if (iCharType == 'd') return OType.DOUBLE; else if (iCharType == 'b') { if (iValue.length() >= 1 && iValue.length() <= 3) return OType.BYTE; else return OType.BINARY; } else if (iCharType == 'a') return OType.DATE; else if (iCharType == 't') return OType.DATETIME; else if (iCharType == 's') return OType.SHORT; return OType.STRING; } /** * Parses a string returning the value with the closer type. Numbers by default are INTEGER if * haven't decimal separator, otherwise FLOAT. To treat all the number types numbers are postponed * with a character that tells the type: b=byte, s=short, l=long, f=float, d=double, t=date. If * starts with # it's a RecordID. Most of the code is equals to getType() but has been copied to * speed-up it. * * @param iUnusualSymbols Localized decimal number separators * @param iValue Value to parse * @return The closest type recognized */ public static Object getTypeValue(final String iValue) { if (iValue == null) return null; if (iValue.length() == 0) return ""; if (iValue.length() > 1) if (iValue.charAt(0) == '"' && iValue.charAt(iValue.length() - 1) == '"') // STRING return OStringSerializerHelper.decode(iValue.substring(1, iValue.length() - 1)); else if (iValue.charAt(0) == OStringSerializerHelper.BINARY_BEGINEND && iValue.charAt(iValue.length() - 1) == OStringSerializerHelper.BINARY_BEGINEND) // STRING return OStringSerializerHelper.getBinaryContent(iValue); else if (iValue.charAt(0) == OStringSerializerHelper.COLLECTION_BEGIN && iValue.charAt(iValue.length() - 1) == OStringSerializerHelper.COLLECTION_END) { // COLLECTION final ArrayList<String> coll = new ArrayList<String>(); OStringSerializerHelper.getCollection(iValue, 0, coll); return coll; } else if (iValue.charAt(0) == OStringSerializerHelper.MAP_BEGIN && iValue.charAt(iValue.length() - 1) == OStringSerializerHelper.MAP_END) { // MAP return OStringSerializerHelper.getMap(iValue); } if (iValue.charAt(0) == ORID.PREFIX) // RID return new ORecordId(iValue); boolean integer = true; char c; for (int index = 0; index < iValue.length(); ++index) { c = iValue.charAt(index); if (c < '0' || c > '9') if ((index == 0 && (c == '+' || c == '-'))) continue; else if (c == DECIMAL_SEPARATOR) integer = false; else { if (index > 0) { if (!integer && c == 'E') { // CHECK FOR SCIENTIFIC NOTATION if (index < iValue.length()) index++; if (iValue.charAt(index) == '-') continue; } final String v = iValue.substring(0, index); if (c == 'f') return new Float(v); else if (c == 'c') return new BigDecimal(v); else if (c == 'l') return new Long(v); else if (c == 'd') return new Double(v); else if (c == 'b') return new Byte(v); else if (c == 'a' || c == 't') return new Date(Long.parseLong(v)); else if (c == 's') return new Short(v); } return iValue; } } if (integer) { try { return new Integer(iValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return new Long(iValue); } } else return new BigDecimal(iValue); } public static Object simpleValueFromStream(final Object iValue, final OType iType) { switch (iType) { case STRING: if (iValue instanceof String) { final String s = OStringSerializerHelper.getStringContent(iValue); return OStringSerializerHelper.decode(s); } return iValue.toString(); case INTEGER: if (iValue instanceof Integer) return iValue; return new Integer(iValue.toString()); case BOOLEAN: if (iValue instanceof Boolean) return iValue; return new Boolean(iValue.toString()); case FLOAT: if (iValue instanceof Float) return iValue; return convertValue((String) iValue, iType); case DECIMAL: if (iValue instanceof BigDecimal) return iValue; return convertValue((String) iValue, iType); case LONG: if (iValue instanceof Long) return iValue; return convertValue((String) iValue, iType); case DOUBLE: if (iValue instanceof Double) return iValue; return convertValue((String) iValue, iType); case SHORT: if (iValue instanceof Short) return iValue; return convertValue((String) iValue, iType); case BYTE: if (iValue instanceof Byte) return iValue; return convertValue((String) iValue, iType); case BINARY: return OStringSerializerHelper.getBinaryContent(iValue); case DATE: case DATETIME: if (iValue instanceof Date) return iValue; return convertValue((String) iValue, iType); case LINK: if (iValue instanceof ORID) return iValue.toString(); else if (iValue instanceof String) return new ORecordId((String) iValue); else return ((ORecord<?>) iValue).getIdentity().toString(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type " + iType + " is not simple type."); } public static void simpleValueToStream( final StringBuilder iBuffer, final OType iType, final Object iValue) { if (iValue == null || iType == null) return; switch (iType) { case STRING: iBuffer.append('"'); iBuffer.append(OStringSerializerHelper.encode(iValue.toString())); iBuffer.append('"'); break; case BOOLEAN: iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); break; case INTEGER: iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); break; case FLOAT: iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); iBuffer.append('f'); break; case DECIMAL: if (iValue instanceof BigDecimal) iBuffer.append(((BigDecimal) iValue).toPlainString()); else iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); iBuffer.append('c'); break; case LONG: iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); iBuffer.append('l'); break; case DOUBLE: iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); iBuffer.append('d'); break; case SHORT: iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); iBuffer.append('s'); break; case BYTE: if (iValue instanceof Character) iBuffer.append((int) ((Character) iValue).charValue()); else if (iValue instanceof String) iBuffer.append(String.valueOf((int) ((String) iValue).charAt(0))); else iBuffer.append(String.valueOf(iValue)); iBuffer.append('b'); break; case BINARY: iBuffer.append(OStringSerializerHelper.BINARY_BEGINEND); if (iValue instanceof Byte) iBuffer.append(OBase64Utils.encodeBytes(new byte[] {((Byte) iValue).byteValue()})); else iBuffer.append(OBase64Utils.encodeBytes((byte[]) iValue)); iBuffer.append(OStringSerializerHelper.BINARY_BEGINEND); break; case DATE: if (iValue instanceof Date) { // RESET HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS AND MILLISECONDS Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime((Date) iValue); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); iBuffer.append(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); } else iBuffer.append(iValue); iBuffer.append('a'); break; case DATETIME: if (iValue instanceof Date) iBuffer.append(((Date) iValue).getTime()); else iBuffer.append(iValue); iBuffer.append('t'); break; } } }
public void drop() { underlying.drop(); Orient.instance().getDatabaseFactory().unregister(databaseOwner); }
public <THISDB extends ODatabase> THISDB create() { underlying.create(); Orient.instance().getDatabaseFactory().register(databaseOwner); return (THISDB) this; }
public <THISDB extends ODatabase> THISDB open( final String iUserName, final String iUserPassword) {, iUserPassword); Orient.instance().getDatabaseFactory().register(databaseOwner); return (THISDB) this; }
private OClass doCreateClass( final String className, final int[] clusterIds, int retry, OClass... superClasses) throws ClusterIdsAreEmptyException { OClass result; final ODatabaseDocumentInternal db = getDatabase(); final OStorage storage = db.getStorage(); StringBuilder cmd = null; getDatabase().checkSecurity(ORule.ResourceGeneric.SCHEMA, ORole.PERMISSION_CREATE); acquireSchemaWriteLock(); try { final String key = className.toLowerCase(); if (classes.containsKey(key) && retry == 0) throw new OSchemaException("Class " + className + " already exists in current database"); if (!isDistributedCommand()) checkClustersAreAbsent(clusterIds); cmd = new StringBuilder("create class "); // if (getDatabase().getStorage().getConfiguration().isStrictSql()) // cmd.append('`'); cmd.append(className); // if (getDatabase().getStorage().getConfiguration().isStrictSql()) // cmd.append('`'); List<OClass> superClassesList = new ArrayList<OClass>(); if (superClasses != null && superClasses.length > 0) { boolean first = true; for (OClass superClass : superClasses) { // Filtering for null if (superClass != null) { if (first) cmd.append(" extends "); else cmd.append(", "); cmd.append(superClass.getName()); first = false; superClassesList.add(superClass); } } } if (clusterIds != null) { if (clusterIds.length == 1 && clusterIds[0] == -1) cmd.append(" abstract"); else { cmd.append(" cluster "); for (int i = 0; i < clusterIds.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) cmd.append(','); else cmd.append(' '); cmd.append(clusterIds[i]); } } } if (isDistributedCommand()) { createClassInternal(className, clusterIds, superClassesList); final OAutoshardedStorage autoshardedStorage = (OAutoshardedStorage) storage; OCommandSQL commandSQL = new OCommandSQL(cmd.toString()); commandSQL.addExcludedNode(autoshardedStorage.getNodeId()); final Object res = db.command(commandSQL).execute(); } else if (storage instanceof OStorageProxy) { db.command(new OCommandSQL(cmd.toString())).execute(); reload(); } else createClassInternal(className, clusterIds, superClassesList); result = classes.get(className.toLowerCase()); // WAKE UP DB LIFECYCLE LISTENER for (Iterator<ODatabaseLifecycleListener> it = Orient.instance().getDbLifecycleListeners(); it.hasNext(); ), result); } finally { releaseSchemaWriteLock(); } return result; }
public <RET extends Object> RET newInstance() { return (RET) Orient.instance().getRecordFactoryManager().newInstance(recordType); }
protected ODatabaseDocumentTx createDatabaseInstance(String url) { return Orient.instance().getDatabaseFactory().createDatabase("graph", url); }