private static Collection<OIndex<?>> prepareLastIndexVariants( OClass iSchemaClass, OSQLFilterItemField.FieldChain fieldChain) { OClass oClass = iSchemaClass; final Collection<OIndex<?>> result = new ArrayList<OIndex<?>>(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldChain.getItemCount() - 1; i++) { oClass = oClass.getProperty(fieldChain.getItemName(i)).getLinkedClass(); if (oClass == null) { return result; } } final Set<OIndex<?>> involvedIndexes = new TreeSet<OIndex<?>>( new Comparator<OIndex<?>>() { public int compare(OIndex<?> o1, OIndex<?> o2) { return o1.getDefinition().getParamCount() - o2.getDefinition().getParamCount(); } }); involvedIndexes.addAll( oClass.getInvolvedIndexes(fieldChain.getItemName(fieldChain.getItemCount() - 1))); final Collection<Class<? extends OIndex>> indexTypes = new HashSet<Class<? extends OIndex>>(3); for (OIndex<?> involvedIndex : involvedIndexes) { if (!indexTypes.contains(involvedIndex.getInternal().getClass())) { result.add(involvedIndex); indexTypes.add(involvedIndex.getInternal().getClass()); } } return result; }
public boolean existsCollection(String collectionName) throws SqlInjectionException { if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) Logger.trace("Method Start"); OIndex idx = db.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex(COLLECTION_NAME_INDEX); OIdentifiable record = (OIdentifiable) idx.get(collectionName); if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) Logger.trace("Method End"); return (record != null); }
public ODocument getByName(String collectionName) throws SqlInjectionException { if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) Logger.trace("Method Start"); OIndex idx = db.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex(COLLECTION_NAME_INDEX); OIdentifiable record = (OIdentifiable) idx.get(collectionName); if (record == null) return null; return db.load(record.getIdentity()); }
public void testTransactionalUsageWorks() { database.begin(OTransaction.TXTYPE.OPTIMISTIC); // OIndex<?> index = getManualIndex(); ComparableBinary key3 = new ComparableBinary( new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 3 }); ODocument doc1 = new ODocument().field("k", "key3"); final OIndex index = getIndex(); index.put(key3, doc1); ComparableBinary key4 = new ComparableBinary( new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 4 }); ODocument doc2 = new ODocument().field("k", "key4"); index.put(key4, doc2); database.commit(); Assert.assertEquals(index.get(key3), doc1); Assert.assertEquals(index.get(key4), doc2); }
private List<OIdentifiable> applyTailIndexes(final Object lastIndexResult) { final OIndex<?> beforeTheLastIndex = indexChain.get(indexChain.size() - 2); Set<Comparable> currentKeys = prepareKeys(beforeTheLastIndex, lastIndexResult); for (int j = indexChain.size() - 2; j > 0; j--) { final OIndex<?> currentIndex = indexChain.get(j); final OIndex<?> nextIndex = indexChain.get(j - 1); final Set<Comparable> newKeys; if (isComposite(currentIndex)) { newKeys = new TreeSet<Comparable>(); for (Comparable currentKey : currentKeys) { final List<OIdentifiable> currentResult = getFromCompositeIndex(currentKey, currentIndex); newKeys.addAll(prepareKeys(nextIndex, currentResult)); } } else { final OIndexCursor cursor = currentIndex.iterateEntries(currentKeys, true); final List<OIdentifiable> keys = cursorToList(cursor); newKeys = prepareKeys(nextIndex, keys); } updateStatistic(currentIndex); currentKeys = newKeys; } return applyFirstIndex(currentKeys); }
@Test(dependsOnMethods = {"testTransactionalUsageWorks"}) public void testTransactionalUsageBreaks2() { OIndex<?> index = getIndex(); database.begin(OTransaction.TXTYPE.OPTIMISTIC); ComparableBinary key7 = new ComparableBinary( new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 7 }); ODocument doc1 = new ODocument().field("k", "key7"); index.put(key7, doc1); ComparableBinary key8 = new ComparableBinary( new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 8 }); ODocument doc2 = new ODocument().field("k", "key8"); index.put(key8, doc2); database.commit(); Assert.assertEquals(index.get(key7), doc1); Assert.assertEquals(index.get(key8), doc2); }
@Override public boolean execute(final OHttpRequest iRequest, OHttpResponse iResponse) throws Exception { final String[] urlParts = checkSyntax(iRequest.url, 3, "Syntax error: index/<database>/<index-name>/<key>/[<value>]"); = "Index remove"; ODatabaseDocumentTx db = null; try { db = getProfiledDatabaseInstance(iRequest); final OIndex<?> index = db.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex(urlParts[2]); if (index == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index name '" + urlParts[2] + "' not found"); final boolean found; if (urlParts.length > 4) found = index.remove(urlParts[3], new ORecordId(urlParts[3])); else found = index.remove(urlParts[3]); if (found) iResponse.send(OHttpUtils.STATUS_OK_CODE, "OK", OHttpUtils.CONTENT_TEXT_PLAIN, null, null); else iResponse.send( OHttpUtils.STATUS_NOTFOUND_CODE, OHttpUtils.STATUS_NOTFOUND_DESCRIPTION, OHttpUtils.CONTENT_TEXT_PLAIN, null, null); } finally { if (db != null) db.close(); } return false; }
private void dropClassIndexes(final OClass cls) { final ODatabaseDocument database = getDatabase(); final OIndexManager indexManager = database.getMetadata().getIndexManager(); for (final OIndex<?> index : indexManager.getClassIndexes(cls.getName())) indexManager.dropIndex(index.getName()); }
@Test public void vertexIndexLookupWithValue() { OrientGraph graph = newGraph(); createVertexIndexLabel1(graph); String value = "value1"; // verify index created Assert.assertEquals( graph.getIndexedKeys(Vertex.class, label1), new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList(key))); Assert.assertEquals( graph.getIndexedKeys(Vertex.class, label2), new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList())); Assert.assertEquals( graph.getIndexedKeys(Edge.class, label1), new HashSet<>(Collections.emptyList())); Vertex v1 = graph.addVertex(T.label, label1, key, value); Vertex v2 = graph.addVertex(T.label, label2, key, value); // looking deep into the internals here - I can't find a nicer way to // auto verify that an index is actually used GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> traversal = graph.traversal().V().has(T.label, P.eq(label1)).has(key, P.eq(value)); OrientGraphStepStrategy.instance().apply(traversal.asAdmin()); OrientGraphStep orientGraphStep = (OrientGraphStep) traversal.asAdmin().getStartStep(); OrientIndexQuery orientIndexQuery = (OrientIndexQuery) orientGraphStep.findIndex().get(); OIndex index = orientIndexQuery.index; Assert.assertEquals(1, index.getSize()); Assert.assertEquals(, index.get(value)); }
@Test public void testInsertUpdateTransactionWithIndex() throws Exception { databaseDocumentTx.close();"admin", "admin"); OSchema schema = databaseDocumentTx.getMetadata().getSchema(); schema.reload(); databaseDocumentTx.begin(); ODocument doc = new ODocument("City"); doc.field("name", ""); ODocument doc1 = new ODocument("City"); doc1.field("name", ""); doc =; doc1 =; databaseDocumentTx.commit(); databaseDocumentTx.begin(); doc = databaseDocumentTx.load(doc); doc1 = databaseDocumentTx.load(doc1); doc.field("name", "Rome"); doc1.field("name", "Rome");;; databaseDocumentTx.commit(); OIndex idx = schema.getClass("City").getClassIndex(""); Collection<?> coll = (Collection<?>) idx.get("Rome"); Assert.assertEquals(coll.size(), 2); Assert.assertEquals(idx.getSize(), 2); }
public List<String> getIndexNames() { final ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(indexChain.size()); for (OIndex<?> oIndex : indexChain) { names.add(oIndex.getName()); } return names; }
@Override protected void handleObject(OIndex<?> object) { indexName = object.getName(); OIndexDefinition indexDefinition = object.getDefinition(); if (indexDefinition != null) { String className = indexDefinition.getClassName(); if (className != null) classModel = new OClassModel(className); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public long getRebuildVersion() { long rebuildVersion = 0; for (OIndex<?> index : indexChain) { rebuildVersion += index.getRebuildVersion(); } return rebuildVersion; }
@Override public Object executeIndexQuery( OCommandContext iContext, OIndex<?> index, final INDEX_OPERATION_TYPE iOperationType, List<Object> keyParams, int fetchLimit) { final OIndexDefinition indexDefinition = index.getDefinition(); final OIndexInternal<?> internalIndex = index.getInternal(); if (!internalIndex.canBeUsedInEqualityOperators()) return null; final Object result; if (indexDefinition.getParamCount() == 1) { final Object key; if (indexDefinition instanceof OIndexDefinitionMultiValue) key = ((OIndexDefinitionMultiValue) indexDefinition).createSingleValue(keyParams.get(0)); else key = indexDefinition.createValue(keyParams); if (key == null) return null; final Object indexResult; if (iOperationType == INDEX_OPERATION_TYPE.GET) indexResult = index.get(key); else indexResult = index.count(key); result = convertIndexResult(indexResult); } else { // in case of composite keys several items can be returned in case of we perform search // using part of composite key stored in index. final OCompositeIndexDefinition compositeIndexDefinition = (OCompositeIndexDefinition) indexDefinition; final Object keyOne = compositeIndexDefinition.createSingleValue(keyParams); if (keyOne == null) return null; final Object keyTwo = compositeIndexDefinition.createSingleValue(keyParams); if (internalIndex.hasRangeQuerySupport()) { if (INDEX_OPERATION_TYPE.COUNT.equals(iOperationType)) { result = index.count(keyOne, true, keyTwo, true, fetchLimit); } else if (fetchLimit > -1) result = index.getValuesBetween(keyOne, true, keyTwo, true, fetchLimit); else result = index.getValuesBetween(keyOne, true, keyTwo, true); } else { if (indexDefinition.getParamCount() == keyParams.size()) { final Object indexResult; if (iOperationType == INDEX_OPERATION_TYPE.GET) indexResult = index.get(keyOne); else indexResult = index.count(keyOne); result = convertIndexResult(indexResult); } else return null; } } updateProfiler(iContext, index, keyParams, indexDefinition); return result; }
/** Execute the INSERT and return the ODocument object created. */ public Object execute(final Map<Object, Object> iArgs) { if (newRecords == null && content == null) throw new OCommandExecutionException( "Cannot execute the command because it has not been parsed yet"); final OCommandParameters commandParameters = new OCommandParameters(iArgs); if (indexName != null) { if (newRecords == null) throw new OCommandExecutionException("No key/value found"); final OIndex<?> index = getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex(indexName); if (index == null) throw new OCommandExecutionException("Target index '" + indexName + "' not found"); // BIND VALUES Map<String, Object> result = null; for (Map<String, Object> candidate : newRecords) { index.put( getIndexKeyValue(commandParameters, candidate), getIndexValue(commandParameters, candidate)); result = candidate; } // RETURN LAST ENTRY return new ODocument(result); } else { // CREATE NEW DOCUMENTS final List<ODocument> docs = new ArrayList<ODocument>(); if (newRecords != null) { for (Map<String, Object> candidate : newRecords) { final ODocument doc = className != null ? new ODocument(className) : new ODocument(); OSQLHelper.bindParameters(doc, candidate, commandParameters, context); if (clusterName != null) {; } else {; } docs.add(doc); } if (docs.size() == 1) return docs.get(0); else return docs; } else if (content != null) { final ODocument doc = className != null ? new ODocument(className) : new ODocument(); doc.merge(content, true, false);; return doc; } } return null; }
public void testWithIndex() { databaseDocumentTx .command( new OCommandSQL( "insert into Place set name = 'Test' , location = ST_GeomFromText('" + WKT + "')")) .execute(); OIndex<?> index = databaseDocumentTx.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex("Place.location"); Assert.assertEquals(index.getSize(), 1); testQueryMultiLineString(); }
public static void drop(OSchema schema) { OClass oClass = schema.getClass("Comment"); if (oClass != null) { // Indexes Set<OIndex<?>> idxs = oClass.getIndexes(); if (idxs != null && idxs.size() > 0) { for (OIndex<?> idx : idxs) { idx.delete(); } } // class schema.dropClass("Comment"); } }
private static boolean supportNullValues(OIndex<?> index) { final ODocument metadata = index.getMetadata(); if (metadata == null) return false; final Boolean ignoreNullValues = metadata.field("ignoreNullValues"); return Boolean.FALSE.equals(ignoreNullValues); }
@Override public OIndexCursor iterateEntriesBetween( Object fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, Object toKey, boolean toInclusive, boolean ascOrder) { final OIndexCursor internalCursor = lastIndex.iterateEntriesBetween(fromKey, fromInclusive, toKey, toInclusive, ascOrder); return new ExternalIndexCursor(internalCursor); }
private String getAnalyzer(final OIndex classIndex) { // analyzer is stored only in metadata and there is no way to get default analyzer.. just assume // it final ODocument metadata = classIndex.getMetadata(); final String analyzer = metadata != null ? metadata.<String>field(ANALYZER) : null; return Objects.firstNonNull(analyzer, StandardAnalyzer.class.getName()); }
@Test public void testDelete() { create(); for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) { Integer deleted = database.command(new OCommandSQL("delete from AutoShardingTest where id = ?")).execute(i); Assert.assertEquals(deleted.intValue(), 2); long totExpected = ITERATIONS - (i + 1); Assert.assertEquals(idx.getSize(), totExpected * 2); Assert.assertEquals(idx.getKeySize(), totExpected); } Assert.assertEquals(idx.getSize(), 0); Assert.assertEquals(idx.getKeySize(), 0); }
/** Execute the REMOVE INDEX. */ public Object execute(final Map<Object, Object> iArgs) { if (name == null) throw new OCommandExecutionException( "Cannot execute the command because it has not been parsed yet"); if (name.equals("*")) { long totalIndexed = 0; for (OIndex<?> idx : getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndexes()) { getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager().dropIndex(idx.getName()); totalIndexed++; } return totalIndexed; } else getDatabase().getMetadata().getIndexManager().dropIndex(name); return 1; }
public <RET extends T> RET get(final String iKey, final String iFetchPlan) { final OIdentifiable value = index.get(iKey); if (value == null) return null; if (value instanceof ORID) return (RET) ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.get().load(((ORID) value), iFetchPlan); return (RET) ((ODocument) value).load(iFetchPlan); }
@Override public void afterRegistration( final OObjectDatabaseTx db, final SchemeDescriptor descriptor, final Field field, final LuceneIndex annotation) { db.getMetadata().getIndexManager().reload(); final String property = field.getName(); final String model = descriptor.schemeClass; final String name = Objects.firstNonNull(Strings.emptyToNull(, model + '.' + property); final OClass clazz = db.getMetadata().getSchema().getClass(model); final OIndex<?> classIndex = clazz.getClassIndex(name); final OClass.INDEX_TYPE type = OClass.INDEX_TYPE.FULLTEXT; if (!descriptor.initialRegistration && classIndex != null) { final IndexValidationSupport support = new IndexValidationSupport(classIndex, logger); support.checkTypeCompatible(type); support.checkFieldsCompatible(property); final boolean correct = support .isIndexSigns( classIndex.getConfiguration().field("algorithm"), getAnalyzer(classIndex)) .matchRequiredSigns( type, OLuceneIndexFactory.LUCENE_ALGORITHM, annotation.value().getName()); if (!correct) { support.dropIndex(db); } else { // index ok return; } } final ODocument metadata = createMetadata(annotation); SchemeUtils.command( db, "create index %s on %s (%s) %s engine %s metadata %s", name, model, property,, OLuceneIndexFactory.LUCENE_ALGORITHM, metadata.toJSON());"Lucene fulltext index '{}' ({} [{}]) created", name, model, property); }
private void compareIndexes() { ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.set(baseDocumentTx); OIndexCursor cursor = baseDocumentTx.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex("mi").cursor(); long lastTs = 0; long minLostTs = Long.MAX_VALUE; long restoredRecords = 0; Map.Entry<Object, OIdentifiable> entry = cursor.nextEntry(); while (entry != null) { ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.set(baseDocumentTx); Integer key = (Integer) entry.getKey(); OIdentifiable identifiable = entry.getValue(); ODocument doc = identifiable.getRecord(); long ts = doc.<Long>field("ts"); if (ts > lastTs) lastTs = ts; entry = cursor.nextEntry(); ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.set(testDocumentTx); OIndex testIndex = testDocumentTx.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex("mi"); Set<OIdentifiable> result = (Set<OIdentifiable>) testIndex.get(key); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { if (minLostTs > ts) minLostTs = ts; } else restoredRecords++; } ODatabaseRecordThreadLocal.INSTANCE.set(baseDocumentTx); System.out.println( "Restored entries : " + restoredRecords + " out of : " + baseDocumentTx.getMetadata().getIndexManager().getIndex("mi").getSize()); long maxInterval = minLostTs == Long.MAX_VALUE ? 0 : lastTs - minLostTs; System.out.println("Lost records max interval (ms) : " + maxInterval); assertThat(maxInterval).isLessThan(2000); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public T get(Object iKey) { final Object lastIndexResult = lastIndex.get(iKey); final Set<OIdentifiable> result = new HashSet<OIdentifiable>(); if (lastIndexResult != null) result.addAll(applyTailIndexes(lastIndexResult)); return (T) result; }
@Test public void testUpdate() { create(); for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i) { Integer updated = database .command( new OCommandSQL( "update AutoShardingTest INCREMENT id = " + ITERATIONS + " where id = ?")) .execute(i); Assert.assertEquals(updated.intValue(), 2); Assert.assertEquals(idx.getSize(), ITERATIONS * 2); Assert.assertEquals(idx.getKeySize(), ITERATIONS); } Assert.assertEquals(idx.getSize(), ITERATIONS * 2); Assert.assertEquals(idx.getKeySize(), ITERATIONS); }
public void addIndexEntry( final OIndex<?> delegate, final String iIndexName, final OPERATION iStatus, final Object iKey, final OIdentifiable iValue) { switch (iStatus) { case CLEAR: delegate.clear(); break; case PUT: delegate.put(iKey, iValue); break; case REMOVE: if (iKey == null) delegate.remove(iValue); else delegate.remove(iKey, iValue); break; } }
/** * Make type conversion of keys for specific index. * * @param index - index for which keys prepared for. * @param keys - which should be prepared. * @return keys converted to necessary type. */ private Set<Comparable> prepareKeys(OIndex<?> index, Object keys) { final OIndexDefinition indexDefinition = index.getDefinition(); if (keys instanceof Collection) { final Set<Comparable> newKeys = new TreeSet<Comparable>(); for (Object o : ((Collection) keys)) { newKeys.add((Comparable) indexDefinition.createValue(o)); } return newKeys; } else { return Collections.singleton((Comparable) indexDefinition.createValue(keys)); } }
@Test public void testKeyCursor() { create(); final OIndexKeyCursor cursor = idx.keyCursor(); Assert.assertNotNull(cursor); int count = 0; for (Object entry =; entry != null; entry = { count++; } Assert.assertEquals(count, ITERATIONS); }