Example #1
   * Receive an image sharing invitation
   * @param invite Initial invite
  public void receiveImageSharingInvitation(SipRequest invite) {
    if (logger.isActivated()) {
      logger.info("Receive an image sharing session invitation");

    // Test if call is established
    if (!getImsModule().getCallManager().isCallConnected()) {
      if (logger.isActivated()) {
        logger.debug("Rich call not established: reject the invitation");
      sendErrorResponse(invite, 606);

    // Reject if there are already 2 bidirectional sessions with a given contact
    boolean rejectInvitation = false;
    String contact = SipUtils.getAssertedIdentity(invite);
    Vector<ContentSharingSession> currentSessions = getCShSessions();
    if (currentSessions.size() >= 2) {
      // Already a bidirectional session
      if (logger.isActivated()) {
        logger.debug("Max sessions reached");
      rejectInvitation = true;
    } else if (currentSessions.size() == 1) {
      ContentSharingSession currentSession = currentSessions.elementAt(0);
      if (currentSession instanceof TerminatingImageTransferSession) {
        // Terminating session already used
        if (logger.isActivated()) {
          logger.debug("Max terminating sessions reached");
        rejectInvitation = true;
      } else if (!PhoneUtils.compareNumbers(contact, currentSession.getRemoteContact())) {
        // Not the same contact
        if (logger.isActivated()) {
          logger.debug("Only bidirectional session with same contact authorized");
        rejectInvitation = true;
    if (rejectInvitation) {
      if (logger.isActivated()) {
        logger.debug("The max number of sharing sessions is achieved: reject the invitation");
      sendErrorResponse(invite, 486);

    // Create a new session
    ImageTransferSession session = new TerminatingImageTransferSession(this, invite);

    // Start the session

    // Notify listener