/** Prepare the input vector by replicating its elements. */ private static RVector<?> handleEach(RAbstractVector x, int each) { RVector<?> r = x.createEmptySameType(x.getLength() * each, x.isComplete()); for (int i = 0; i < x.getLength(); i++) { for (int j = i * each; j < (i + 1) * each; j++) { r.transferElementSameType(j, x, i); } } return r; }
@Theory public void testCopyAttributes(UnaryArithmeticFactory factory, RAbstractVector originalOperand) { RAbstractVector operand = originalOperand.copy(); // we have to e careful not to change mutable vectors RAbstractVector a = operand.copy(); if (a instanceof RShareable) { ((RShareable) a).incRefCount(); } RVector<?> aMaterialized = a.copy().materialize(); aMaterialized.setAttr("a", "a"); assertAttributes(executeArithmetic(factory, aMaterialized.copy()), "a"); }
@Specialization(guards = {"!copyAllAttributes || target != source", "containsMetadata(source)"}) protected RAbstractVector copySameLength( RAbstractVector target, RAbstractVector source, // @Cached("create()") CopyOfRegAttributesNode copyOfReg, // @Cached("createDim()") RemoveFixedAttributeNode removeDim, // @Cached("createDimNames()") RemoveFixedAttributeNode removeDimNames, // @Cached("create()") InitAttributesNode initAttributes, // @Cached("createNames()") SetFixedAttributeNode putNames, // @Cached("createDim()") SetFixedAttributeNode putDim, // @Cached("createDimNames()") SetFixedAttributeNode putDimNames, // @Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile noDimensions, // @Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile hasNamesSource, // @Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile hasDimNames, @Cached("create()") GetDimAttributeNode getDimsNode) { RVector<?> result = target.materialize(); if (copyAllAttributes) { copyOfReg.execute(source, result); } int[] newDimensions = getDimsNode.getDimensions(source); if (noDimensions.profile(newDimensions == null)) { DynamicObject attributes = result.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { removeDim.execute(attributes); removeDimNames.execute(attributes); } RStringVector vecNames = getNamesNode.getNames(source); if (hasNamesSource.profile(vecNames != null)) { putNames.execute(initAttributes.execute(result), vecNames); return result; } return result; } putDim.execute( initAttributes.execute(result), RDataFactory.createIntVector(newDimensions, RDataFactory.COMPLETE_VECTOR)); RList newDimNames = getDimNamesNode.getDimNames(source); if (hasDimNames.profile(newDimNames != null)) { putDimNames.execute(result.getAttributes(), newDimNames); newDimNames.elementNamePrefix = RRuntime.DIMNAMES_LIST_ELEMENT_NAME_PREFIX; return result; } return result; }
@Specialization( guards = { "!copyAllAttributes || target != source", "containsMetadata(source, attrSourceProfiles)" }) public RAbstractVector copySameLength( RAbstractVector target, RAbstractVector source, // @Cached("create()") CopyOfRegAttributesNode copyOfReg, // @Cached("createDim()") RemoveAttributeNode removeDim, // @Cached("createDimNames()") RemoveAttributeNode removeDimNames, // @Cached("create()") InitAttributesNode initAttributes, // @Cached("createNames()") PutAttributeNode putNames, // @Cached("createDim()") PutAttributeNode putDim, // @Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile noDimensions, // @Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile hasNamesSource, // @Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile hasDimNames) { RVector result = target.materialize(); if (copyAllAttributes) { copyOfReg.execute(source, result); } int[] newDimensions = source.getDimensions(); if (noDimensions.profile(newDimensions == null)) { RAttributes attributes = result.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { removeDim.execute(attributes); removeDimNames.execute(attributes); result.setInternalDimNames(null); } result.setInternalDimensions(null); RStringVector vecNames = source.getNames(attrSourceProfiles); if (hasNamesSource.profile(vecNames != null)) { putNames.execute(initAttributes.execute(result), vecNames); result.setInternalNames(vecNames); return result; } return result; } putDim.execute( initAttributes.execute(result), RDataFactory.createIntVector(newDimensions, RDataFactory.COMPLETE_VECTOR)); result.setInternalDimensions(newDimensions); RList newDimNames = source.getDimNames(attrSourceProfiles); if (hasDimNames.profile(newDimNames != null)) { result.getAttributes().put(RRuntime.DIMNAMES_ATTR_KEY, newDimNames); newDimNames.elementNamePrefix = RRuntime.DIMNAMES_LIST_ELEMENT_NAME_PREFIX; result.setInternalDimNames(newDimNames); return result; } return result; }
/** Replicate the vector a given number of times. */ private RVector<?> handleTimes( RAbstractVector x, RAbstractIntVector times, boolean copyIfSameSize) { if (oneTimeGiven.profile(times.getLength() == 1)) { // only one times value is given final int howManyTimes = times.getDataAt(0); if (howManyTimes < 0) { errorBranch.enter(); throw invalidTimes(); } if (replicateOnce.profile(howManyTimes == 1)) { return (RVector<?>) (copyIfSameSize ? x.copy() : x); } else { return x.copyResized(x.getLength() * howManyTimes, false); } } else { // times is a vector with several elements if (x.getLength() != times.getLength()) { errorBranch.enter(); invalidTimes(); } // iterate once over the times vector to determine result vector size int resultLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < times.getLength(); i++) { int t = times.getDataAt(i); if (t < 0) { errorBranch.enter(); throw invalidTimes(); } resultLength += t; } // create and populate result vector RVector<?> r = x.createEmptySameType(resultLength, x.isComplete()); int wp = 0; // write pointer for (int i = 0; i < x.getLength(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < times.getDataAt(i); ++j, ++wp) { r.transferElementSameType(wp, x, i); } } return r; } }