public final Object execute( PositionProfile profile, RAbstractContainer vector, int[] vectorDimensions, int vectorLength, Object position) { Object castPosition = castNode.execute(positionClass.cast(position)); int dimensionLength; if (numDimensions == 1) { dimensionLength = vectorLength; } else { assert vectorDimensions != null; assert vectorDimensions.length == numDimensions; dimensionLength = vectorDimensions[dimensionIndex]; } if (characterLookup != null) { castPosition = characterLookup.execute(vector, (RAbstractStringVector) castPosition, dimensionLength); } RTypedValue positionVector = (RTypedValue) profilePosition(castPosition); int positionLength; if (positionVector instanceof RMissing) { positionLength = -1; } else { positionLength = positionLengthProfile.profile(((RAbstractVector) positionVector).getLength()); } assert isValidCastedType(positionVector) : "result type of a position cast node must be integer or logical"; return execute(profile, dimensionLength, positionVector, positionLength); }
abstract class PositionCheckNode extends Node { protected final Class<?> positionClass; protected final int dimensionIndex; protected final int numDimensions; protected final VectorLengthProfile positionLengthProfile = VectorLengthProfile.create(); protected final BranchProfile error = BranchProfile.create(); protected final boolean replace; protected final RType containerType; @Child private PositionCastNode castNode; @Child private RLengthNode positionLengthNode = RLengthNode.create(); @Child private PositionCharacterLookupNode characterLookup; PositionCheckNode( ElementAccessMode mode, RType containerType, Object positionValue, int dimensionIndex, int numDimensions, boolean exact, boolean replace) { this.positionClass = positionValue.getClass(); this.dimensionIndex = dimensionIndex; this.numDimensions = numDimensions; this.replace = replace; this.containerType = containerType; this.castNode = PositionCastNode.create(mode, replace); if (positionValue instanceof String || positionValue instanceof RAbstractStringVector) { boolean useNAForNotFound = !replace && isListLike(containerType) && mode.isSubscript(); characterLookup = new PositionCharacterLookupNode( mode, numDimensions, dimensionIndex, useNAForNotFound, exact); } } protected static boolean isListLike(RType type) { switch (type) { case Language: case DataFrame: case Expression: case PairList: case List: return true; } return false; } public boolean isIgnoreDimension() { return positionClass == RMissing.class; } public Class<?> getPositionClass() { return positionClass; } public final boolean isSupported(Object object) { return object.getClass() == positionClass; } public static PositionCheckNode createNode( ElementAccessMode mode, RType containerType, Object position, int positionIndex, int numDimensions, boolean exact, boolean replace, boolean recursive) { if (mode.isSubset()) { return PositionCheckSubsetNodeGen.create( mode, containerType, position, positionIndex, numDimensions, exact, replace); } else { return PositionCheckSubscriptNodeGen.create( mode, containerType, position, positionIndex, numDimensions, exact, replace, recursive); } } protected boolean isMultiDimension() { return numDimensions > 1; } public final Object execute( PositionProfile profile, RAbstractContainer vector, int[] vectorDimensions, int vectorLength, Object position) { Object castPosition = castNode.execute(positionClass.cast(position)); int dimensionLength; if (numDimensions == 1) { dimensionLength = vectorLength; } else { assert vectorDimensions != null; assert vectorDimensions.length == numDimensions; dimensionLength = vectorDimensions[dimensionIndex]; } if (characterLookup != null) { castPosition = characterLookup.execute(vector, (RAbstractStringVector) castPosition, dimensionLength); } RTypedValue positionVector = (RTypedValue) profilePosition(castPosition); int positionLength; if (positionVector instanceof RMissing) { positionLength = -1; } else { positionLength = positionLengthProfile.profile(((RAbstractVector) positionVector).getLength()); } assert isValidCastedType(positionVector) : "result type of a position cast node must be integer or logical"; return execute(profile, dimensionLength, positionVector, positionLength); } private final ValueProfile castedValue = ValueProfile.createClassProfile(); Object profilePosition(Object positionVector) { return castedValue.profile(positionVector); } private static boolean isValidCastedType(RTypedValue positionVector) { RType type = positionVector.getRType(); return type == RType.Integer || type == RType.Logical || type == RType.Character || type == RType.Double || type == RType.Null; } public abstract Object execute( PositionProfile statistics, int dimensionLength, Object position, int positionLength); }