/** * Applies {@linkplain LoweringPhase lowering} to a replacement graph. * * @param replacementGraph a replacement (i.e., snippet or method substitution) graph */ @SuppressWarnings("try") protected StructuredGraph lowerReplacement( final StructuredGraph replacementGraph, LoweringTool tool) { final PhaseContext c = new PhaseContext( tool.getMetaAccess(), tool.getConstantReflection(), tool.getConstantFieldProvider(), tool.getLowerer(), tool.getReplacements(), tool.getStampProvider(), tool.getNodeCostProvider()); if (!graph().hasValueProxies()) { new RemoveValueProxyPhase().apply(replacementGraph); } GuardsStage guardsStage = graph().getGuardsStage(); if (!guardsStage.allowsFloatingGuards()) { new GuardLoweringPhase().apply(replacementGraph, null); if (guardsStage.areFrameStatesAtDeopts()) { new FrameStateAssignmentPhase().apply(replacementGraph); } } try (Scope s = Debug.scope("LoweringSnippetTemplate", replacementGraph)) { new LoweringPhase(new CanonicalizerPhase(), tool.getLoweringStage()) .apply(replacementGraph, c); } catch (Throwable e) { throw Debug.handle(e); } return replacementGraph; }
@Override void walk() { try (Scope s = Debug.scope("OptimizingLinearScanWalker")) { for (AbstractBlock<?> block : allocator.sortedBlocks) { optimizeBlock(block); } } super.walk(); }
@SuppressWarnings("try") public boolean verify() { try (Scope s = Debug.scope("SSAVerifier", lir)) { for (AbstractBlockBase<?> block : lir.getControlFlowGraph().getBlocks()) { doBlock(block); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw Debug.handle(e); } return true; }
private void optimizeBlock(AbstractBlock<?> block) { if (block.getPredecessorCount() == 1) { int nextBlock = allocator.getFirstLirInstructionId(block); try (Scope s1 = Debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) { Debug.log("next block: %s (%d)", block, nextBlock); } try (Indent indent0 = Debug.indent()) { walkTo(nextBlock); try (Scope s1 = Debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) { boolean changed = true; // we need to do this because the active lists might change loop: while (changed) { changed = false; try (Indent indent1 = Debug.logAndIndent("Active intervals: (block %s [%d])", block, nextBlock)) { for (Interval active = activeLists.get(RegisterBinding.Any); active != Interval.EndMarker; active = active.next) { Debug.log("active (any): %s", active); if (optimize(nextBlock, block, active, RegisterBinding.Any)) { changed = true; break loop; } } for (Interval active = activeLists.get(RegisterBinding.Stack); active != Interval.EndMarker; active = active.next) { Debug.log("active (stack): %s", active); if (optimize(nextBlock, block, active, RegisterBinding.Stack)) { changed = true; break loop; } } } } } } } }
@Override protected void handleSpillSlot(Interval interval) { assert interval.location() != null : "interval not assigned " + interval; if (interval.canMaterialize()) { assert !isStackSlot(interval.location()) : "interval can materialize but assigned to a stack slot " + interval; return; } assert isStackSlot(interval.location()) : "interval not assigned to a stack slot " + interval; try (Scope s1 = Debug.scope("LSRAOptimization")) { Debug.log("adding stack to unhandled list %s", interval); unhandledLists.addToListSortedByStartAndUsePositions(RegisterBinding.Stack, interval); } }
@SuppressWarnings("try") private ScheduleResult getFinalSchedule( final String snippet, final TestMode mode, final SchedulingStrategy schedulingStrategy) { final StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(snippet, AllowAssumptions.NO); try (Scope d = Debug.scope("FloatingReadTest", graph)) { try (OverrideScope s = OptionValue.override( OptScheduleOutOfLoops, schedulingStrategy == SchedulingStrategy.LATEST_OUT_OF_LOOPS, OptImplicitNullChecks, false)) { HighTierContext context = getDefaultHighTierContext(); CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer = new CanonicalizerPhase(); canonicalizer.apply(graph, context); if (mode == TestMode.INLINED_WITHOUT_FRAMESTATES) { new InliningPhase(canonicalizer).apply(graph, context); } new LoweringPhase(canonicalizer, LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.HIGH_TIER) .apply(graph, context); if (mode == TestMode.WITHOUT_FRAMESTATES || mode == TestMode.INLINED_WITHOUT_FRAMESTATES) { graph.clearAllStateAfter(); } Debug.dump(graph, "after removal of framestates"); new FloatingReadPhase().apply(graph); new RemoveValueProxyPhase().apply(graph); MidTierContext midContext = new MidTierContext( getProviders(), getTargetProvider(), OptimisticOptimizations.ALL, graph.getProfilingInfo()); new GuardLoweringPhase().apply(graph, midContext); new LoweringPhase(canonicalizer, LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.MID_TIER) .apply(graph, midContext); new LoweringPhase(canonicalizer, LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.LOW_TIER) .apply(graph, midContext); SchedulePhase schedule = new SchedulePhase(schedulingStrategy); schedule.apply(graph); assertDeepEquals(1, graph.getNodes().filter(StartNode.class).count()); return graph.getLastSchedule(); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw Debug.handle(e); } }
public LoopsData(final StructuredGraph graph) { cfg = Debug.scope( "ControlFlowGraph", new Callable<ControlFlowGraph>() { @Override public ControlFlowGraph call() throws Exception { return ControlFlowGraph.compute(graph, true, true, true, true); } }); for (Loop lirLoop : cfg.getLoops()) { LoopEx ex = new LoopEx(lirLoop, this); lirLoopToEx.put(lirLoop, ex); loopBeginToEx.put(ex.loopBegin(), ex); } }
@SuppressWarnings("try") protected LIRGenerationResult getLIRGenerationResult(final StructuredGraph graph) { try (Scope s = Debug.scope("FrontEnd")) { GraalCompiler.emitFrontEnd( getProviders(), getBackend(), graph, getDefaultGraphBuilderSuite(), OptimisticOptimizations.NONE, graph.getProfilingInfo(), getSuites()); } catch (Throwable e) { throw Debug.handle(e); } LIRGenerationResult lirGen = GraalCompiler.emitLIR(getBackend(), graph, null, null, getLIRSuites(), null); return lirGen; }
public static void scope(String name, Object context, Runnable runnable) { scope(name, new Object[] {context}, runnable); }
public static void scope(String name, Runnable runnable) { scope(name, new Object[0], runnable); }