  * Compute the present value of a bond future option transaction from the quoted option price.
  * @param option The future option, not null
  * @param curves The curves, not null
  * @param price The quoted price
  * @return The present value.
 public CurrencyAmount presentValueFromPrice(
     final BondFutureOptionPremiumTransaction option,
     final YieldCurveBundle curves,
     final double price) {
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(option, "option");
   ArgumentChecker.notNull(curves, "curves");
   final Currency ccy = option.getUnderlyingOption().getCurrency();
   final CurrencyAmount premiumPV = option.getPremium().accept(PVC, curves).getCurrencyAmount(ccy);
   final double optionPV =
           * option.getQuantity()
           * option.getUnderlyingOption().getUnderlyingFuture().getNotional();
   return premiumPV.plus(optionPV);