public void budgetReportHeader(PrintWriter pw, ReportModel psm) { int startyear = psm.getStartyear(); int endyear = psm.getEndyear(); int nextyear = psm.getEndyear() + 1; String endyearsubset = String.valueOf(endyear).substring(2, 4); String nextyearsubset = String.valueOf(nextyear).substring(2, 4); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf("%s", " ANNEXURE - IV"); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf( "%s%s", " TAMIL NADU CIVIL SUPPLIES CORPORATION,", psm.getRegionname()); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf( "%44s%4s%s%2s%25s%4s%s%4s%78s", "REVISED ESTIMATE FOR ", startyear, "-", endyearsubset, " AND BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR ", startyear + 1, "-", startyear + 2, "RUPEES IN LAKHS"); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.print(horizontalline); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf( "%s", " SL HEAD OF ACTUALS IN AVERAGE FOR BUDGET EST. ACTUAL PROBABLE FOR REV.ESTI. BUDGET FMA Rev.FMA HEAD OFFICE"); // pw.printf("%s", " SL HEAD OF ACTUALS IN // AVERAGE FOR BUDGET EST. ACTUAL PROBABLE FOR REV.ESTI. BUDGET HEAD // OFFICE"); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf( "%-41s%4s%s%4s%2s%4s%s%4s%2s%4s%s%4s%19s%4s%s%2s%27s%4s%s%2s%17s%4s%s%2s%4s%4s%s%2s%19s", " NO ACCOUNT", psm.getFirststartyear(), "-", psm.getFirstendyear(), " ", psm.getSecondstartyear(), "-", psm.getSecondendyear(), " ", psm.getThirdstartyear(), "-", psm.getThirdendyear(), " THREE YEARS IN ", startyear, "-", endyearsubset, " UPTO SEP CT TO MAR ", startyear, "-", endyearsubset, " ESTIMATE ", startyear, "-", endyearsubset, " ", startyear, "-", endyearsubset, " R.E. B.E."); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf( "%173s%4s%s%2s%5s%4s%s%2s", "", startyear, "-", endyearsubset, " ", startyear + 1, "-", nextyearsubset); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.print(horizontalline); pw.println(); lineno++; }
public void getBudgetFMAReportPrintWriter(ReportModel psm, String filePath) { // System.out.println("***************** Abstract class getSalaryAbstractPrintWriter // method is calling *******************"); try { PrintWriter pw = null; File file = new File(filePath); try { pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, true))); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (psm.getSlipno() == 1) { budgetReportHeader(pw, psm); groupname = psm.getLedgergroupname(); pw.printf("%6s%s", "", psm.getLedgergroupname()); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf("%6s%s", "", "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); pw.println(); lineno++; } if (!groupname.equals(psm.getLedgergroupname())) { budgetReportGroupTotal(pw); pw.printf("%6s%s", "", psm.getLedgergroupname()); pw.println(); lineno++; pw.printf("%6s%s", "", "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); pw.println(); lineno++; if (lineno >= 61) { pw.println(); pw.print(FORM_FEED); lineno = 1; budgetReportHeader(pw, psm); } groupname = psm.getLedgergroupname(); } if (lineno >= 61) { pw.println(); pw.print(FORM_FEED); lineno = 1; budgetReportHeader(pw, psm); } pw.printf( "%4s%-2s%-30s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s", psm.getSlipno(), ". ", psm.getLedgername(), " ", psm.getFirstactual(), " ", psm.getSecondactual(), " ", psm.getThirdactual(), " ", psm.getAverage(), " ", psm.getBudgetestimate(), " ", psm.getActualfirsthalf(), " ", psm.getProbablesecondhalf(), " ", psm.getRevisedestimate(), " ", psm.getBudgetestimatenext(), " ", psm.getFma(), " ", psm.getHofma(), " ", psm.getHorevisedestimate(), " ", psm.getHobudgetestimate()); pw.println(); lineno++; if (lineno >= 61) { pw.println(); pw.print(FORM_FEED); lineno = 1; budgetReportHeader(pw, psm); } pw.print(horizontalline); pw.println(); lineno++; if (lineno >= 61) { pw.println(); pw.print(FORM_FEED); lineno = 1; budgetReportHeader(pw, psm); } groupFirstactual += Double.valueOf(psm.getFirstactual()); groupSecondactual += Double.valueOf(psm.getSecondactual()); groupThirdactual += Double.valueOf(psm.getThirdactual()); groupAverage += Double.valueOf(psm.getAverage()); groupBudgetestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getBudgetestimate()); groupActualfirsthalf += Double.valueOf(psm.getActualfirsthalf()); groupProbablesecondhalf += Double.valueOf(psm.getProbablesecondhalf()); groupRevisedestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getRevisedestimate()); groupBudgetestimatenext += Double.valueOf(psm.getBudgetestimatenext()); if (psm.getHorevisedestimate() != null || psm.getHorevisedestimate().length() > 0) { groupHorevisedestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getHorevisedestimate()); } else { groupHorevisedestimate += 0; } if (psm.getHobudgetestimate() != null || psm.getHobudgetestimate().length() > 0) { groupHobudgetestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getHobudgetestimate()); } else { groupHobudgetestimate += 0; } if (psm.getFma() != null || psm.getFma().length() > 0) { groupFma += Double.valueOf(psm.getFma()); } else { groupFma += 0; } if (psm.getHofma() != null || psm.getHofma().length() > 0) { groupHOFma += Double.valueOf(psm.getHofma()); } else { groupHOFma += 0; } grandFirstactual += Double.valueOf(psm.getFirstactual()); grandSecondactual += Double.valueOf(psm.getSecondactual()); grandThirdactual += Double.valueOf(psm.getThirdactual()); grandAverage += Double.valueOf(psm.getAverage()); grandBudgetestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getBudgetestimate()); grandActualfirsthalf += Double.valueOf(psm.getActualfirsthalf()); grandProbablesecondhalf += Double.valueOf(psm.getProbablesecondhalf()); grandRevisedestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getRevisedestimate()); grandBudgetestimatenext += Double.valueOf(psm.getBudgetestimatenext()); if (psm.getHorevisedestimate() != null || psm.getHorevisedestimate().length() > 0) { grandHorevisedestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getHorevisedestimate()); } else { grandHorevisedestimate += 0; } if (psm.getHobudgetestimate() != null || psm.getHobudgetestimate().length() > 0) { grandHobudgetestimate += Double.valueOf(psm.getHobudgetestimate()); } else { grandHobudgetestimate += 0; } if (psm.getFma() != null || psm.getFma().length() > 0) { grandFma += Double.valueOf(psm.getFma()); } else { grandFma += 0; } if (psm.getHofma() != null || psm.getHofma().length() > 0) { grandHoFma += Double.valueOf(psm.getHofma()); } else { grandHoFma += 0; } // // pw.printf("%36s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s", " // GROUP TOTAL ", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", // " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " // 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00"); // pw.println(); // // pw.printf("%36s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s%s%11s", " // GRAND TOTAL ", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", // " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " // 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00", " ", " 0.00"); // pw.write(FORM_FEED); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }