private static final void loadItems(AuctionMarkProfile profile, ResultSet vt)
      throws SQLException {
    int ctr = 0;
    while ( {
      int col = 1;
      ItemId i_id = new ItemId(vt.getLong(col++));
      double i_current_price = vt.getDouble(col++);
      Timestamp i_end_date = vt.getTimestamp(col++);
      int i_num_bids = (int) vt.getLong(col++);

      // IMPORTANT: Do not set the status here so that we make sure that
      // it is added to the right queue
      ItemInfo itemInfo = new ItemInfo(i_id, i_current_price, i_end_date, i_num_bids);
      profile.addItemToProperQueue(itemInfo, false);
    } // WHILE

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
          String.format("Loaded %d records from %s", ctr, AuctionMarkConstants.TABLENAME_ITEM));