   * Builder for {@link com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.DisplayImageOptions}
   * @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com)
  public static class Builder {
    private int imageResOnLoading = 0;
    private int imageResForEmptyUri = 0;
    private int imageResOnFail = 0;
    private Drawable imageOnLoading = null;
    private Drawable imageForEmptyUri = null;
    private Drawable imageOnFail = null;
    private boolean resetViewBeforeLoading = false;
    private boolean cacheInMemory = false;
    private boolean cacheOnDisk = false;
    private ImageScaleType imageScaleType = ImageScaleType.IN_SAMPLE_POWER_OF_2;
    private Options decodingOptions = new Options();
    private int delayBeforeLoading = 0;
    private boolean considerExifParams = false;
    private Object extraForDownloader = null;
    private BitmapProcessor preProcessor = null;
    private BitmapProcessor postProcessor = null;
    private BitmapDisplayer displayer = DefaultConfigurationFactory.createBitmapDisplayer();
    private Handler handler = null;
    private boolean isSyncLoading = false;

    public Builder() {
      decodingOptions.inPurgeable = true;
      decodingOptions.inInputShareable = true;

     * Stub image will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} during image
     * loading
     * @param imageRes Stub image resource
     * @deprecated Use {@link #showImageOnLoading(int)} instead
    public Builder showStubImage(int imageRes) {
      imageResOnLoading = imageRes;
      return this;

     * Incoming image will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} during image
     * loading
     * @param imageRes Image resource
    public Builder showImageOnLoading(int imageRes) {
      imageResOnLoading = imageRes;
      return this;

     * Incoming drawable will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} during image
     * loading. This option will be ignored if {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.DisplayImageOptions.Builder#showImageOnLoading(int)}
     * is set.
    public Builder showImageOnLoading(Drawable drawable) {
      imageOnLoading = drawable;
      return this;

     * Incoming image will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} if empty URI
     * (null or empty string) will be passed to <b>ImageLoader.displayImage(...)</b> method.
     * @param imageRes Image resource
    public Builder showImageForEmptyUri(int imageRes) {
      imageResForEmptyUri = imageRes;
      return this;

     * Incoming drawable will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} if empty URI
     * (null or empty string) will be passed to <b>ImageLoader.displayImage(...)</b> method. This
     * option will be ignored if {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.DisplayImageOptions.Builder#showImageForEmptyUri(int)}
     * is set.
    public Builder showImageForEmptyUri(Drawable drawable) {
      imageForEmptyUri = drawable;
      return this;

     * Incoming image will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} if some error
     * occurs during requested image loading/decoding.
     * @param imageRes Image resource
    public Builder showImageOnFail(int imageRes) {
      imageResOnFail = imageRes;
      return this;

     * Incoming drawable will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} if some error
     * occurs during requested image loading/decoding. This option will be ignored if {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.DisplayImageOptions.Builder#showImageOnFail(int)} is
     * set.
    public Builder showImageOnFail(Drawable drawable) {
      imageOnFail = drawable;
      return this;

     * {@link com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} will be
     * reset (set <b>null</b>) before image loading start
     * @deprecated Use {@link #resetViewBeforeLoading(boolean) resetViewBeforeLoading(true)} instead
    public Builder resetViewBeforeLoading() {
      resetViewBeforeLoading = true;
      return this;

     * Sets whether {@link com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware
     * view} will be reset (set <b>null</b>) before image loading start
    public Builder resetViewBeforeLoading(boolean resetViewBeforeLoading) {
      this.resetViewBeforeLoading = resetViewBeforeLoading;
      return this;

     * Loaded image will be cached in memory
     * @deprecated Use {@link #cacheInMemory(boolean) cacheInMemory(true)} instead
    public Builder cacheInMemory() {
      cacheInMemory = true;
      return this;

    /** Sets whether loaded image will be cached in memory */
    public Builder cacheInMemory(boolean cacheInMemory) {
      this.cacheInMemory = cacheInMemory;
      return this;

     * Loaded image will be cached on disk
     * @deprecated Use {@link #cacheOnDisk(boolean) cacheOnDisk(true)} instead
    public Builder cacheOnDisc() {
      return cacheOnDisk(true);

     * Sets whether loaded image will be cached on disk
     * @deprecated Use {@link #cacheOnDisk(boolean)} instead
    public Builder cacheOnDisc(boolean cacheOnDisk) {
      return cacheOnDisk(cacheOnDisk);

    /** Sets whether loaded image will be cached on disk */
    public Builder cacheOnDisk(boolean cacheOnDisk) {
      this.cacheOnDisk = cacheOnDisk;
      return this;

     * Sets {@linkplain com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.ImageScaleType scale type} for
     * decoding image. This parameter is used while define scale size for decoding image to Bitmap.
     * Default value - {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.ImageScaleType#IN_SAMPLE_POWER_OF_2}
    public Builder imageScaleType(ImageScaleType imageScaleType) {
      this.imageScaleType = imageScaleType;
      return this;

     * Sets {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config bitmap config} for image decoding. Default value -
     * {@link android.graphics.Bitmap.Config#ARGB_8888}
    public Builder bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig) {
      if (bitmapConfig == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bitmapConfig can't be null");
      decodingOptions.inPreferredConfig = bitmapConfig;
      return this;

     * Sets options for image decoding.<br>
     * <b>NOTE:</b> {@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options#inSampleSize} of incoming options
     * will <b>NOT</b> be considered. Library calculate the most appropriate sample size itself
     * according yo {@link
     * #imageScaleType(com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist.ImageScaleType)} options.<br>
     * <b>NOTE:</b> This option overlaps {@link #bitmapConfig(android.graphics.Bitmap.Config)
     * bitmapConfig()} option.
    public Builder decodingOptions(Options decodingOptions) {
      if (decodingOptions == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("decodingOptions can't be null");
      this.decodingOptions = decodingOptions;
      return this;

    /** Sets delay time before starting loading task. Default - no delay. */
    public Builder delayBeforeLoading(int delayInMillis) {
      this.delayBeforeLoading = delayInMillis;
      return this;

     * Sets auxiliary object which will be passed to {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.download.ImageDownloader#getStream(String, Object)}
    public Builder extraForDownloader(Object extra) {
      this.extraForDownloader = extra;
      return this;

    /** Sets whether ImageLoader will consider EXIF parameters of JPEG image (rotate, flip) */
    public Builder considerExifParams(boolean considerExifParams) {
      this.considerExifParams = considerExifParams;
      return this;

     * Sets bitmap processor which will be process bitmaps before they will be cached in memory. So
     * memory cache will contain bitmap processed by incoming preProcessor.<br>
     * Image will be pre-processed even if caching in memory is disabled.
    public Builder preProcessor(BitmapProcessor preProcessor) {
      this.preProcessor = preProcessor;
      return this;

     * Sets bitmap processor which will be process bitmaps before they will be displayed in {@link
     * com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.imageaware.ImageAware image aware view} but after
     * they'll have been saved in memory cache.
    public Builder postProcessor(BitmapProcessor postProcessor) {
      this.postProcessor = postProcessor;
      return this;

     * Sets custom {@link com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.display.BitmapDisplayer displayer}
     * for image loading task. Default value - {@link
     * DefaultConfigurationFactory#createBitmapDisplayer()}
    public Builder displayer(BitmapDisplayer displayer) {
      if (displayer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayer can't be null");
      this.displayer = displayer;
      return this;

    Builder syncLoading(boolean isSyncLoading) {
      this.isSyncLoading = isSyncLoading;
      return this;

     * Sets custom {@linkplain android.os.Handler handler} for displaying images and firing
     * {@linkplain com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.listener.ImageLoadingListener listener}
     * events.
    public Builder handler(Handler handler) {
      this.handler = handler;
      return this;

    /** Sets all options equal to incoming options */
    public Builder cloneFrom(DisplayImageOptions options) {
      imageResOnLoading = options.imageResOnLoading;
      imageResForEmptyUri = options.imageResForEmptyUri;
      imageResOnFail = options.imageResOnFail;
      imageOnLoading = options.imageOnLoading;
      imageForEmptyUri = options.imageForEmptyUri;
      imageOnFail = options.imageOnFail;
      resetViewBeforeLoading = options.resetViewBeforeLoading;
      cacheInMemory = options.cacheInMemory;
      cacheOnDisk = options.cacheOnDisk;
      imageScaleType = options.imageScaleType;
      decodingOptions = options.decodingOptions;
      delayBeforeLoading = options.delayBeforeLoading;
      considerExifParams = options.considerExifParams;
      extraForDownloader = options.extraForDownloader;
      preProcessor = options.preProcessor;
      postProcessor = options.postProcessor;
      displayer = options.displayer;
      handler = options.handler;
      isSyncLoading = options.isSyncLoading;
      return this;

     * Builds configured {@link com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.DisplayImageOptions} object
    public DisplayImageOptions build() {
      return new DisplayImageOptions(this);
public class DisplayImageOptions$Builder {
  private int a = 0;
  private int b = 0;
  private int c = 0;
  private Drawable d = null;
  private Drawable e = null;
  private Drawable f = null;
  private boolean g = false;
  private boolean h = false;
  private boolean i = false;
  private ImageScaleType j = ImageScaleType.IN_SAMPLE_POWER_OF_2;
  private BitmapFactory.Options k = new BitmapFactory.Options();
  private int l = 0;
  private boolean m = false;
  private Object n = null;
  private BitmapProcessor o = null;
  private BitmapProcessor p = null;
  private BitmapDisplayer q = DefaultConfigurationFactory.createBitmapDisplayer();
  private Handler r = null;
  private boolean s = false;

  public DisplayImageOptions$Builder() {
    this.k.inPurgeable = true;
    this.k.inInputShareable = true;

  final Builder a(boolean paramBoolean) {
    this.s = true;
    return this;

  public Builder bitmapConfig(Bitmap.Config paramConfig) {
    if (paramConfig == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bitmapConfig can't be null");
    this.k.inPreferredConfig = paramConfig;
    return this;

  public DisplayImageOptions build() {
    return new DisplayImageOptions(this, (byte) 0);

  public Builder cacheInMemory() {
    this.h = true;
    return this;

  public Builder cacheInMemory(boolean paramBoolean) {
    this.h = paramBoolean;
    return this;

  public Builder cacheOnDisc() {
    return cacheOnDisk(true);

  public Builder cacheOnDisc(boolean paramBoolean) {
    return cacheOnDisk(paramBoolean);

  public Builder cacheOnDisk(boolean paramBoolean) {
    this.i = paramBoolean;
    return this;

  public Builder cloneFrom(DisplayImageOptions paramDisplayImageOptions) {
    this.a = DisplayImageOptions.a(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.b = DisplayImageOptions.b(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.c = DisplayImageOptions.c(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.d = DisplayImageOptions.d(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.e = DisplayImageOptions.e(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.f = DisplayImageOptions.f(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.g = DisplayImageOptions.g(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.h = DisplayImageOptions.h(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.i = DisplayImageOptions.i(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.j = DisplayImageOptions.j(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.k = DisplayImageOptions.k(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.l = DisplayImageOptions.l(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.m = DisplayImageOptions.m(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.n = DisplayImageOptions.n(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.o = DisplayImageOptions.o(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.p = DisplayImageOptions.p(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.q = DisplayImageOptions.q(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.r = DisplayImageOptions.r(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    this.s = DisplayImageOptions.s(paramDisplayImageOptions);
    return this;

  public Builder considerExifParams(boolean paramBoolean) {
    this.m = paramBoolean;
    return this;

  public Builder decodingOptions(BitmapFactory.Options paramOptions) {
    if (paramOptions == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("decodingOptions can't be null");
    this.k = paramOptions;
    return this;

  public Builder delayBeforeLoading(int paramInt) {
    this.l = paramInt;
    return this;

  public Builder displayer(BitmapDisplayer paramBitmapDisplayer) {
    if (paramBitmapDisplayer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayer can't be null");
    this.q = paramBitmapDisplayer;
    return this;

  public Builder extraForDownloader(Object paramObject) {
    this.n = paramObject;
    return this;

  public Builder handler(Handler paramHandler) {
    this.r = paramHandler;
    return this;

  public Builder imageScaleType(ImageScaleType paramImageScaleType) {
    this.j = paramImageScaleType;
    return this;

  public Builder postProcessor(BitmapProcessor paramBitmapProcessor) {
    this.p = paramBitmapProcessor;
    return this;

  public Builder preProcessor(BitmapProcessor paramBitmapProcessor) {
    this.o = paramBitmapProcessor;
    return this;

  public Builder resetViewBeforeLoading() {
    this.g = true;
    return this;

  public Builder resetViewBeforeLoading(boolean paramBoolean) {
    this.g = paramBoolean;
    return this;

  public Builder showImageForEmptyUri(int paramInt) {
    this.b = paramInt;
    return this;

  public Builder showImageForEmptyUri(Drawable paramDrawable) {
    this.e = paramDrawable;
    return this;

  public Builder showImageOnFail(int paramInt) {
    this.c = paramInt;
    return this;

  public Builder showImageOnFail(Drawable paramDrawable) {
    this.f = paramDrawable;
    return this;

  public Builder showImageOnLoading(int paramInt) {
    this.a = paramInt;
    return this;

  public Builder showImageOnLoading(Drawable paramDrawable) {
    this.d = paramDrawable;
    return this;

  public Builder showStubImage(int paramInt) {
    this.a = paramInt;
    return this;