  public BillingEventSet getBillingEventsForAccountAndUpdateAccountBCD(
      final UUID accountId, final InternalCallContext context) {
    final List<SubscriptionBaseBundle> bundles =
        subscriptionApi.getBundlesForAccount(accountId, context);
    final DefaultBillingEventSet result = new DefaultBillingEventSet();

    try {
      final Account account = accountApi.getAccountById(accountId, context);

      // Check to see if billing is off for the account
      final List<Tag> accountTags = tagApi.getTags(accountId, ObjectType.ACCOUNT, context);
      final boolean found_AUTO_INVOICING_OFF = is_AUTO_INVOICING_OFF(accountTags);
      if (found_AUTO_INVOICING_OFF) {
        return result; // billing is off, we are done

      addBillingEventsForBundles(bundles, account, context, result);
    } catch (AccountApiException e) {
      log.warn("Failed while getting BillingEvent", e);

    // Pretty-print the events, before and after the blocking calculator does its magic
    final StringBuilder logStringBuilder =
        new StringBuilder("Computed billing events for accountId ").append(accountId);
    eventsToString(logStringBuilder, result, "\nBilling Events Raw");
    blockCalculator.insertBlockingEvents(result, context);
    eventsToString(logStringBuilder, result, "\nBilling Events After Blocking");

    return result;