        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long i) {
          AlertActivity alertActivity = AlertActivity.this;
          Cursor cursor = alertActivity.getItemForView(view);

          long alarmId = cursor.getLong(INDEX_ROW_ID);
          long eventId = cursor.getLong(AlertActivity.INDEX_EVENT_ID);
          long startMillis = cursor.getLong(AlertActivity.INDEX_BEGIN);

          // Mark this alarm as DISMISSED
          dismissAlarm(alarmId, eventId, startMillis);

          // build an intent and task stack to start EventInfoActivity with AllInOneActivity
          // as the parent activity rooted to home.
          long endMillis = cursor.getLong(AlertActivity.INDEX_END);
          Intent eventIntent =
              AlertUtils.buildEventViewIntent(AlertActivity.this, eventId, startMillis, endMillis);

          if (Utils.isJellybeanOrLater()) {
          } else {
