Example #1
   * Verifies that a representative is able to view the access log of a representee.
   * @throws Exception
  public void testViewAccessLogRepresentativeView() throws Exception {

    WebConversation wc = login("24", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", wr.getTitle());

    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Access Log").click();
    assertEquals("iTrust - View My Access Log", wr.getTitle());

    // select Dare Devil from the dropdown menu
    WebForm representeeSelectForm = wr.getFormWithID("logMIDSelectionForm");
    representeeSelectForm.setParameter("logMID", "23");

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();

    assertFalse(wr.getText().contains("Beaker Beaker"));
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("<td >2007-06-23 06:55:59.0</td>"));

    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Role").click();
    assertEquals("iTrust - View My Access Log", wr.getTitle());
    assertFalse(wr.getText().contains("Beaker Beaker"));
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("<td >2007-06-23 06:55:59.0</td>"));

    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Access Log").click();
    assertEquals("iTrust - View My Access Log", wr.getTitle());

    assertFalse(wr.getText().contains("Kelly Doctor"));
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("<td >2007-06-25 06:54:59.0</td>"));
  public void testChangePassword_Invalid_Length() throws Exception {
    // Patient1 logs into iTrust
    WebConversation wc = login("1", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", wr.getTitle());

    // User goes to change password
    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Change Password").click();

    // User types in their current, new, and confirm passwords
    WebForm wf = wr.getFormWithID("mainForm");
    wf.setParameter("oldPass", "pw");
    wf.setParameter("newPass", "pas1");
    wf.setParameter("confirmPass", "pas1");

    // User submits password change. Change logged
    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("Invalid password"));
    assertLogged(TransactionType.PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILED, 1L, 0, "");

    // User logs out
    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Logout").click();

    // User can log in with old password, but can't with new one
    wc = login("1", "pas1");
    assertEquals("iTrust - Login", wc.getCurrentPage().getTitle());
    wc = login("1", "pw");
    assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", wc.getCurrentPage().getTitle());
Example #3
  public void testRemoveAppt() throws Exception {
    // login hcp
    WebConversation wc = login("9000000000", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wr.getTitle());
    assertLogged(TransactionType.HOME_VIEW, 9000000000L, 0L, "");

    wr = wr.getLinkWith("View My Appointments").click();
    assertLogged(TransactionType.APPOINTMENT_ALL_VIEW, 9000000000L, 0L, "");

    WebTable table = wr.getTables()[0];
    int row = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
      if (table.getCellAsText(i, 0).equals("Anakin Skywalker")) {
        row = i;

    wr = table.getTableCell(row, 5).getLinkWith("Edit/Remove").click();
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("Anakin Skywalker"));
    WebForm wf = wr.getFormWithID("mainForm");

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();

    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("Success: Appointment removed"));
    assertLogged(TransactionType.APPOINTMENT_REMOVE, 9000000000L, 100L, "");
Example #4
   * Tests adding a lab procedure with no lab tech selected. Verifies that an error message is
   * displayed.
   * @throws Exception
  public void testAddLabProcedureWithoutLabTech() throws Exception {

    WebConversation wc = login("9000000000", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wr.getTitle());
    // click Document Office Visit
    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Document Office Visit").click();

    // select the patient
    WebForm form = wr.getForms()[0];
    form.getScriptableObject().setParameterValue("UID_PATIENTID", "2");
    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals(ADDRESS + "auth/hcp-uap/documentOfficeVisit.jsp", wr.getURL().toString());
    // Select the office visit from specific date

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Document Office Visit", wr.getTitle());

    form = wr.getFormWithID("labProcedureForm");
    form.setParameter("loinc", "10666-6");
    form.setParameter("labProcPriority", "1");

    // check updated page
    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
        wr.getText().contains("A lab tech must be selected before adding a laboratory procedure."));
Example #5
  public void testSetPassedDate() throws Exception {
    // login hcp
    WebConversation wc = login("9000000000", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wr.getTitle());
    assertLogged(TransactionType.HOME_VIEW, 9000000000L, 0L, "");
    wr = wr.getLinkWith("View My Appointments").click();
    assertLogged(TransactionType.APPOINTMENT_ALL_VIEW, 9000000000L, 0L, "");

    WebTable table = wr.getTables()[0];
    int row = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
      if (table.getCellAsText(i, 0).equals("Anakin Skywalker")) {
        row = i;

    wr = table.getTableCell(row, 5).getLinkWith("Edit/Remove").click();
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("Anakin Skywalker"));
    WebForm wf = wr.getFormWithID("mainForm");
    wf.setParameter("schedDate", "10/10/2009");

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();

    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("The scheduled date of this appointment"));
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("has already passed."));
    assertNotLogged(TransactionType.APPOINTMENT_EDIT, 9000000000L, 100L, "");
Example #6
  public void testAddLabProcedureWithLabTech() throws Exception {

    WebConversation wc = login("9000000000", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wr.getTitle());
    // click Document Office Visit
    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Document Office Visit").click();

    // select the patient
    WebForm form = wr.getForms()[0];
    form.getScriptableObject().setParameterValue("UID_PATIENTID", "2");
    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals(ADDRESS + "auth/hcp-uap/documentOfficeVisit.jsp", wr.getURL().toString());
    // Select the office visit from specific date

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Document Office Visit", wr.getTitle());

    form = wr.getFormWithID("labProcedureForm");
    form.setParameter("loinc", "10666-6");
    form.setParameter("labTech", "5000000001");
    form.setParameter("labProcPriority", "1");

    // check updated page
    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("Lab Procedure information successfully updated."));
    assertLogged(TransactionType.LAB_PROCEDURE_ADD, 9000000000L, 2L, "");

    // Get row containing procedure.
    WebTable tbl = wr.getTableWithID("labProceduresTable");
    TableRow[] rows = tbl.getRows();
    int rowi = 0;
    for (; rowi < rows.length; rowi++) {
      if (rows[rowi].getText().startsWith("| 10666-6")) {
    assertTrue(rowi < rows.length);
    // Verify data in table
    assertEquals("Lab Dude", tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 1));
    assertEquals("In Transit", tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 2)); // status
    assertEquals("", tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 5)); // commentary
    assertEquals("", tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 6)); // numerical results
    assertEquals("", tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 7)); // lower bound
    assertEquals("", tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 8)); // upper bound
    assertTrue(tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 10).contains("Remove")); // action
    assertTrue(tbl.getCellAsText(rowi, 10).contains("Reassign")); // action
Example #7
   * testReassignLabProcedure
   * @throws Exception
  public void testReassignLabProcedure() throws Exception {

    WebConversation wc = login("9000000000", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wr.getTitle());
    // click Document Office Visit
    wr = wr.getLinkWith("Document Office Visit").click();

    // select the patient
    WebForm form = wr.getForms()[0];
    form.getScriptableObject().setParameterValue("UID_PATIENTID", "2");
    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals(ADDRESS + "auth/hcp-uap/documentOfficeVisit.jsp", wr.getURL().toString());
    // Select the office visit from specific date

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Document Office Visit", wr.getTitle());

    // Click the Reassign link.
    WebTable tbl = wr.getTableWithID("labProceduresTable");
    assertEquals("Nice Guy", tbl.getCellAsText(2, 1));
    assertTrue(tbl.getCellAsText(2, 10).contains("Reassign"));
    wr = tbl.getTableCell(2, 10).getLinkWith("Reassign").click();

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Reassign Lab Procedure", wr.getTitle());

    // Change the currently-assigned lab tech
    form = wr.getFormWithID("reassignLabProcedureForm");
    form.setParameter("newLabTech", "5000000001");
    form.setParameter("labProcPriority", "1");

    assertLogged(TransactionType.LAB_RESULTS_REASSIGN, 9000000000L, 2L, "");
    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Document Office Visit", wr.getTitle());

    // Ensure the lab tech has been changed
    tbl = wr.getTableWithID("labProceduresTable");
    assertEquals("Lab Dude", tbl.getCellAsText(2, 1));
Example #8
   * testLabProcedureInTransitToReceived
   * @throws Exception
  public void testLabProcedureInTransitToReceived() throws Exception {
    WebConversation wc = login("5000000001", "pw");

    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Lab Tech Home", wr.getTitle());

    wr = wr.getLinkWith("All Lab Procedures").click();
    assertEquals("iTrust - View Laboratory Procedures", wr.getTitle());

    // Ensure the table of received lab procedures has only one entry
    WebTable tbl = wr.getTableWithID("receivedTable");
    assertEquals(3, tbl.getRowCount());
    assertEquals("Beaker Beaker", tbl.getCellAsText(2, 4));

    // Check table of in-transit lab procedures
    tbl = wr.getTableWithID("inTransitTable");
    assertEquals(20, tbl.getRowCount());
    String labProcID = tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0); // lab proc id is auto-assigned
    // Click "Set to Received" on Lab Procedure
    WebForm form = wr.getFormWithID("inTransitForm");
    Button receivedButton = form.getButtons()[0];
    assertEquals("Set to Received", receivedButton.getText());

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - View Laboratory Procedures", wr.getTitle());

    // Ensure the table of received lab procedures contains the modified lab procedure.
    tbl = wr.getTableWithID("receivedTable");
    assertEquals(4, tbl.getRowCount());
    // assertFalse(tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0).contains("There are no received lab procedures"));
    assertEquals(labProcID, tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0)); // check that the lab proc is now here

    // Check that table of in-transit lab procedures has no lab procedures
    tbl = wr.getTableWithID("inTransitTable");
    assertEquals(19, tbl.getRowCount());
    // assertTrue(tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0).contains("There are no lab procedures in transit"));  //
    // lab procedure ID
Example #9
  public void testEditAppt() throws Exception {
    // login hcp
    WebConversation wc = login("9000000000", "pw");
    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", wr.getTitle());
    assertLogged(TransactionType.HOME_VIEW, 9000000000L, 0L, "");

    wr = wr.getLinkWith("View My Appointments").click();
    assertLogged(TransactionType.APPOINTMENT_ALL_VIEW, 9000000000L, 0L, "");

    WebTable table = wr.getTables()[0];
    wr = table.getTableCell(table.getRowCount() - 1, 5).getLinkWith("Edit/Remove").click();
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("Andy Programmer"));
    WebForm wf = wr.getFormWithID("mainForm");
    wf.setParameter("comment", "New comment!");

    SubmitButton[] buttons = wf.getSubmitButtons();
    wr = wf.submit(buttons[0]); // Submit as "Change"
    assertTrue(wr.getText().contains("Success: Appointment changed"));
    assertLogged(TransactionType.APPOINTMENT_EDIT, 9000000000L, 2L, "");