private MarkerCoordinateAnimatorListener( MyLocationBehavior myLocationBehavior, LatLng from, LatLng to) { behavior = myLocationBehavior; fromLat = from.getLatitude(); fromLng = from.getLongitude(); toLat = to.getLatitude(); toLng = to.getLongitude(); }
@Override public void onClick(View v) { for (Marker marker1 : markerList) { Timber.e("marker " + marker1.getDescription() + " " + marker1.getTitle()); LatLng lg = marker1.getPoint(); POI poi = new POI( marker1.getTitle(), marker1.getDescription(), lg.getLatitude(), lg.getLatitude()); waypoints.add(poi); } Intent i = new Intent(getActivity(), TrajetActivity.class); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putSerializable("waypoints", (Serializable) waypoints); i.putExtras(bundle); startActivity(i); }
/** * Calculate distance between two points * * @param other Other LatLng to compare to * @return distance in meters */ public double distanceTo(LatLng other) { if (latitude == other.latitude && longitude == other.longitude) { // return 0.0 to avoid a NaN return 0.0; } final double a1 = Math.toRadians(this.latitude); final double a2 = Math.toRadians(this.longitude); final double b1 = Math.toRadians(other.getLatitude()); final double b2 = Math.toRadians(other.getLongitude()); final double cosa1 = Math.cos(a1); final double cosb1 = Math.cos(b1); final double t1 = cosa1 * Math.cos(a2) * cosb1 * Math.cos(b2); final double t2 = cosa1 * Math.sin(a2) * cosb1 * Math.sin(b2); final double t3 = Math.sin(a1) * Math.sin(b1); final double tt = Math.acos(t1 + t2 + t3); return GeoConstants.RADIUS_EARTH_METERS * tt; }