public void run() { DBUtils.whereWeAre(); empresa = ServiceLocator2.getConfiguracion().getSucursal().getEmpresa(); System.out.println( "Cancelando pendientes para sucursal: " + ServiceLocator2.getConfiguracion().getSucursalLocalId()); try { client = new CfdiClient(); String sql = "SELECT x.uuid FROM sx_cxc_cargos_cancelados c join sx_cfdi x on(x.origen_id=c.cargo_id) where X.UUID is not null and x.cancelacion is null"; // Object args[]=new Object[]{}; List<String> rows = ServiceLocator2.getJdbcTemplate() .queryForList( sql // , args , String.class); for (String uuid : rows) { // System.out.println("Cancelando uuid: "+uuid); try { cancelar(uuid); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "Error cancelando: " + uuid + " Error: " + ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e)); } } } catch (CfdiException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Error en EDICOM: " + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); } }
private JComboBox createSucursalControl() { final JComboBox box = new JComboBox(ServiceLocator2.getLookupManager().getSucursalesOperativas().toArray()); Sucursal local = ServiceLocator2.getConfiguracion().getSucursal(); for (int index = 0; index < box.getModel().getSize(); index++) { Sucursal s = (Sucursal) box.getModel().getElementAt(index); if (s.equals(local)) { box.setSelectedIndex(index); break; } } return box; }
@Override protected List<Embarque> findData() { String hql = "from Embarque e where e.regreso is null"; List<Embarque> data = ServiceLocator2.getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); hql = "from Embarque e where date(e.regreso) between ? and ?"; data.addAll( ServiceLocator2.getHibernateTemplate() .find(hql, new Object[] {periodo.getFechaInicial(), periodo.getFechaFinal()})); UniqueList<Embarque> unidata = new UniqueList<Embarque>( GlazedLists.eventList(data), GlazedLists.beanPropertyComparator(Embarque.class, "id")); return unidata; }
public void cancelar(String uuid) throws Exception { String[] uuidList = new String[] {uuid}; System.out.println("Mandando canclera CFDIS: " + ArrayUtils.toString(uuidList)); String dirPath = "Z:\\CFDI\\cancelaciones"; File dir = new File(dirPath); Assert.isTrue(dir.exists(), "No existe el directorio para cancelaciones: " + dirPath); Assert.isTrue( dir.isDirectory(), "La ruta para las cancelaciones no es un directorio " + dirPath); CancelaResponse res = client.cancelCfdi( "PAP830101CR3", "yqjvqfofb", empresa.getRfc(), uuidList, empresa.getCertificadoDigitalPfx(), pfxPassword); String msg = res.getText(); String aka = res.getAck(); // String[] uuids=res.getUuids(); CFDI cfdi = ServiceLocator2.getCFDIManager().buscarPorUUID(uuid); Assert.notNull(cfdi, "No eixste el CFDI con UUID:" + uuid); try { // byte[] d1=Base64.decode(msg.getBytes()); String xmlFile = StringUtils.remove(cfdi.getXmlFilePath(), "xml"); byte[] d1 = msg.getBytes(); File msgFile = new File(dir, xmlFile + "_MSG.xml"); FileOutputStream out1 = new FileOutputStream(msgFile); out1.write(d1); out1.close(); // byte[] d2=Base64.decode(aka.getBytes()); byte[] d2 = aka.getBytes(); File akaFile = new File(dir, xmlFile + "_AKA.xml"); FileOutputStream out2 = new FileOutputStream(akaFile); out2.write(d2); out2.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println( "Error salvando archivos de cancelacion: " + ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)); } cfdi.setCancelacion(new Date()); ServiceLocator2.getHibernateTemplate().merge(cfdi); }
@Override protected List<Poliza> findData() { System.out.println("Buscando polizas periodo: " + periodo); String hql = "from Poliza p " + " where p.clase=? " + " and date(p.fecha) between ? and ?"; Object[] params = {getClase(), periodo.getFechaInicial(), periodo.getFechaFinal()}; return ServiceLocator2.getHibernateTemplate().find(hql, params); }
public List<Poliza> findData() { Periodo p = new Periodo(datePicker.getDate(), datePicker2.getDate()); Poliza res = ServiceLocator2.getComprasDeGastosManager().generarPolizaDeProvision(p); res.setFecha(p.getFechaFinal()); List<Poliza> list = new ArrayList<Poliza>(); list.add(res); return list; }
private void initComponents() { fechaInicial = new JXDatePicker(); fechaInicial.setFormats("dd/MM/yyyy"); fechaFinal = new JXDatePicker(); fechaFinal.setFormats("dd/MM/yyyy"); List<ChoferFacturista> data = ServiceLocator2.getUniversalDao().getAll(ChoferFacturista.class); choferes = new JComboBox(data.toArray()); }
private JComboBox buildLineaControl() { final JComboBox box = new JComboBox(); final EventList source = GlazedLists.eventList( ServiceLocator2.getHibernateTemplate().find("from Linea l order by l.nombre")); final TextFilterator filterator = GlazedLists.textFilterator(new String[] {"nombre"}); AutoCompleteSupport support = AutoCompleteSupport.install(box, source, filterator); support.setFilterMode(TextMatcherEditor.STARTS_WITH); support.setCorrectsCase(true); return box; }
private JComponent buildProveedorControl(final ValueModel vm) { if (model.getValue("proveedor") == null) { final JComboBox box = new JComboBox(); final EventList source = GlazedLists.eventList(ServiceLocator2.getProveedorManager().getAll()); final TextFilterator filterator = GlazedLists.textFilterator(new String[] {"clave", "nombre", "rfc"}); AutoCompleteSupport support = AutoCompleteSupport.install(box, source, filterator); support.setFilterMode(TextMatcherEditor.CONTAINS); support.setStrict(false); final EventComboBoxModel model = (EventComboBoxModel) box.getModel(); model.addListDataListener(new Bindings.WeakListDataListener(vm)); box.setSelectedItem(vm.getValue()); return box; } else { String prov = ((Proveedor) vm.getValue()).getNombreRazon(); JLabel label = new JLabel(prov); return label; } }
public List<Poliza> findData() { return ServiceLocator2.getComprasDeGastosManager() .generarPolizaDePagos2(datePicker.getDate()); }
private PolizasManager getPolizasManager() { return ServiceLocator2.getPolizasManager(); }
@Override public boolean doDelete(Poliza bean) { ServiceLocator2.getPolizasManager().getPolizaDao().remove(bean.getId()); return true; }
protected List<Cargo> getData() { if (cliente != null) return ServiceLocator2.getCXCManager().buscarCuentasPorCobrar(cliente, origen); else return new ArrayList<Cargo>(); }