private Ion(Context context, String name) { httpClient = new AsyncHttpClient(new AsyncServer()); this.context = context = context.getApplicationContext(); = name; try { responseCache = ResponseCacheMiddleware.addCache( httpClient, new File(context.getCacheDir(), name), 10L * 1024L * 1024L); } catch (Exception e) { IonLog.w("unable to set up response cache", e); } try { storeCache = File(context.getFilesDir(), name), 1, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (Exception e) { } // TODO: Support pre GB? if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 9) addCookieMiddleware(); httpClient.getSocketMiddleware().setConnectAllAddresses(true); httpClient.getSSLSocketMiddleware().setConnectAllAddresses(true); bitmapCache = new IonBitmapCache(this); configure() .addLoader(new PackageIconLoader()) .addLoader(httpLoader = new HttpLoader()) .addLoader(contentLoader = new ContentLoader()) .addLoader(fileLoader = new FileLoader()); }
public void loadPointCount() { String uid = URLEncoder.encode(AccountUtil.getUid(this.getActivity())); String url = Constants.BASE_URL + "point?uid=" + uid; Log.d(Constants.TAG, "current loadPointCount url " + url); AsyncHttpGet ahg = new AsyncHttpGet(url); AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance() .executeString( ahg, new AsyncHttpClient.StringCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted( Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse response, final String result) { if (e != null) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } if (ReturnProductFragment.this != null && ReturnProductFragment.this.getActivity() != null) ReturnProductFragment.this .getActivity() .runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (result.indexOf("err") == -1) { title.setText("目前點數:" + result + "點"); } } }); } }); }
public void loadItmes(final boolean first) { String uid = URLEncoder.encode(AccountUtil.getUid(this.getActivity())); String url = Constants.BASE_URL + "gift/line/nlist?uid=" + uid; Log.d(Constants.TAG, "current line gift url " + url); AsyncHttpGet ahg = new AsyncHttpGet(url); AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance() .executeJSONArray( ahg, new AsyncHttpClient.JSONArrayCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse response, JSONArray result) { if (ReturnProductFragment.this != null && ReturnProductFragment.this.getActivity() != null) ReturnProductFragment.this .getActivity() .runOnUiThread( new Runnable() { public void run() { progressBar1.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } }); if (e != null) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } // if(first && result.length() == 0) // Message.ShowMsgDialog(ActiveGiftFragment.this.getActivity(), "目前沒有進行中的遊戲"); res = new ArrayList<GiftItem>(); for (int index = 0; index < result.length(); index++) { try { JSONObject jo = result.getJSONObject(index); res.add(GiftItem.genPostItem(jo)); } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } restore(false, null); // if (ReturnProductFragment.this != null && // ReturnProductFragment.this.getActivity() != null) // ReturnProductFragment.this.getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { // public void run() { // ReturnGiftAdapter ia = (ReturnGiftAdapter) gridView.getAdapter(); // for (int index = 0; index < res.size(); index++) // ia.add(res.get(index)); // ia.notifyDataSetChanged(); // } // }); } }); }
protected void index( String url, final Collection<M> collection, final IndexCallback<M> callback) { URI uri = URI.create(url); AsyncHttpRequest req = new AsyncHttpRequest(uri, "GET"); AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance() .executeJSONArray( req, new AsyncHttpClient.JSONArrayCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse source, JSONArray result) { if (e == null && result != null) { String json = result.toString(); Collection<M> rcollection = gson.fromJson(json, getCollectionType()); collection.addAll(rcollection); callback.onIndex(collection); } else { callback.onError(e); } } }); }
public void testWebSocket() throws Exception { final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(0); AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance() .websocket( "http://localhost:5000/ws", null, new WebSocketConnectCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception ex, WebSocket webSocket) { webSocket.send("hello"); webSocket.setStringCallback( new StringCallback() { @Override public void onStringAvailable(String s) { assertEquals(s, "hello"); semaphore.release(); } }); } }); assertTrue(semaphore.tryAcquire(TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); }
@Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Initialize Builder AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); // Get arguments passed to newInstance() serverName = getArguments().getString("serverName"); serverURL = getArguments().getString("serverURL"); serverLocation = getArguments().getString("serverLocation"); // Set title and button action builder.setTitle(R.string.join_game_title); builder.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, this); // Inflate the view that shows the spinner and status text LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); View loadingView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_join_game, null); // Get the 2 text views stateText = (TextView) loadingView.findViewById(; serverText = (TextView) loadingView.findViewById(; stateText.setText(R.string.join_game_state_connecting); serverText.setText("On server: " + serverName + " (" + serverLocation + ")"); // Add view to dialog builder.setView(loadingView); // Connect to the server SocketIOClient.connect( AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance(), serverURL + ":81", new ConnectCallback() { @Override public void onConnectCompleted(Exception e, SocketIOClient client) { if (e != null) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } client.setStringCallback( new StringCallback() { @Override public void onString(String str, Acknowledge ack) { System.out.println(); } }); client.setJSONCallback( new JSONCallback() { @Override public void onJSON(JSONObject obj, Acknowledge ack) { System.out.println(); } }); } }); return builder.create(); }
@Override public void onPictureTaken(byte[] bytes, Camera camera) { _capturedImageBytes = bytes; String fileName = "FT3D_" + _picFrameNumber + "_" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date()).toString() + ".jpg"; File sdRoot = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); String dir = "/FT3D/"; File mkDir = new File(sdRoot, dir); mkDir.mkdirs(); File pictureFile = new File(sdRoot, dir + fileName); try { FileOutputStream purge = new FileOutputStream(pictureFile); purge.write(bytes); purge.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.d("DG_DEBUG", "File not found: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d("DG_DEBUG", "Error accessing file: " + e.getMessage()); } AsyncHttpPost reqPost = new AsyncHttpPost("http://" + _picTakerService.getServerIP() + ":7373/fileUpload"); MultipartFormDataBody body = new MultipartFormDataBody(); body.addFilePart("framePic", pictureFile); body.addStringPart("frameNumber", String.valueOf(_picFrameNumber)); reqPost.setBody(body); Future<String> uploadReturn = AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().executeString(reqPost); uploadReturn.setCallback( new FutureCallback<String>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, String s) { if (_uploadingDialog != null) { _uploadingDialog.cancel(); } if (_systemCamera != null) { _systemCamera.release(); } _mainLayout.removeView(_cameraPreviewWindow); _registerStepContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); _submitOrderStepContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); _readyStepContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); _framePreviewImageView.setImageBitmap( BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray( _capturedImageBytes, 0, _capturedImageBytes.length)); _framePreviewImageView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); _picReadyButton.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); try { _uploadingDialog = PicTakerActivity.this, "Uploading Frame", "Uploading your frame to FT3D server."); uploadReturn.get(); } catch (Exception e) { // Do we need to handle the specific timeout exception? e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** called with the connection token */ void createToken(String result) { if (result == null) { return; } String token = LicodeConnector.decodeToken(result); if (token == null) { return; } try { mRemoteStream.clear(); final JSONObject jsonToken = new JSONObject(token); String host = jsonToken.getString("host"); if (!host.startsWith("http://")) { host = "http://" + host; } handleTokenRefresh(jsonToken); SocketIOClient.connect( AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance(), host, new ConnectCallback() { @Override public void onConnectCompleted(Exception err, SocketIOClient client) { if (err != null) { err.printStackTrace(); return; } try { // workaround - 2nd connection event JSONObject jsonParam = new JSONObject(); jsonParam.put("reconnect", false); jsonParam.put("secure", jsonToken.getBoolean("secure")); jsonParam.put("force new connection", true); JSONArray arg = new JSONArray(); arg.put(jsonParam); client.emit("connection", arg); log("Licode: Connection established!"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } synchronized (mSocketLock) { mIoClient = client; client.on("onAddStream", mOnAddStream); client.on("onSubscribeP2P", mOnSubscribeP2P); client.on("onPublishP2P", mOnPublishP2P); client.on("onDataStream", mOnDataStream); client.on("onRemoveStream", mOnRemoveStream); client.on("disconnect", mDisconnect); } sendMessageSocket( "token", jsonToken, new Acknowledge() { @Override public void acknowledge(JSONArray result) { log("Licode: createToken -> connect"); log(result.toString()); try { // ["success",{"maxVideoBW":300,"id":"5384684c918b864466c853d6","streams":[],"defaultVideoBW":300,"turnServer":{"password":"","username":"","url":""},"stunServerUrl":""}] // ["success",{"maxVideoBW":300,"id":"5384684c918b864466c853d6","streams":[{"data":true,"id":897203996079042600,"screen":"","audio":true,"video":true},{"data":true,"id":841680482029914900,"screen":"","audio":true,"video":true}],"defaultVideoBW":300,"turnServer":{"password":"","username":"","url":""},"stunServerUrl":""}] if ("success".equalsIgnoreCase(result.getString(0)) == false) { return; } JSONObject jsonObject = result.getJSONObject(1); parseVideoTokenResponse(result); if (jsonObject.has("turnServer")) { mTurnServer = jsonObject.getJSONObject("turnServer"); String url = mTurnServer.getString("url"); String usr = mTurnServer.getString("username"); String pwd = mTurnServer.getString("password"); if (!url.isEmpty()) { mIceServers.add(new PeerConnection.IceServer(url, usr, pwd)); } } if (jsonObject.has("stunServerUrl")) { mStunServerUrl = jsonObject.getString("stunServerUrl"); if (!mStunServerUrl.isEmpty()) { mIceServers.add(new PeerConnection.IceServer(mStunServerUrl)); } } if (jsonObject.has("defaultVideoBW")) { mDefaultVideoBW = jsonObject.getInt("defaultVideoBW"); } if (jsonObject.has("maxVideoBW")) { mMaxVideoBW = jsonObject.getInt("maxVideoBW"); } mState = State.kConnected; // update room id mRoomId = jsonObject.getString("id"); for (RoomObserver obs : mObservers) { obs.onRoomConnected(mRemoteStream); } // retrieve list of streams JSONArray streams = jsonObject.getJSONArray("streams"); for (int index = 0, n = streams.length(); index < n; ++index) { // {"data":true,"id":897203996079042600,"screen":"","audio":true,"video":true} JSONObject arg = streams.getJSONObject(index); StreamDescription stream = StreamDescription.parseJson(arg); mRemoteStream.put(stream.getId(), stream); triggerStreamAdded(stream); } } catch (JSONException e) { } } }); } }); } catch (JSONException e) { } }
/** * Get the AsyncServer reactor in use by this Ion instance * * @return */ public AsyncServer getServer() { return httpClient.getServer(); }
private void addCookieMiddleware() { httpClient.insertMiddleware(cookieMiddleware = new CookieMiddleware(context, name)); }