Example #1
   * task init method that created DB and generated public/private keys
   * @param config task config
   * @throws ServletException
  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {


    Connection connection = null;
    Statement statement = null;
    // check if reset ssh application key is set
    boolean resetSSHKey = "true".equals(AppConfig.getProperty("resetApplicationSSHKey"));

    // if DB password is empty generate a random
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(AppConfig.getProperty("dbPassword"))) {
      String dbPassword = null;
      String dbPasswordConfirm = null;
      // prompt for password and confirmation
      while (dbPassword == null || !dbPassword.equals(dbPasswordConfirm)) {
        dbPassword = new String(System.console().readPassword("Please enter database password: "******"Please confirm database password: "******"Passwords do not match");
      // set password
      if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dbPassword)) {
        AppConfig.encryptProperty("dbPassword", dbPassword);
        // if password not set generate a random
      } else {
        System.out.println("Generating random database password");
        AppConfig.encryptProperty("dbPassword", RandomStringUtils.randomAscii(32));
      // else encrypt password if plain-text
    } else if (!AppConfig.isPropertyEncrypted("dbPassword")) {
      AppConfig.encryptProperty("dbPassword", AppConfig.getProperty("dbPassword"));

    try {
      connection = DBUtils.getConn();
      statement = connection.createStatement();

      ResultSet rs =
              "select * from information_schema.tables where upper(table_name) = 'USERS' and table_schema='PUBLIC'");
      if (!rs.next()) {
        resetSSHKey = true;

        // create DB objects
            "create table if not exists users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, first_nm varchar, last_nm varchar, email varchar, username varchar not null, password varchar, auth_token varchar, enabled boolean not null default true, auth_type varchar not null default '"
                + Auth.AUTH_BASIC
                + "', user_type varchar not null default '"
                + Auth.ADMINISTRATOR
                + "', salt varchar, otp_secret varchar)");
            "create table if not exists user_theme (user_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, bg varchar(7), fg varchar(7), d1 varchar(7), d2 varchar(7), d3 varchar(7), d4 varchar(7), d5 varchar(7), d6 varchar(7), d7 varchar(7), d8 varchar(7), b1 varchar(7), b2 varchar(7), b3 varchar(7), b4 varchar(7), b5 varchar(7), b6 varchar(7), b7 varchar(7), b8 varchar(7), foreign key (user_id) references users(id) on delete cascade) ");
            "create table if not exists system (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, display_nm varchar not null, user varchar not null, host varchar not null, port INTEGER not null, authorized_keys varchar not null, status_cd varchar not null default 'INITIAL')");
            "create table if not exists profiles (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, nm varchar not null, desc varchar not null)");
            "create table if not exists system_map (profile_id INTEGER, system_id INTEGER, foreign key (profile_id) references profiles(id) on delete cascade , foreign key (system_id) references system(id) on delete cascade, primary key (profile_id, system_id))");
            "create table if not exists user_map (user_id INTEGER, profile_id INTEGER, foreign key (user_id) references users(id) on delete cascade, foreign key (profile_id) references profiles(id) on delete cascade, primary key (user_id, profile_id))");
            "create table if not exists application_key (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, public_key varchar not null, private_key varchar not null, passphrase varchar)");

            "create table if not exists status (id INTEGER, user_id INTEGER, status_cd varchar not null default 'INITIAL', foreign key (id) references system(id) on delete cascade, foreign key (user_id) references users(id) on delete cascade, primary key(id, user_id))");
            "create table if not exists scripts (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INTEGER, display_nm varchar not null, script varchar not null, foreign key (user_id) references users(id) on delete cascade)");

            "create table if not exists public_keys (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, key_nm varchar not null, type varchar, fingerprint varchar, public_key varchar, enabled boolean not null default true, create_dt timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(),  user_id INTEGER, profile_id INTEGER, foreign key (profile_id) references profiles(id) on delete cascade, foreign key (user_id) references users(id) on delete cascade)");

            "create table if not exists session_log (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INTEGER, session_tm timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, foreign key (user_id) references users(id) on delete cascade )");
            "create table if not exists terminal_log (session_id BIGINT, instance_id INTEGER, system_id INTEGER, output varchar not null, log_tm timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, foreign key (session_id) references session_log(id) on delete cascade, foreign key (system_id) references system(id) on delete cascade)");

        // insert default admin user
        String salt = EncryptionUtil.generateSalt();
        PreparedStatement pStmt =
                "insert into users (username, password, user_type, salt) values(?,?,?,?)");
        pStmt.setString(1, "admin");
        pStmt.setString(2, EncryptionUtil.hash("changeme" + salt));
        pStmt.setString(3, Auth.MANAGER);
        pStmt.setString(4, salt);

      // if reset ssh application key then generate new key
      if (resetSSHKey) {

        // delete old key entry
        PreparedStatement pStmt = connection.prepareStatement("delete from application_key");

        // generate new key and insert passphrase
        System.out.println("Setting KeyBox SSH public/private key pair");

        // generate application pub/pvt key and get values
        String passphrase = SSHUtil.keyGen();
        String publicKey = SSHUtil.getPublicKey();
        String privateKey = SSHUtil.getPrivateKey();

        // insert new keys
        pStmt =
                "insert into application_key (public_key, private_key, passphrase) values(?,?,?)");
        pStmt.setString(1, publicKey);
        pStmt.setString(2, EncryptionUtil.encrypt(privateKey));
        pStmt.setString(3, EncryptionUtil.encrypt(passphrase));

        System.out.println("KeyBox Generated Global Public Key:");

        // set config to default
        AppConfig.updateProperty("publicKey", "");
        AppConfig.updateProperty("privateKey", "");
        AppConfig.updateProperty("defaultSSHPassphrase", "${randomPassphrase}");

        // set to false
        AppConfig.updateProperty("resetApplicationSSHKey", "false");

      // delete ssh keys

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error(ex.toString(), ex);
    } finally {

Example #2
/** Action to auth to keybox */
public class LoginAction extends ActionSupport
    implements ServletRequestAware, ServletResponseAware {

  HttpServletResponse servletResponse;
  HttpServletRequest servletRequest;
  Auth auth;
  private final String AUTH_ERROR = "Authentication Failed : Login credentials are invalid";
  // check if otp is enabled
  boolean otpEnabled = "true".equals(AppConfig.getProperty("enableOTP"));

      value = "/login",
      results = {@Result(name = "success", location = "/login.jsp")})
  public String login() {

    return SUCCESS;

      value = "/admin/menu",
      results = {@Result(name = "success", location = "/admin/menu.jsp")})
  public String menu() {

    return SUCCESS;

      value = "/loginSubmit",
      results = {
        @Result(name = "input", location = "/login.jsp"),
            name = "change_password",
            location = "/admin/userSettings.action",
            type = "redirect"),
        @Result(name = "otp", location = "/admin/viewOTP.action", type = "redirect"),
        @Result(name = "success", location = "/admin/menu.action", type = "redirect")
  public String loginSubmit() {
    String retVal = SUCCESS;

    String authToken = AuthDB.login(auth);
    if (authToken != null) {

      User user = AuthDB.getUserByAuthToken(authToken);
      if (user != null) {
        String sharedSecret = null;
        if (otpEnabled) {
          sharedSecret = AuthDB.getSharedSecret(user.getId());
          if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sharedSecret)
              && (auth.getOtpToken() == null
                  || !OTPUtil.verifyToken(sharedSecret, auth.getOtpToken()))) {
            return INPUT;
        // check to see if admin has any assigned profiles
        if (!User.MANAGER.equals(user.getUserType())
            && (user.getProfileList() == null || user.getProfileList().size() <= 0)) {
          addActionError("Authentication Failed : There are no profiles assigned to this account");
          return INPUT;

        AuthUtil.setAuthToken(servletRequest.getSession(), authToken);
        AuthUtil.setUserId(servletRequest.getSession(), user.getId());
        AuthUtil.setAuthType(servletRequest.getSession(), user.getAuthType());

        // for first time login redirect to set OTP
        if (otpEnabled && StringUtils.isEmpty(sharedSecret)) {
          return "otp";
        } else if ("changeme".equals(auth.getPassword())
            && Auth.AUTH_BASIC.equals(user.getAuthType())) {
          retVal = "change_password";

    } else {
      retVal = INPUT;

    return retVal;

      value = "/logout",
      results = {@Result(name = "success", location = "/login.action", type = "redirect")})
  public String logout() {
    return SUCCESS;

  /** Validates fields for auth submit */
  public void validateLoginSubmit() {
    if (auth.getUsername() == null || auth.getUsername().trim().equals("")) {
      addFieldError("auth.username", "Required");
    if (auth.getPassword() == null || auth.getPassword().trim().equals("")) {
      addFieldError("auth.password", "Required");

  public boolean isOtpEnabled() {
    return otpEnabled;

  public void setOtpEnabled(boolean otpEnabled) {
    this.otpEnabled = otpEnabled;

  public Auth getAuth() {
    return auth;

  public void setAuth(Auth auth) {
    this.auth = auth;

  public HttpServletResponse getServletResponse() {
    return servletResponse;

  public void setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse servletResponse) {
    this.servletResponse = servletResponse;

  public HttpServletRequest getServletRequest() {
    return servletRequest;

  public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) {
    this.servletRequest = servletRequest;