   * Helper function to create the Kaltura client object once and then reuse a static instance.
   * @return a singleton of <code>KalturaClient</code> used in this case
   * @throws KalturaApiException if failed to generate session
  private static KalturaClient getKalturaClient() throws KalturaApiException {
    if (client != null) {
      return client;

    // Set Constants
    int partnerId = testConfig.getPartnerId();
    String adminSecret = testConfig.getAdminSecret();
    String userId = testConfig.getUserId();

    // Generate configuration
    KalturaConfiguration config = new KalturaConfiguration();

    try {
      // Create the client and open session
      client = new KalturaClient(config);
      String ks = client.generateSession(adminSecret, userId, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, partnerId);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      client = null;
      throw new KalturaApiException("Failed to generate session");

    System.out.println("Generated KS locally: [" + client.getSessionId() + "]");
    return client;