public void format(JwIndentWriter w) throws IOException { w.write( JwUtility.format( " Receptacle Scan Type: %s\n", _scanType != null ? _scanType.toString() : null)); w.write(JwUtility.format("Receptacle Container Number: %s\n", _containerNumber)); w.write(JwUtility.format(" Receptacle List Count: %s\n", _receptacleLists.size())); formatReceptacleLists(w); }
private AcEdiUpuResdit11ReceptacleList _createReceptacleList() { if (_receptacleLists.size() >= MAX_RECEPTACLE_LISTS) JwUtility.error( "Attempted to create %s when already at capacity. Max capacity %s", JwUtility.formatShortClassName(AcEdiUpuResdit11ReceptacleList.class), MAX_RECEPTACLE_LISTS); AcEdiUpuResdit11ReceptacleList x = new AcEdiUpuResdit11ReceptacleList(); _receptacleLists.add(x); return x; }
public boolean hasCapacityForTag() { if (_receptacleLists.size() < MAX_RECEPTACLE_LISTS) return true; else if (_receptacleLists.size() == MAX_RECEPTACLE_LISTS) return _activeListHasCapacity(); return false; }
public int getEstimatedSegmentCount() { return SEGMENT_COUNT + _receptacleLists.size(); }
private JwList<AcScheduledFlightUploadErrorVo> fillErrors(JwList<AcScheduledFlightUpload> v) { JwList<AcScheduledFlightUploadErrorVo> r = new JwList<AcScheduledFlightUploadErrorVo>(v.size()); // we need some sort of starting "date" - we don't care what it is or what timezone it uses JwDate date = AcGlobals.nowUtc().getDate().getCopy(); JwMap<String, AcAirport> airportCache = new JwMap<String, AcAirport>(); for (AcScheduledFlightUpload o : v) { AcScheduledFlightUploadErrorVo e = new AcScheduledFlightUploadErrorVo(); e.setScheduledFlightUpload(o); validateDates(e); validateTimes(date, airportCache, e); r.add(e); } return r; }
public void format(JwIndentWriter w) throws IOException { w.write(JwUtility.format("Receptacle List Count: %s\n", _receptacleLists.size())); formatReceptacleLists(w); }