public static Table assetSummaryDetail(String beginDate, String endDate, String orgIDs) { // System.out.println("2----- beginDate="+beginDate+"--endDate="+endDate+"--orgIDs="+orgIDs); String orclSql = "", msSql = "", mySql = "", orgCondition = ""; String beginDateOrcl = "", endDateOrcl = "", beginDateMS = "", endDateMS = "", beginDateMySQL = "", endDateMySQL = ""; beginDateOrcl = "to_date('" + beginDate + "','YYYY-MM-DD')"; endDateOrcl = "to_date('" + endDate + "','YYYY-MM-DD')"; beginDateMS = "cast('" + beginDate + "' as datetime) "; endDateMS = "cast('" + endDate + "' as datetime) "; beginDateMySQL = "str_to_date('" + beginDate + "','%Y-%m-%d')"; endDateMySQL = "str_to_date('" + endDate + "','%Y-%m-%d')"; if (orgIDs.equals("") || orgIDs.equals(null)) { orgCondition = " and 1=1 "; } else { orgIDs = "'" + orgIDs + "'"; orgIDs = orgIDs.replace(" ", "','"); orgCondition = " and m.fCreateDeptID in (" + orgIDs + ")"; } orclSql = "select t.fkind FKINDNAME,t.FNAME,sum(t.fBuyNum) NUM,sum(t.fAmount) AMOUNT from (select d.fkind,d.fname,fBuyNum,d.fAmount from OA_AS_BuyApplyD d join OA_AS_BuyApplyM m on d.fmasterid=m.fid and m.fBizState='bsFinished' and m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateOrcl + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateOrcl + orgCondition + ") t group by t.fkind,t.fname order by t.fkind,t.fname"; msSql = "select t.fkind FKINDNAME,t.FNAME,sum(t.fBuyNum) NUM,sum(t.fAmount) AMOUNT from (select d.fkind,d.fname,fBuyNum,d.fAmount from OA_AS_BuyApplyD d join OA_AS_BuyApplyM m on d.fmasterid=m.fid and m.fBizState='bsFinished' and m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMS + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMS + orgCondition + ") t group by t.fkind,t.fname order by t.fkind,t.fname"; mySql = "select t.fkind FKINDNAME,t.FNAME,sum(t.fBuyNum) NUM,sum(t.fAmount) AMOUNT from (select d.fkind,d.fname,fBuyNum,d.fAmount from OA_AS_BuyApplyD d join OA_AS_BuyApplyM m on d.fmasterid=m.fid and m.fBizState='bsFinished' and m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMySQL + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMySQL + orgCondition + ") t group by t.fkind,t.fname order by t.fkind,t.fname"; // System.out.println("orclSql="+orclSql); HashMap<String, String> sqlMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sqlMap.put("ORACLE", orclSql); sqlMap.put("MSSQL", msSql); sqlMap.put("MYSQL", mySql); return, null, "/OA/asset/data"); }
public static Table assetSummaryMain( String beginDate, String endDate, String dayNum, String orgIDs) throws DocumentException { // System.out.println("1----- // beginDate="+beginDate+"--endDate="+endDate+"--dayNum="+dayNum+"--orgIDs="+orgIDs); String orclSql = "", msSql = "", mySql = "", orgCondition = ""; String beginDateOrcl = "", endDateOrcl = "", beginDateMS = "", endDateMS = "", beginDateMySQL = "", endDateMySQL = ""; String dbNameORCL = "", dbNameMS = "", dbNameMySQL = ""; String webAbsPath = WEBConstants.getWebRootAbsPath(); String configPath = webAbsPath.substring(0, webAbsPath.indexOf("apache-tomcat")) + "apache-tomcat\\conf\\server.xml"; SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader(); Node ndORCL = xmlReader .read(configPath) .getRootElement() .selectSingleNode("//Resource[@name='system']/@username"); dbNameORCL = ndORCL.getStringValue(); Node ndMS = xmlReader .read(configPath) .getRootElement() .selectSingleNode("//Resource[@name='system']/@url"); dbNameMS = ndMS.getStringValue() .substring(ndMS.getStringValue().lastIndexOf("/") + 1, ndMS.getStringValue().length()); dbNameMySQL = dbNameMS; beginDateOrcl = "to_date('" + beginDate + "','YYYY-MM-DD')"; endDateOrcl = "to_date('" + endDate + "','YYYY-MM-DD')"; beginDateMS = "cast('" + beginDate + "' as datetime) "; endDateMS = "cast('" + endDate + "' as datetime) "; beginDateMySQL = "str_to_date('" + beginDate + "','%Y-%m-%d')"; endDateMySQL = "str_to_date('" + endDate + "','%Y-%m-%d')"; if (orgIDs.equals("") || orgIDs.equals(null)) { orgCondition = " and 1=1 "; } else { orgIDs = "'" + orgIDs + "'"; orgIDs = orgIDs.replace(" ", "','"); orgCondition = " and m.fCreateDeptID in (" + orgIDs + ")"; } if (dayNum.equals("") || dayNum.equals(null)) { orclSql = "select t1.ct SQDSL,null CYYDZQRWS,null DYYDZQRWS,null DAYNUM," + beginDateOrcl + " BEGINDATE," + endDateOrcl + " ENDDATE from " + "(select count(m.fid) ct from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateOrcl + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateOrcl + orgCondition + ") t1"; msSql = "select t1.ct SQDSL,null CYYDZQRWS,null DYYDZQRWS,null DAYNUM," + beginDateMS + " BEGINDATE," + endDateMS + " ENDDATE from " + "(select count(m.fid) ct from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMS + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMS + orgCondition + ") t1"; mySql = "select t1.ct SQDSL,null CYYDZQRWS,null DYYDZQRWS,null DAYNUM," + beginDateMS + " BEGINDATE," + endDateMS + " ENDDATE from " + "(select count(m.fid) ct from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMS + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMS + orgCondition + ") t1"; } else { orclSql = "select t1.ct SQDSL,t2.ct CYYDZQRWS,t3.ct DYYDZQRWS," + dayNum + " DAYNUM," + beginDateOrcl + " BEGINDATE," + endDateOrcl + " ENDDATE from " + "(select count(m.fid) ct from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateOrcl + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateOrcl + orgCondition + ") t1," + "(select count(d.fid) ct from (select fid from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateOrcl + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateOrcl + orgCondition + " ) d join " + dbNameORCL + ".sa_task s on d.fid=s.sdata1 and s.sparentid is null and (s.sstatusid = 'tesFinished' and s.sactualfinishtime > s.sactualstarttime +(" + dayNum + "-1))) t2," + "(select count(d.fid) ct from (select fid from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateOrcl + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateOrcl + orgCondition + " ) d join " + dbNameORCL + ".sa_task s on d.fid=s.sdata1 and s.sparentid is null and (s.sstatusid = 'tesFinished' and s.sactualfinishtime < =s.sactualstarttime + (" + dayNum + "-1))) t3"; msSql = "select t1.ct SQDSL,t2.ct CYYDZQRWS,t3.ct DYYDZQRWS," + dayNum + " DAYNUM," + beginDateMySQL + " BEGINDATE," + endDateMySQL + " ENDDATE from " + "(select count(m.fid) ct from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMySQL + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMySQL + orgCondition + ") t1," + "(select count(d.fid) ct from (select fid from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMySQL + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMySQL + orgCondition + " ) d join " + dbNameMySQL + ".sa_task s on d.fid=s.sdata1 and s.sparentid is null and (s.sstatusid = 'tesFinished' and s.sactualfinishtime > s.sactualstarttime +(" + dayNum + "-1))) t2," + "(select count(d.fid) ct from (select fid from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMySQL + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMySQL + orgCondition + " ) d join " + dbNameMySQL + ".sa_task s on d.fid=s.sdata1 and s.sparentid is null and (s.sstatusid = 'tesFinished' and s.sactualfinishtime <= s.sactualstarttime + (" + dayNum + "-1))) t3"; mySql = "select t1.ct SQDSL,t2.ct CYYDZQRWS,t3.ct DYYDZQRWS," + dayNum + " DAYNUM," + beginDateMySQL + " BEGINDATE," + endDateMySQL + " ENDDATE from " + "(select count(m.fid) ct from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMySQL + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMySQL + orgCondition + ") t1," + "(select count(d.fid) ct from (select fid from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMySQL + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMySQL + orgCondition + " ) d join " + dbNameMySQL + ".sa_task s on d.fid=s.sdata1 and s.sparentid is null and (s.sstatusid = 'tesFinished' and s.sactualfinishtime > date_add(s.sactualstarttime ,INTERVAL (" + dayNum + "-1) day))) t2," + "(select count(d.fid) ct from (select fid from OA_AS_BuyApplyM m where m.fcreatetime >= " + beginDateMySQL + " and m.fcreatetime <= " + endDateMySQL + orgCondition + " ) d join " + dbNameMySQL + ".sa_task s on d.fid=s.sdata1 and s.sparentid is null and (s.sstatusid = 'tesFinished' and s.sactualfinishtime <= date_add(s.sactualstarttime ,INTERVAL (" + dayNum + "-1) day))) t3"; } HashMap<String, String> sqlMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sqlMap.put("ORACLE", orclSql); sqlMap.put("MSSQL", msSql); sqlMap.put("MYSQL", mySql); return, null, "/OA/asset/data"); }