protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { if (gbrfield.getText() != null || gbrfield.getGbr() != null) { askWhat(); return true; } return super.navigationClick(status, time); };
protected boolean keyChar(char c, int status, int time) { if (c == Characters.ESCAPE) { if (gbrfield.getText() != null || gbrfield.getGbr() != null) { askWhat(); return true; } } return super.keyChar(c, status, time); }
public void run() { inputBox apa = new inputBox("Your Text?", ""); String txt = apa.getNama(); if (txt.length() > 0) { gbrfield.setText(txt); gbrfield.setColor(apa.getColor()); gbrfield.setFont(apa.getFont()); apa = null; } }
protected boolean keyDown(int in_nKeyCode, int in_nTime) { int nKeyPressed = Keypad.key(in_nKeyCode); if (nKeyPressed == Keypad.KEY_MENU) { if (gbrfield.getText() != null || gbrfield.getGbr() != null) { askWhat(); return true; } } return super.keyDown(in_nKeyCode, in_nTime); }
public void run() { int apa = Dialog.ask("Direction?", new String[] {"left", "up", "right", "down"}, 0); Bitmap bmp = null; if (apa == 0) { bmp = rotateImage(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("right.png"), 180); } else if (apa == 1) { bmp = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("up.png"); } else if (apa == 2) { bmp = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("right.png"); } else if (apa == 3) { bmp = rotateImage(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("up.png"), 180); } gbrfield.setGbr(bmp); }
public EditorScreen(final Bitmap gbr, String path, String filename) { super(NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL); this.path = path; this.filename = filename; this.gbr = gbr; this.g = Graphics.create(gbr); UiApplication.getUiApplication().requestForeground(); latar = new VerticalFieldManager( VERTICAL_SCROLL | HORIZONTAL_SCROLL | USE_ALL_WIDTH | USE_ALL_HEIGHT) { protected void paint(Graphics graphics) { graphics.drawBitmap(0, 0, gbr.getWidth(), gbr.getHeight(), gbr, 0, 0); graphics.drawRect(0, 0, gbr.getWidth(), gbr.getHeight()); super.paint(graphics); } }; this.gbrfield = new gbrField(gbr.getWidth(), gbr.getHeight()); latar.add(gbrfield); gbrfield.setText("Jalak_Harupat"); add(latar); addMenuItem(addText); addMenuItem(addArrow); addMenuItem(addimg); addMenuItem(addFilter); addMenuItem(addhelp); addMenuItem(saveclose); addMenuItem(about); if (DBStor.getSettings() == null) { UiApplication.getUiApplication() .invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { Dialog.alert("this is editor Screen, Click menu to do something."); } }); DBStor.setSettings(new Settings()); } setDirty(true); }
public void run() { FileSelectorPopupScreen fs = new FileSelectorPopupScreen( System.getProperty("").substring(8), new String[] {"png", "jpg", "gif", "jpeg"}); fs.pickFile(); if (Util.cekDir("file:///" + fs.getFile(), false)) { int apa = Dialog.ask( "Resize if bigger than Screen", new String[] {"100%", "80%", "50%", "30%", "10%"}, 0); String data = Util.bacaFile("file:///" + fs.getFile()); EncodedImage img = EncodedImage.createEncodedImage(data.getBytes(), 0, data.getBytes().length); int sw = 0, sh = 0; if (apa == 0) { sw = Display.getWidth(); sh = Display.getHeight(); } else if (apa == 1) { sw = (int) (0.8 * Display.getWidth()); sh = (int) (0.8 * Display.getHeight()); } else if (apa == 2) { sw = (int) (0.5 * Display.getWidth()); sh = (int) (0.5 * Display.getHeight()); } else if (apa == 3) { sw = (int) (0.3 * Display.getWidth()); sh = (int) (0.3 * Display.getHeight()); } else if (apa == 4) { sw = (int) (0.1 * Display.getWidth()); sh = (int) (0.1 * Display.getHeight()); } else { return; } gbrfield.setGbr(ImageUtil.bestFit2(img, sw, sh).getBitmap()); img = null; } }
private void askWhat() { int apa = Dialog.ask( "What to do?", new String[] {"Draw to image", "Add Filter", "Transparent", "Remove"}, 0); if (apa == 0) { this.g.setGlobalAlpha(gbrfield.getTransparent()); if (gbrfield.getText() != null) { this.g.setFont(gbrfield.getFont()); int c = g.getColor(); this.g.setFont(gbrfield.getFont()); this.g.setColor(gbrfield.getColor()); this.g.drawText(gbrfield.getText(), gbrfield.getX(), gbrfield.getY()); this.g.setColor(c); gbrfield.setText(null); gbrfield.setGbr(null); } else if (gbrfield.getGbr() != null) { this.g.drawBitmap( gbrfield.getX(), gbrfield.getY(), gbrfield.getGbr().getWidth(), gbrfield.getGbr().getHeight(), gbrfield.getGbr(), 0, 0); gbrfield.setText(null); gbrfield.setGbr(null); } gbrfield.setTransparent(255); latar.invalidate(); Mulai.playTune(); } else if (apa == 1) { if (gbrfield.getGbr() != null) { int ask = Dialog.ask( "What Filter?", new String[] {"GrayScale", "Negative", "Sephia", "Thermal"}, 0); FilterImg.doit(gbrfield.getGbr(), ask); gbrfield.setGbr(gbrfield.getGbr()); } } else if (apa == 2) { int ask = Dialog.ask("Transparent Value?", new String[] {"255", "200", "150", "100", "50"}, 0); switch (ask) { case 0: gbrfield.setTransparent(255); break; case 1: gbrfield.setTransparent(200); break; case 2: gbrfield.setTransparent(150); break; case 3: gbrfield.setTransparent(100); break; case 4: gbrfield.setTransparent(50); break; default: break; } } else if (apa == 3) { gbrfield.setText(null); gbrfield.setGbr(null); gbrfield.setTransparent(255); } }
public void run() { gbrfield.setGbr(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("helpme.png")); }