private IContentOutlinePage getInitialPage() { IPreferenceStore store = UIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore(); boolean flag = store.getBoolean(SHOW_TAPESTRY_OUTLINE); if (flag) return fTapestryOutlinePage; return fXMLOutlinePage; }
public IContentAssistant getContentAssistant(ISourceViewer sourceViewer) { if (getEditor() == null) return super.getContentAssistant(sourceViewer); ContentAssistant assistant = getEditor().getContentAssistant(); AbstractContentAssistProcessor tagProcessor = new TagCompletionProcessor(fEditor); AbstractContentAssistProcessor commentProcessor = new CommentCompletionProcessor(fEditor); AbstractContentAssistProcessor attributeProcessor = new AttributeCompletionProcessor(fEditor); AbstractContentAssistProcessor declProcessor = new DeclCompletionProcessor(fEditor); AbstractContentAssistProcessor defaultProcessor = new DefaultCompletionProcessor(fEditor); AbstractContentAssistProcessor cdataProcessor = new CDATACompletionProcessor(fEditor); assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(tagProcessor, XMLPartitionScanner.XML_TAG); assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(commentProcessor, XMLPartitionScanner.XML_COMMENT); assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(attributeProcessor, XMLPartitionScanner.XML_ATTRIBUTE); assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(declProcessor, XMLPartitionScanner.XML_DECL); assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(defaultProcessor, IDocument.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE); assistant.setContentAssistProcessor(cdataProcessor, XMLPartitionScanner.XML_CDATA); assistant.enableAutoActivation(true); assistant.setProposalSelectorBackground( UIPlugin.getDefault().getSharedTextColors().getColor(new RGB(254, 241, 233))); assistant.setInformationControlCreator(getInformationControlCreator(sourceViewer)); assistant.install(sourceViewer); return assistant; }
public void valueChanged(boolean on, boolean store) { setChecked(on); if (store) { fInitiatedByMe = true; UIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().setValue(SHOW_TAPESTRY_OUTLINE, on); fInitiatedByMe = false; } }
private boolean attributeHasValue() { try { String content = document.get(getOffset(), getLength()); return content.indexOf('=') > 0 && getAttributeValueStart() > 0; } catch (BadLocationException e) { UIPlugin.log(e); } return false; }
private void setXMLOutlineInput() { IDocumentProvider provider = fEditor.getDocumentProvider(); // force creation of the document & the model. IDocument document = provider.getDocument(fEditor.getEditorInput()); IXMLModelProvider modelProvider = UIPlugin.getDefault().getXMLModelProvider(); XMLReconciler model = (modelProvider).getModel(document); fXMLOutlinePage.setInput(model.getRoot()); }
private String getAttributeName() { try { String content = document.get(getOffset(), getLength()); int index = content.indexOf("="); if (index == -1) { index = content.indexOf("\""); if (index == -1) { index = content.indexOf("'"); if (index == -1) index = content.length(); } } return content.substring(0, index).trim(); } catch (BadLocationException e) { UIPlugin.log(e); } return null; }
public String getAttributeValue() { if (!attributeHasValue()) return null; try { int index = getAttributeValueStart(); if (index < 0) return null; String content = document.get(getOffset(), getLength()); content = content.substring(index).trim(); if (content.length() < 2) return ""; return content.substring(1, content.length() - 1); } catch (BadLocationException e) { UIPlugin.log(e); } return null; }
public ToggleAction(MultiPageContentOutline outline) { super(); fOutline = outline; setText("Toggle between outline views"); setToolTipText("Toggle between outline views"); setImageDescriptor(Images.getImageDescriptor("application16.gif")); IPreferenceStore store = UIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore(); store.addPropertyChangeListener( new IPropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { if (event.getProperty().equals(SHOW_TAPESTRY_OUTLINE)) { if (fInitiatedByMe == false) { boolean showTapestry = ((Boolean) event.getNewValue()).booleanValue(); valueChanged(showTapestry, false); fOutline.switchPages(showTapestry); } } } }); boolean checked = store.getBoolean(SHOW_TAPESTRY_OUTLINE); valueChanged(checked, false); }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.iw.plugins.spindle.editors.IReconcileListener#reconciled(java.lang.Object) */ public void reconciled(Object reconcileResults) { try { fReconciledObject = reconcileResults; setXMLOutlineInput(); fTapestryOutlinePage.setInput(fReconciledObject); if (fCurrentPage == fTapestryOutlinePage || fCurrentPage == fMessagePage) { if (fReconciledObject == null) { fMessagePoster.postMessage("Outline is not available.");; } else {; } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { fMessagePoster.postMessage("internalError");; } catch (RuntimeException e) { UIPlugin.log(e); throw e; } finally { fToggleAction.setEnabled(true); } }
public int getStateAt(int offset) { int state = TAG; String content = null; try { content = document.get(getOffset(), offset - getOffset()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { UIPlugin.log(e); return TAG; } String name = getName(); if (name == null) return TAG; String type = getType(); if (type == "/") return -1; String terminator = (String) TERMINATORS.get(type); int terminatorLength = terminator.length(); for (int i = name.length(); i < content.length(); i++) { char c = content.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '=': if (state == AFTER_ATTRIBUTE || state == ATTRIBUTE) { state = ATT_VALUE; } break; case '"': if (state == DOUBLEQUOTE) { state = AFTER_ATT_VALUE; } else if (state == SINGLEQUOTE) { break; } else { state = DOUBLEQUOTE; } break; case '\'': if (state == SINGLEQUOTE) { state = AFTER_ATT_VALUE; } else if (state == DOUBLEQUOTE) { break; } else { state = SINGLEQUOTE; } break; default: if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { switch (state) { case TAG: state = ATTRIBUTE; break; case ATTR: state = AFTER_ATTRIBUTE; break; case AFTER_ATT_VALUE: state = ATTRIBUTE; break; } } else if (terminatorLength > 0) { switch (state) { case IN_TERMINATOR: break; case DOUBLEQUOTE: case SINGLEQUOTE: break; default: if (c == terminator.charAt(0)) state = IN_TERMINATOR; break; } } } } return state; }
public List getAttributes() { List attrs = new ArrayList(); String content = null; int state = TAG; int start = -1; int startLength = 0; int endLength = 0; if (ITypeConstants.PI.equals(getType())) { startLength = 2; endLength = 2; } else if (ITypeConstants.DECL.equals(getType())) { // if ("!DOCTYPE".equals(getName())) // return getDoctypeAttributes(); startLength = 1; endLength = 1; } else if (ITypeConstants.TAG.equals(getType())) { startLength = 1; endLength = 1; } else if (ITypeConstants.EMPTYTAG.equals(getType())) { startLength = 1; endLength = 2; } else { return attrs; } try { content = document.get(getOffset(), getLength()); } catch (BadLocationException e) { UIPlugin.log(e); return attrs; } String name = getName(); int initial = name == null ? 0 : content.indexOf(name) + name.length(); for (int i = startLength + initial; i < content.length() - endLength; i++) { char c = content.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '"': if (state == DOUBLEQUOTE) { attrs.add( new XMLNode(getOffset() + start, i - start + 1, ITypeConstants.ATTR, document)); start = -1; state = TAG; } else if (state == SINGLEQUOTE) { break; } else if (state != ATTR) { start = i; state = DOUBLEQUOTE; } else { state = DOUBLEQUOTE; } break; case '\'': if (state == SINGLEQUOTE) { attrs.add( new XMLNode(getOffset() + start, i - start + 1, ITypeConstants.ATTR, document)); start = -1; state = TAG; } else if (state == DOUBLEQUOTE) { break; } else if (state != ATTR) { start = i; state = SINGLEQUOTE; } else { state = SINGLEQUOTE; } break; default: if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) { if (state == TAG) { start = i; state = ATTR; } } else if (state == ATTR) { boolean stop = false; int j = i; // lookahead to see if this is an attribute name with no value for (; j < content.length() - endLength; j++) { char lookahead = content.charAt(j); switch (lookahead) { case '=': break; case '"': break; case '\'': break; default: stop = !Character.isWhitespace(lookahead); break; } if (stop) break; } if (stop) { attrs.add( new XMLNode(getOffset() + start, i - start + 1, ITypeConstants.ATTR, document)); start = -1; state = TAG; } } } } if (start != -1) { attrs.add( new XMLNode( getOffset() + start, content.length() - startLength - start - (!getType().equals(ITypeConstants.TAG) ? 1 : 0), ITypeConstants.ATTR, document)); } for (Iterator iter = attrs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { XMLNode attr = (XMLNode); attr.length = StringUtils.stripEnd(attr.getContent(), null).length(); } return attrs; }