public ArrayList FindListProduct(String id, String pName) throws Exception { // Log.debug("List WatchdogForm.."); Connection conn = null; ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; String sql = ""; ProductBean obj = null; ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); try { conn = open(); // Common.beginTransaction(conn); Log.debug("-->Query."); // setTransaction sql = " SELECT p.product_id," + " p.product_name ," + " p.type_product_id ," + " p.brand_product_id ," + " p.price_cost," + " p.price_sale ," + " p.product_item ," + " p.product_date_start," + " p.product_date_expire ," + " p.product_desc ," + " b.brand_product_name," + " t.type_product_name" + " FROM product p, brand_product b, type_product t" + " WHERE (p.delete_flag <> 'D' OR p.delete_flag is null OR p.delete_flag <> '' ) " + " and b.brand_product_id = p.brand_product_id " + " and t.type_product_id = p.type_product_id "; if (!"".equals(id) && id != null) { sql += " and (p.product_id = ? OR p.product_id LIKE ? )"; } if (!"".equals(pName) && pName != null) { sql += " and (p.product_name = ? OR product_name LIKE ? )"; } System.out.println("SQL : " + sql); int i = 1; pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); if (!"".equals(id) && id != null) { pstmt.setString(i++, id); pstmt.setString(i++, "%" + id + "%"); } if (!"".equals(pName) && pName != null) { pstmt.setString(i++, pName); pstmt.setString(i++, "%" + pName + "%"); } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); Log.debug("--->execute SQL Query."); int c = 0; while ( { obj = new ProductBean(); obj.setProductId(rs.getString("product_id")); obj.setProductName(rs.getString("product_name")); obj.setTypeProductId(rs.getString("type_product_id")); obj.setBrandProductId(rs.getString("brand_product_id")); obj.setPriceCost(rs.getFloat("price_cost")); obj.setPriceSale(rs.getFloat("price_sale")); obj.setProductItem(rs.getInt("product_item")); obj.setProductDateStart(rs.getString("product_date_start")); obj.setProductDateExpire(rs.getString("product_date_expire")); obj.setProductDesc(rs.getString("product_desc")); obj.setBrandProductName(rs.getString("brand_product_name")); obj.setTypeProductName(rs.getString("type_product_name")); result.add(obj); c++; } // Log.debug("get UserInfo FetchSize :"+c); // Commit Transaction Log.debug("--->Query completed."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.debug("Exception : " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // close try { rs.close(); pstmt.close(); close(conn); } catch (Exception e) { } } return result; }
// Insert Purchase krub. public boolean insertTransPurchase(List list, String invoiceId) throws Exception { CallableStatement clbstmt = null; Connection conn = null; int i = 1; // *********** boolean isInsert = true; // true is fail boolean isInsItem = true; // true is fail boolean isUpdProduct = true; // true is fail boolean isResult = true; try { // ::TODO conn = open(); Common.beginTransaction(conn); // ******************************************************** int totalUnit = 0; float totalPrice = 0.0f; ProductBean prod = null; Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { prod = (ProductBean); totalPrice = prod.getProductItem() * prod.getPriceSale(); totalUnit += prod.getProductItem(); } // ******************************************************* Log.debug("-->Before Insert."); // Insert to DB clbstmt = conn.prepareCall("{call " + INSTANT_DB_NAME + ".INSERT_PURCHASE(?,?,?,?,?)}"); clbstmt.setString(i++, invoiceId); clbstmt.setFloat(i++, totalPrice); clbstmt.setInt(i++, totalUnit); clbstmt.setString(i++, "99999999999"); // CustomerID clbstmt.setString(i++, "11111111111"); // UserID Log.debug("-->Mapping parameter Okay."); isInsert = clbstmt.execute(); Log.debug("-->Execute INSERT_PURCHASE successfully. :" + isInsert); // ************************************************************** Log.debug("-->Start Insert INSERT_PURCHASE_ITEMS."); it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { i = 1; prod = (ProductBean); // Insert to DB clbstmt = conn.prepareCall("{call " + INSTANT_DB_NAME + ".INSERT_PURCHASE_ITEMS(?,?,?,?)}"); clbstmt.setString(i++, invoiceId); clbstmt.setString(i++, prod.getProductId()); // p_productId clbstmt.setInt(i++, prod.getProductItem()); clbstmt.setFloat(i++, prod.getPriceSale()); Log.debug("-->Mapping parameter Okay."); isInsItem = clbstmt.execute(); Log.debug("-->INSERT_PURCHASE_ITEMS successfully. :" + isInsItem); } // ********************************************************************** /* CREATE PROCEDURE db_merchant.`INSERT_PURCHASE`( IN p_Id varchar(12), IN p_total_unit int, IN p_total_price float, IN p_supp_id varchar(12), IN p_usr_id varchar(12)*/ /* CREATE PROCEDURE db_merchant.`INSERT_PURCHASE_ITEMS`( IN p_voiceId varchar(12), IN p_Id varchar(12), IN p_unit int, IN p_price float )*/ Log.debug("-->Update Product."); it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { i = 1; prod = (ProductBean); Log.debug("-->Before Insert."); // Insert to DB clbstmt = conn.prepareCall("{call " + INSTANT_DB_NAME + ".UPDATE_PRODUCT_BY_PURCHASE(?,?,?,?)}"); clbstmt.setString(i++, prod.getProductId()); clbstmt.setFloat(i++, prod.getPriceCost()); clbstmt.setFloat(i++, prod.getPriceSale()); clbstmt.setInt(i++, prod.getProductItem()); Log.debug("-->Mapping parameter Okay."); isUpdProduct = clbstmt.execute(); Log.debug("-->Update product successfully .:" + isUpdProduct); } /* CREATE PROCEDURE db_merchant.`UPDATE_PRODUCT_BY_PURCHASE`( IN p_id varchar(12), IN p_cost float, IN p_sale float, IN p_item int(7) ) */ if (!isInsert && !isInsItem && !isUpdProduct) { isResult = false; Log.debug("-->Update product successfully ."); } else { isResult = true; Log.debug("-->Update product not successfully ."); } // ************************************************************** Common.commitTransaction(conn); Log.debug("-->commit successfully."); } catch (Exception e) { isResult = true; e.fillInStackTrace(); Log.debug("Insert Exception e:" + e.toString()); // try{ Common.rollbackTransaction(conn); // }catch(Exception ex){} } finally { try { if (clbstmt != null) clbstmt.close(); if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // *******Return********* return isResult; // #End }