Example #1
 public synchronized void removeAttributes(Set attrNames) {
   if ((attrNames != null) && (!attrNames.isEmpty())) {
     // Remove them from the list of readble attributes of each principal
     Iterator itr = cacheEntries.keySet().iterator();
     while (itr.hasNext()) {
       String principalDN = (String) itr.next();
       removeAttributes(principalDN, attrNames);
Example #2
  * Should be cleared, only if the entry is still valid only the data has changed. If entry has
  * been deleted then should be removed.
 public synchronized void clear() {
   if (isValidEntry) { // Clear only if it is a valid entry
     // If entry is not valid then all these maps will be null
   // Don't have to change isValidEntry as it would have been updated if
   // the entry was deleted. Also do not change the object type here
   // it is need. Ideally the object type won't change for a DN
   lastModifiedTime = 0; // => expired
   organizationDN = null; // Could have been renamed
  private AMHashMap getPluginAttrsAndUpdateCache(
      SSOToken token,
      String principalDN,
      String entryDN,
      CacheBlock cb,
      AMHashMap attributes,
      Set missAttrNames,
      boolean byteValues,
      int profileType)
      throws AMException {
    // Get all external attributes by calling plugin modules.
    // Note these attributes should not be cached.
    Map extAttributes = getExternalAttributes(token, entryDN, missAttrNames, profileType);

    if (extAttributes != null && !extAttributes.isEmpty()) {
      // Remove these external attributes from Cache
      Set extAttrNames = extAttributes.keySet();

      if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                    + "getPluginAttrsAndUpdateCache(): External "
                    + "attributes present. Adding them with original"
                    + " list. External Attributes: "
                    + extAttrNames);

      // Note the attributes stored in the cache are already copied
      // to a new map. Hence modifying this attributes is okay.
    return attributes;
Example #4
 public synchronized boolean hasCompleteSet(String principalDN) {
   CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) cacheEntries.get(principalDN);
   boolean completeSet = false;
   if (ce != null && !hasExpiredAndUpdated()) {
     completeSet = ce.isCompleteSet();
   return completeSet;
Example #5
  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb.append("\n----------- START CACHE BLOCK -----------");
    sb.append("\nEntry DN: ").append(entryDN);
    sb.append(" Valid Entry: ").append(isValidEntry);
    sb.append("\nOrganization: ").append(organizationDN);
    sb.append("\nString Attributes: ");
    if ((stringAttributes != null) && (!stringAttributes.isEmpty())) {
    sb.append("\nByte Attributes: ");
    sb.append("\nByte Negative Attributes: ");
    if ((byteAttributes != null) && (!byteAttributes.isEmpty())) {
    sb.append("\nCache Entries: ");

    if (cacheEntries != null && !cacheEntries.isEmpty()) {
      Iterator itr = cacheEntries.keySet().iterator();
      while (itr.hasNext()) {
        String principal = (String) itr.next();
        CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) cacheEntries.get(principal);
        sb.append("\nPrincipal: ").append(principal);
    } else {
    sb.append("\n----------- END CACHE BLOCK -----------");
    return sb.toString();
Example #6
  public synchronized void putAttributes(
      String principalDN,
      Map attributes,
      Set inAccessibleAttrNames,
      boolean isCompleteSet,
      boolean byteValues) {
    CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) cacheEntries.get(principalDN);
    if (ce == null) {
      ce = new CacheEntry();
      cacheEntries.put(principalDN, ce);

    // Copy only the attributes in the common place. Store the invalid/
    // unreadable attrs per principal.
    if (!byteValues) {
      Set attrsWithValues = stringAttributes.copyValuesOnly(attributes);
      ce.putAttributes(attrsWithValues, inAccessibleAttrNames, isCompleteSet);
    } else {
      Set attrsWithValues = byteAttributes.copyValuesOnly(attributes);
      ce.putAttributes(attrsWithValues, inAccessibleAttrNames, isCompleteSet);

Example #7
 private synchronized void removeAttributes(String principalDN, Set attrNames) {
   CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) cacheEntries.get(principalDN);
   if (ce != null) {
Example #8
 public synchronized void removeAttributes(String principalDN) {
   CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) cacheEntries.remove(principalDN);
   if (ce != null) {
     ce.clear(); // To remove all used references
Example #9
  public synchronized Map getAttributes(String principalDN, Set attrNames, boolean byteValues) {
    Map attributes = new AMHashMap(byteValues);

    // Get the cache entry for the principal
    CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) cacheEntries.get(principalDN);
    if (ce != null && !hasExpiredAndUpdated()) {
      // Get the names of attributes that this principal can access
      Set accessibleAttrs = null;
      if (attrNames == null) {
        accessibleAttrs = ce.getReadableAttrNames();
      } else {
        accessibleAttrs = ce.getReadableAttrNames(attrNames);
      // Get the attribute values from cache
      if (!byteValues) {
        attributes = stringAttributes.getCopy(accessibleAttrs);
        if (ce.isCompleteSet()
            && !attributes.keySet().containsAll(accessibleAttrs)
            && !byteAttributes.isEmpty()) {
          // Since the flag for complete set does not distingusih
          // between string and binary attributes, check for
          // missing attributes in byteAttributes
          for (Iterator items = accessibleAttrs.iterator(); items.hasNext(); ) {
            Object key = items.next();
            if (!attributes.containsKey(key) && byteAttributes.containsKey(key)) {
              byte[][] values = (byte[][]) byteAttributes.get(key);
              Set valueSet = new HashSet(values.length * 2);
              for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                try {
                  valueSet.add(new String(values[i], "UTF8"));
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                  // Use default encoding
                  valueSet.add(new String(values[i]));
              attributes.put(key, valueSet);
      } else {
        attributes = byteAttributes.getCopy(accessibleAttrs);
        if (ce.isCompleteSet()
            && !attributes.keySet().containsAll(accessibleAttrs)
            && !stringAttributes.isEmpty()) {
          // Since the flag for complete set does not distingusih
          // between string and binary attributes, check for
          // missing attributes in stringAttributes
          for (Iterator items = accessibleAttrs.iterator(); items.hasNext(); ) {
            Object key = items.next();
            if (!attributes.containsKey(key) && stringAttributes.containsKey(key)) {
              Set valueSet = (Set) stringAttributes.get(key);
              byte[][] values = new byte[valueSet.size()][];
              int item = 0;
              for (Iterator vals = valueSet.iterator(); vals.hasNext(); ) {
                String val = (String) vals.next();
                values[item] = new byte[val.length()];
                byte[] src = null;
                try {
                  src = val.getBytes("UTF8");
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
                  // Use default encoding
                  src = val.getBytes();
                System.arraycopy(src, 0, values[item], 0, val.length());
              attributes.put(key, values);

      // Get the names of attributes that are invalid/not accessible
      Set inAccessibleAttrs = ce.getInaccessibleAttrNames(attrNames);
      ((AMHashMap) attributes).addEmptyValues(inAccessibleAttrs);

    return attributes;
Example #10
 public synchronized boolean hasCache(String principalDN) {
   CacheEntry ce = (CacheEntry) cacheEntries.get(principalDN);
   return (ce != null && !hasExpiredAndUpdated());
   * Gets the specific attributes corresponding to the entryDN. This method obtains the DC Tree node
   * attributes and also performs compliance related verification checks in compliance mode. Note:
   * In compliance mode you can skip the compliance checks by setting ignoreCompliance to "false".
   * @param token a valid SSOToken
   * @param entryDN the DN of the entry whose attributes need to retrieved
   * @param attrNames a Set of names of the attributes that need to be retrieved. The attrNames
   *     should not be null
   * @param ignoreCompliance a boolean value specificying if compliance related entries need to
   *     ignored or not. Ignored if true.
   * @return a Map containing attribute names as keys and Set of values corresponding to each key.
   * @throws AMException if an error is encountered in fetching the attributes
  public Map getAttributes(
      SSOToken token,
      String entryDN,
      Set attrNames,
      boolean ignoreCompliance,
      boolean byteValues,
      int profileType)
      throws AMException, SSOException {
    if (attrNames == null || attrNames.isEmpty()) {
      return getAttributes(token, entryDN, ignoreCompliance, byteValues, profileType);

    // Attributes are being requested; increment cache stats request counter

    // Load the whole attrset in the cache, if in DCTree mode
    // Not good for performance, but fix later TODO (Deepa)
    if (dcTreeServicesImpl.isRequired()) { // TODO: This needs to be fixed!
      getAttributes(token, entryDN, ignoreCompliance, byteValues, profileType);

    String principalDN = MiscUtils.getPrincipalDN(token);
    if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
              "In CachedRemoteServicesImpl.getAttributes("
                  + "SSOToken entryDN, attrNames, ignoreCompliance, "
                  + "byteValues) "
                  + "("
                  + principalDN
                  + ", "
                  + entryDN
                  + ", "
                  + attrNames
                  + ", "
                  + ignoreCompliance
                  + ", "
                  + byteValues
                  + " method.");

    String dn = MiscUtils.formatToRFC(entryDN);
    CacheBlock cb = (CacheBlock) sdkCache.get(dn);
    if (cb == null) { // Entry not present in cache
      if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                    + "getAttributes():  NO entry found in Cache. Getting"
                    + " all these attributes from DS: "
                    + attrNames);

      // If the attributes returned here have an empty set as value, then
      // such attributes do not have a value or invalid attributes.
      // Internally keep track of these attributes.
      AMHashMap attributes =
                  token, entryDN, attrNames, ignoreCompliance, byteValues, profileType);

      // These attributes are either not present or not found in DS.
      // Try to check if they need to be fetched by external
      // plugins
      Set missAttrNames = attributes.getMissingAndEmptyKeys(attrNames);
      cb = new CacheBlock(dn, true);
      cb.putAttributes(principalDN, attributes, missAttrNames, false, byteValues);
      sdkCache.put(dn, cb);

      if (!missAttrNames.isEmpty()) {
        attributes =
      return attributes;
    } else { // Entry present in cache
      validateEntry(token, cb); // Entry may be an invalid entry
      AMHashMap attributes = (AMHashMap) cb.getAttributes(principalDN, attrNames, byteValues);

      // Find the missing attributes that need to be obtained from DS
      // Only find the missing keys as the ones with empty sets are not
      // found in DS
      Set missAttrNames = attributes.getMissingKeys(attrNames);
      if (!missAttrNames.isEmpty()) {
        boolean isComplete = cb.hasCompleteSet(principalDN);
        AMHashMap dsAttributes = null;
        if (!isComplete
            // Check for "nsRole" and "nsRoleDN" attributes
            || missAttrNames.contains(NSROLE_ATTR)) {
          if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                        + "getAttributes(): Trying to get these missing"
                        + " attributes from DS: "
                        + missAttrNames);

          dsAttributes =
                      token, entryDN, missAttrNames, ignoreCompliance, byteValues, profileType);

          if (dsAttributes != null) {
            // Add these attributes, may be found in DS or just mark
            // as invalid (Attribute level Negative caching)
            Set newMissAttrNames = dsAttributes.getMissingAndEmptyKeys(missAttrNames);

            // Update dsAttributes with rest of the attributes
            // in cache
            dsAttributes.putAll(cb.getAttributes(principalDN, byteValues));

            // Update the cache
            cb.putAttributes(principalDN, dsAttributes, newMissAttrNames, isComplete, byteValues);
            missAttrNames = newMissAttrNames;
        } else {
          // Update cache with invalid attributes
              cb.getAttributes(principalDN, byteValues),
        if (!missAttrNames.isEmpty()) {
          attributes =
      } else { // All attributes found in cache
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                      + "getAttributes():  found all attributes in "
                      + "Cache.");
      // Remove all the empty values from the return attributes
      return attributes;
   * Gets all attributes corresponding to the entryDN. This method obtains the DC Tree node
   * attributes and also performs compliance related verification checks in compliance mode. Note:
   * In compliance mode you can skip the compliance checks by setting ignoreCompliance to "false".
   * @param token a valid SSOToken
   * @param entryDN the DN of the entry whose attributes need to retrieved
   * @param ignoreCompliance a boolean value specificying if compliance related entries need to
   *     ignored or not. Ignored if true.
   * @param byteValues if false StringValues are fetched, if true byte values are fetched.
   * @param profileType the oject type of entryDN
   * @return a Map containing attribute names as keys and Set of values corresponding to each key.
   * @throws AMException if an error is encountered in fetching the attributes
  public Map getAttributes(
      SSOToken token, String entryDN, boolean ignoreCompliance, boolean byteValues, int profileType)
      throws AMException, SSOException {
    // Attributes are being requested; increment cache stats request counter

    String principalDN = MiscUtils.getPrincipalDN(token);
    String dn = MiscUtils.formatToRFC(entryDN);

    if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
              "In CachedRemoteServicesImpl.getAttributes("
                  + "SSOToken entryDN, ignoreCompliance) "
                  + "("
                  + principalDN
                  + ", "
                  + entryDN
                  + ", "
                  + ignoreCompliance
                  + " method.");

    CacheBlock cb = (CacheBlock) sdkCache.get(dn);
    AMHashMap attributes = null;
    if (cb != null) {
      validateEntry(token, cb);
      if (cb.hasCompleteSet(principalDN)) {
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                      + "getAttributes(): found all attributes in "
                      + "Cache.");
        attributes = (AMHashMap) cb.getAttributes(principalDN, byteValues);
      } else { // Get the whole set from DS and store it;
        // ignore incomplete set
        if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                      + "getAttributes():  complete attribute set NOT "
                      + "found in cache. Getting from DS.");

        attributes =
                super.getAttributes(token, entryDN, ignoreCompliance, byteValues, profileType);
        cb.putAttributes(principalDN, attributes, null, true, byteValues);
    } else { // Attributes not cached
      // Get all the attributes from DS and store them
      attributes =
              super.getAttributes(token, entryDN, ignoreCompliance, byteValues, profileType);
      cb = new CacheBlock(entryDN, true);
      cb.putAttributes(principalDN, attributes, null, true, byteValues);
      sdkCache.put(dn, cb);

      if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                    + "getAttributes(): attributes NOT found in cache. "
                    + "Fetched from DS.");

    // Get all external DS attributes by calling plugin modules.
    // Note these attributes should not be cached.
    Map extAttributes = getExternalAttributes(token, entryDN, null, profileType);
    if (extAttributes != null && !extAttributes.isEmpty()) {
      // Note the attributes stored in the cache are already copied to a
      // new map. Hence modifying this attributes is okay.
      if (getDebug().messageEnabled()) {
                    + "getAttributes(): External attributes present. Adding"
                    + " them with original list");
    return attributes;