public boolean doSaveChartAction() { String file = Export.getFile("Save chart data into file", "*.csv", true); if (file == null) { return true; } boolean ok = cview.export(file); // mask.write(file); if (!ok) { GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg("Problem writing chart to file..."); } else { GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg("Wrote chart to file " + file); } return false; }
public boolean doSelectCoord() throws HeadlessException { SingleCoordSelectionPanel pan = new SingleCoordSelectionPanel(); // pan.setMaxX(this.expContext.getNrcols()); // pan.setMaxY(this.expContext.getNrrows()); if (maincont.getAbsDataAreaCoord() != null) { pan.setCoord1(maincont.getAbsDataAreaCoord()); } int ans = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, pan, "Enter a selection:", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (ans == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { return true; } // RELATIVE to current sub experiment WellCoordinate c1 = new WellCoordinate( pan.getCoord1().getCol() - maincont.getExp().getColOffset(), pan.getCoord1().getRow() - maincont.getExp().getRowOffset()); WellCoordinate c2 = c1.add(100, 100); WellSelection sel = new WellSelection(c1, c2); WellCoordinate abs = pan.getCoord1(); if (maincont.getAbsDataAreaCoord() != null && abs.equals(maincont.getAbsDataAreaCoord())) { GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg("Same coordinates, I won't to anything", "Process"); return true; } maincont.setAbsDataAreaCoord(abs); LookupUtils.publish(wellSelectionContent, sel); return false; }
public boolean export() { if (imagePanel == null) { GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg("Got no image to export yet..."); return false; } String file = FileTools.getFile("Save image to a file", "*.*", null, true); return export(file); }
protected boolean getExpContext() { // Exception e = new Exception("showing stack trace"); // p(ErrorHandler.getString(e)); if (expContext == null) { expContext = GlobalContext.getContext().getExperimentContext(); } if (expContext == null) { GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg("Got no experiment context from global contexet"); return false; } maincont = ExplorerContext.getCurContext(expContext); info.setText(expContext.getRawDir()); this.btnreload.setToolTipText( "Reload data from dir " + expContext.getRawDir() + " at " + maincont.getAbsDataAreaCoord()); return true; }
public boolean export(String file) { if (file == null || file.length() < 3) { GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg("I need to know if it is a .png or a .jpg file"); return false; } if (imagePanel == null) { return false; } File f = new File(file); String ext = file.substring(file.length() - 3); RenderedImage image = myCreateImage(); try { return ImageIO.write(image, ext, f); } catch (IOException ex) { err("Could not write image to file " + f, ex); } return false; }
private void subtractActionPerformed( java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { // GEN-FIRST:event_subtractActionPerformed RasterData data = maincont.getData(); if (data == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "I have no data yet to subtract anything from :-)"); return; } if (subtract_type == null) { subtract_type = maincont.getFiletype(); } FlowSelection pan = new FlowSelection( "Select the flow and file type you wish to subtract from the currently selected data"); pan.setFlow(subtract_flow); pan.setFiletype(subtract_type); int ans = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, pan, "Data Subtraction", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (ans != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { return; } subtract_flow = pan.getFlow(); subtract_type = pan.getFiletype(); // otherwise load the data and then subtract RasterData sub = null; DataAccessManager manager = DataAccessManager.getManager(maincont.getExp().getWellContext()); try { p("Loading subregion, RELATIVE coord " + maincont.getRelativeDataAreaCoord()); sub = manager.getRasterDataForArea( null, maincont.getRasterSize(), maincont.getRelativeDataAreaCoord(), pan.getFlow(), pan.getFiletype(), null, 0, -1); // now subtract first frame } catch (Exception ex) { p("Error when loading: " + ErrorHandler.getString(ex)); } if (sub == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "I could not load flow " + pan.getFlow() + ", " + pan.getFiletype() + ", @ " + maincont.getAbsDataAreaCoord()); return; } String what = "raw"; if (this.automatic_nn) { GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg("Computing NN before subtraction"); sub = computeNN(null, sub); what = "NN subtracted"; } data.subtract(sub); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "I subtracted the " + what + " data from " + pan.getFlow() + ", " + pan.getFiletype() + ", @ " + maincont.getAbsDataAreaCoord()); this.rasterViewUpdate(); } // GEN-LAST:event_subtractActionPerformed
public void rasterViewCreate(boolean load, String title) { p("=========rasterViewCreate called: load=" + load); // if (load) { // Exception e = new Exception("Tracing call"); // p(ErrorHandler.getString(e)); // } if (!getExpContext()) { return; } if (load) { if (selection != null) GuiUtils.showNonModalMsg( "Loading " + selection + " for " + maincont.getFiletype() + ", flow " + maincont.getFlow(), "Process"); } String base = "?"; if (maincont.getFiletype() == RawType.ACQ) { base = "" + maincont.getExp().getWellContext().getBase(maincont.getFlow()); } this.flowPanel.setToolTipText( "<html>Base for flow " + maincont.getFlow() + ":" + base + "<br>Flow order: " + maincont.getExp().getFlowOrder() + "</html>"); raster = new RasterView(maincont, load); this.panImage.removeAll(); panImage.add(raster); // repaint(); // p("adding raster view"); if (load) { this.getUserPreferences(); } raster.update(load, maincont); // paintImmediately(0,0,1000,1000); panImage.repaint(); raster.repaint(); if (load) { title = "Raw data"; } title += " flow " + maincont.getFlow() + "=" + base; chartViewCreate(title); invalidate(); revalidate(); // this.paintAll(getGraphics()); repaint(); if (load) { if (this.automatic_nn) { p("also doing nn - disable nn"); this.btnNN.setEnabled(false); btnNN.setText(""); btnNN.setToolTipText( "Automatically computing NN - check Explorer Options if you wish to change it!"); RasterData data = computeNN(null); maincont.setData(data); rasterViewCreate( false, "After masked neighbor subtraction, span=" + maincont.getSpan() + ", BG mask=" + maincont.getBgMask()); } else { this.btnNN.setEnabled(true); btnNN.setText("Compute NN"); btnNN.setToolTipText( "Click to compute NN bg subtraction - check Explorer Options if you wish <b>automate</b> this!"); } } }
private RasterData computeNN(ProgressListener prog, RasterData rawdata) { // p("computeNN. Maincont is: " + maincont); if (rawdata == null) { GuiUtils.showNonModalDialog( "<html>I see no data yet - did you already pick a region?<br>" + "(Even if you see something somewhere, if you didn't actually select a region, it might just show some sample data)</html>", "No data - region selected?"); return null; } RasterData nndata = null; try { if (maincont == null) { maincont = ExplorerContext.getCurContext(expContext); } int span = Math.max(1, this.maincont.getSpan()); NearestNeighbor nn = new NearestNeighbor(span, maincont.getMedianFunction()); BitMask ignore = maincont.getIgnoreMask(); BitMask take = maincont.getBgMask(); if (take != null && take == ignore) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "You select the same mask for ignore and bg :-). \nYou should select another mask for the bg (or you get a null result. I will just return the old data."); return rawdata; } if (take != null && take.computePercentage() < 1) { int ans = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, "<html>The bg mask only has " + take.computePercentage() + "% wells, do you want to still use it?" + "<br><b>Did you already select a region?</b>" + "<br>You might want to use the MaskEditor (and <b>refresh</b> the masks possibly) to check them</html>", "Few wells", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (ans == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) { return rawdata; } } maincont.setBgMask(take); maincont.setIgnoreMask(ignore); if (prog != null) prog.setMessage( "Masked neighbor subtraction: ignore mask " + ignore + " and empty mask " + take); // RasterData nndata = nn.compute(rawdata, mask, prog, span); // p("calling computebetter"); // if (boxslow.isSelected()) nndata =nn.computeSlow(rawdata, ignore, take, prog, span); nndata = nn.computeBetter(rawdata, ignore, take, prog, span); } catch (Exception e) { p("Error with nn: " + ErrorHandler.getString(e)); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "I was not able to do the masked neighbor subtraction:\n" + ErrorHandler.getString(e)); return null; } if (nndata == null) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "I was not able to do the masked neighbor subtraction - I got no error but also no result :-) "); } return nndata; }