public ModuleImpl(@NotNull String filePath, @NotNull Project project) {
    super(project, "Module " + moduleNameByFileName(PathUtil.getFileName(filePath)));

    getPicoContainer().registerComponentInstance(Module.class, this);

    myProject = project;
    myModuleScopeProvider = new ModuleScopeProviderImpl(this);

    myName = moduleNameByFileName(PathUtil.getFileName(filePath));

    VirtualFileManager.getInstance().addVirtualFileListener(new MyVirtualFileListener(), this);
  private static Map<Module, String> collectJpsPluginModules(@NotNull Module module) {
    XmlFile pluginXml = PluginModuleType.getPluginXml(module);
    if (pluginXml == null) return Collections.emptyMap();

    DomFileElement<IdeaPlugin> fileElement =
        DomManager.getDomManager(module.getProject()).getFileElement(pluginXml, IdeaPlugin.class);
    if (fileElement == null) return Collections.emptyMap();

    Map<Module, String> jpsPluginToOutputPath = new HashMap<Module, String>();
    IdeaPlugin plugin = fileElement.getRootElement();
    List<Extensions> extensions = plugin.getExtensions();
    for (Extensions extensionGroup : extensions) {
      XmlTag extensionsTag = extensionGroup.getXmlTag();
      String defaultExtensionNs = extensionsTag.getAttributeValue("defaultExtensionNs");
      for (XmlTag tag : extensionsTag.getSubTags()) {
        String name = tag.getLocalName();
        String qualifiedName = defaultExtensionNs != null ? defaultExtensionNs + "." + name : name;
        if (CompileServerPlugin.EP_NAME.getName().equals(qualifiedName)) {
          String classpath = tag.getAttributeValue("classpath");
          if (classpath != null) {
            for (String path : StringUtil.split(classpath, ";")) {
              String moduleName = FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(PathUtil.getFileName(path));
              Module jpsModule =
              if (jpsModule != null) {
                jpsPluginToOutputPath.put(jpsModule, path);
    return jpsPluginToOutputPath;
  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    if (ourOutputRoot == null) {
      ourOutputRoot = FileUtil.createTempDirectory("ExecutionTestCase", null, true);
    myModuleOutputDir = new File(ourOutputRoot, PathUtil.getFileName(getTestAppPath()));
    myChecker = initOutputChecker();
        new ThrowableRunnable<Throwable>() {
          public void run() throws Throwable {
    if (!myModuleOutputDir.exists()) {
      VirtualFile vDir = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(ourOutputRoot);
      assertNotNull(ourOutputRoot.getAbsolutePath(), vDir);
          .getChildren(); // we need this to load children to VFS to fire VFileCreatedEvent for the
                          // output directory

      myCompilerTester =
          new CompilerTester(
              myProject, Arrays.asList(ModuleManager.getInstance(myProject).getModules()));
      List<CompilerMessage> messages = myCompilerTester.rebuild();
      for (CompilerMessage message : messages) {
        if (message.getCategory() == CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR) {
          fail("Compilation failed: " + message);
/** @author nik */
public class ManifestFileUtil {
  private static final Logger LOG =
  public static final String MANIFEST_PATH = JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME;
  public static final String MANIFEST_FILE_NAME = PathUtil.getFileName(MANIFEST_PATH);
  public static final String MANIFEST_DIR_NAME = PathUtil.getParentPath(MANIFEST_PATH);

  private ManifestFileUtil() {}

  public static VirtualFile findManifestFile(
      @NotNull CompositePackagingElement<?> root,
      PackagingElementResolvingContext context,
      ArtifactType artifactType) {
    return ArtifactUtil.findSourceFileByOutputPath(root, MANIFEST_PATH, context, artifactType);

  public static VirtualFile suggestManifestFileDirectory(
      @NotNull CompositePackagingElement<?> root,
      PackagingElementResolvingContext context,
      ArtifactType artifactType) {
    final VirtualFile metaInfDir =
        ArtifactUtil.findSourceFileByOutputPath(root, MANIFEST_DIR_NAME, context, artifactType);
    if (metaInfDir != null) {
      return metaInfDir;

    final Ref<VirtualFile> sourceDir = Ref.create(null);
    final Ref<VirtualFile> sourceFile = Ref.create(null);
        new PackagingElementProcessor<PackagingElement<?>>() {
          public boolean process(
              @NotNull PackagingElement<?> element, @NotNull PackagingElementPath path) {
            if (element instanceof FileCopyPackagingElement) {
              final VirtualFile file = ((FileCopyPackagingElement) element).findFile();
              if (file != null) {
            } else if (element instanceof DirectoryCopyPackagingElement) {
              final VirtualFile file = ((DirectoryCopyPackagingElement) element).findFile();
              if (file != null) {
                return false;
            return true;

    if (!sourceDir.isNull()) {
      return sourceDir.get();

    final Project project = context.getProject();
    return suggestBaseDir(project, sourceFile.get());

  public static VirtualFile suggestManifestFileDirectory(
      @NotNull Project project, @Nullable Module module) {
    OrderEnumerator enumerator =
        module != null
            ? OrderEnumerator.orderEntries(module)
            : OrderEnumerator.orderEntries(project);
    final VirtualFile[] files =
    if (files.length > 0) {
      return files[0];
    return suggestBaseDir(project, null);

  private static VirtualFile suggestBaseDir(
      @NotNull Project project, final @Nullable VirtualFile file) {
    final VirtualFile[] contentRoots = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getContentRoots();
    if (file == null && contentRoots.length > 0) {
      return contentRoots[0];

    if (file != null) {
      for (VirtualFile contentRoot : contentRoots) {
        if (VfsUtil.isAncestor(contentRoot, file, false)) {
          return contentRoot;

    return project.getBaseDir();

  public static Manifest readManifest(@NotNull VirtualFile manifestFile) {
    try {
      final InputStream inputStream = manifestFile.getInputStream();
      final Manifest manifest;
      try {
        manifest = new Manifest(inputStream);
      } finally {
      return manifest;
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
      return new Manifest();

  public static void updateManifest(
      @NotNull final VirtualFile file,
      final @Nullable String mainClass,
      final @Nullable List<String> classpath,
      final boolean replaceValues) {
    final Manifest manifest = readManifest(file);
    final Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();

    if (mainClass != null) {
      mainAttributes.put(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS, mainClass);
    } else if (replaceValues) {

    if (classpath != null && !classpath.isEmpty()) {
      List<String> updatedClasspath;
      if (replaceValues) {
        updatedClasspath = classpath;
      } else {
        updatedClasspath = new ArrayList<String>();
        final String oldClasspath = (String) mainAttributes.get(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(oldClasspath)) {
          updatedClasspath.addAll(StringUtil.split(oldClasspath, " "));
        for (String path : classpath) {
          if (!updatedClasspath.contains(path)) {
      mainAttributes.put(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH, StringUtil.join(updatedClasspath, " "));
    } else if (replaceValues) {


            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                try {
                  final OutputStream outputStream = file.getOutputStream(ManifestFileUtil.class);
                  try {
                  } finally {
                } catch (IOException e) {

  public static ManifestFileConfiguration createManifestFileConfiguration(
      @NotNull VirtualFile manifestFile) {
    final String path = manifestFile.getPath();
    Manifest manifest = readManifest(manifestFile);
    String mainClass = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
    final String classpathText = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
    final List<String> classpath = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (classpathText != null) {
      classpath.addAll(StringUtil.split(classpathText, " "));
    return new ManifestFileConfiguration(path, classpath, mainClass, manifestFile.isWritable());

  public static List<String> getClasspathForElements(
      List<? extends PackagingElement<?>> elements,
      PackagingElementResolvingContext context,
      final ArtifactType artifactType) {
    final List<String> classpath = new ArrayList<String>();
    final PackagingElementProcessor<PackagingElement<?>> processor =
        new PackagingElementProcessor<PackagingElement<?>>() {
          public boolean process(
              @NotNull PackagingElement<?> element, @NotNull PackagingElementPath path) {
            if (element instanceof FileCopyPackagingElement) {
              final String fileName = ((FileCopyPackagingElement) element).getOutputFileName();
              classpath.add(DeploymentUtil.appendToPath(path.getPathString(), fileName));
            } else if (element instanceof DirectoryCopyPackagingElement) {
            } else if (element instanceof ArchivePackagingElement) {
              final String archiveName = ((ArchivePackagingElement) element).getName();
              classpath.add(DeploymentUtil.appendToPath(path.getPathString(), archiveName));
            return true;
    for (PackagingElement<?> element : elements) {
      ArtifactUtil.processPackagingElements(element, null, processor, context, true, artifactType);
    return classpath;

  public static VirtualFile showDialogAndCreateManifest(
      final ArtifactEditorContext context, final CompositePackagingElement<?> element) {
    FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = createDescriptorForManifestDirectory();
    final VirtualFile directory =
        suggestManifestFileDirectory(element, context, context.getArtifactType());
    final VirtualFile file = FileChooser.chooseFile(descriptor, context.getProject(), directory);
    if (file == null) {
      return null;

    return createManifestFile(file, context.getProject());

  public static VirtualFile createManifestFile(
      final @NotNull VirtualFile directory, final @NotNull Project project) {
    final Ref<IOException> exc = Ref.create(null);
    final VirtualFile file =
        new WriteAction<VirtualFile>() {
          protected void run(@NotNull final Result<VirtualFile> result) {
            VirtualFile dir = directory;
            try {
              if (!dir.getName().equals(MANIFEST_DIR_NAME)) {
                dir = VfsUtil.createDirectoryIfMissing(dir, MANIFEST_DIR_NAME);
              final VirtualFile file = dir.createChildData(this, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME);
              final OutputStream output = file.getOutputStream(this);
              try {
                final Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
              } finally {
            } catch (IOException e) {

    final IOException exception = exc.get();
    if (exception != null) {;
      Messages.showErrorDialog(project, exception.getMessage(), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle());
      return null;
    return file;

  public static FileChooserDescriptor createDescriptorForManifestDirectory() {
    FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = FileChooserDescriptorFactory.createSingleFolderDescriptor();
    descriptor.setTitle("Select Directory for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file");
    return descriptor;

  public static void addManifestFileToLayout(
      final @NotNull String path,
      final @NotNull ArtifactEditorContext context,
      final @NotNull CompositePackagingElement<?> element) {
        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            final VirtualFile file = findManifestFile(element, context, context.getArtifactType());
            if (file == null || !FileUtil.pathsEqual(file.getPath(), path)) {
                  .addFileCopy(element, MANIFEST_DIR_NAME, path, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME);

  public static PsiClass selectMainClass(Project project, final @Nullable String initialClassName) {
    final TreeClassChooserFactory chooserFactory = TreeClassChooserFactory.getInstance(project);
    final GlobalSearchScope searchScope = GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project);
    final PsiClass aClass =
        initialClassName != null
            ? JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project).findClass(initialClassName, searchScope)
            : null;
    final TreeClassChooser chooser =
            "Select Main Class", searchScope, new MainClassFilter(), aClass);
    return chooser.getSelected();

  public static void setupMainClassField(
      final Project project, final TextFieldWithBrowseButton field) {
        new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            final PsiClass selected = selectMainClass(project, field.getText());
            if (selected != null) {

  private static class MainClassFilter implements ClassFilter {
    public boolean isAccepted(final PsiClass aClass) {
      return ApplicationManager.getApplication()
              new Computable<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean compute() {
                  return PsiMethodUtil.MAIN_CLASS.value(aClass)
                      && PsiMethodUtil.hasMainMethod(aClass);
 public String getName() {
   return StringUtil.trimEnd(PathUtil.getFileName(myPath), ModuleFileType.DOT_DEFAULT_EXTENSION);