public static boolean openFileWithPsiElement( PsiElement element, boolean searchForOpen, boolean requestFocus) { boolean openAsNative = false; if (element instanceof PsiFile) { VirtualFile virtualFile = ((PsiFile) element).getVirtualFile(); if (virtualFile != null) { openAsNative = ElementBase.isNativeFileType(virtualFile.getFileType()); } } if (searchForOpen) { element.putUserData(FileEditorManager.USE_CURRENT_WINDOW, null); } else { element.putUserData(FileEditorManager.USE_CURRENT_WINDOW, true); } if (openAsNative || !activatePsiElementIfOpen(element, searchForOpen, requestFocus)) { final NavigationItem navigationItem = (NavigationItem) element; if (!navigationItem.canNavigate()) return false; navigationItem.navigate(requestFocus); return true; } element.putUserData(FileEditorManager.USE_CURRENT_WINDOW, null); return false; }
void loadFromEditor(@NotNull Editor editor) { assertDispatchThread(); LOG.assertTrue(!editor.isDisposed()); clear(); PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject); documentManager.commitDocument(editor.getDocument()); PsiFile file = documentManager.getPsiFile(editor.getDocument()); SmartPointerManager smartPointerManager = SmartPointerManager.getInstance(myProject); EditorFoldingInfo info = EditorFoldingInfo.get(editor); FoldRegion[] foldRegions = editor.getFoldingModel().getAllFoldRegions(); for (FoldRegion region : foldRegions) { if (!region.isValid()) continue; PsiElement element = info.getPsiElement(region); boolean expanded = region.isExpanded(); boolean collapseByDefault = element != null && FoldingPolicy.isCollapseByDefault(element) && !FoldingUtil.caretInsideRange(editor, TextRange.create(region)); if (collapseByDefault == expanded || element == null) { FoldingInfo fi = new FoldingInfo(region.getPlaceholderText(), expanded); if (element != null) { myPsiElements.add(smartPointerManager.createSmartPsiElementPointer(element, file)); element.putUserData(FOLDING_INFO_KEY, fi); } else if (region.isValid()) { myRangeMarkers.add(region); region.putUserData(FOLDING_INFO_KEY, fi); } } } }
private CompletionParameters createCompletionParameters( int invocationCount, final CompletionContext newContext, Editor editor) { final int offset = newContext.getStartOffset(); final PsiFile fileCopy = newContext.file; PsiFile originalFile = fileCopy.getOriginalFile(); final PsiElement insertedElement = findCompletionPositionLeaf(newContext, offset, fileCopy, originalFile); insertedElement.putUserData(CompletionContext.COMPLETION_CONTEXT_KEY, newContext); return new CompletionParameters( insertedElement, originalFile, myCompletionType, offset, invocationCount, editor); }
@Nullable("null means DFA analysis has failed (too complex to analyze)") public static Collection<PsiExpression> getCachedVariableValues( @Nullable final PsiVariable variable, @Nullable final PsiElement context) { if (variable == null || context == null) return Collections.emptyList(); CachedValue<MultiValuesMap<PsiVariable, PsiExpression>> cachedValue = context.getUserData(DFA_VARIABLE_INFO_KEY); if (cachedValue == null) { final PsiElement codeBlock = DfaPsiUtil.getEnclosingCodeBlock(variable, context); cachedValue = CachedValuesManager.getManager(context.getProject()) .createCachedValue( new CachedValueProvider<MultiValuesMap<PsiVariable, PsiExpression>>() { @Override public Result<MultiValuesMap<PsiVariable, PsiExpression>> compute() { final MultiValuesMap<PsiVariable, PsiExpression> result; if (codeBlock == null) { result = null; } else { final ValuableInstructionVisitor visitor = new ValuableInstructionVisitor(context); RunnerResult runnerResult = new ValuableDataFlowRunner().analyzeMethod(codeBlock, visitor); if (runnerResult == RunnerResult.OK) { result = visitor.myValues; } else { result = TOO_COMPLEX; } } return new Result<MultiValuesMap<PsiVariable, PsiExpression>>( result, variable); } }, false); context.putUserData(DFA_VARIABLE_INFO_KEY, cachedValue); } final MultiValuesMap<PsiVariable, PsiExpression> value = cachedValue.getValue(); if (value == TOO_COMPLEX) return null; final Collection<PsiExpression> expressions = value == null ? null : value.get(variable); return expressions == null ? Collections.<PsiExpression>emptyList() : expressions; }
@Override public CachedValueProvider.Result<PsiExpression> compute( Pair<Project, PsiExpression> pair) { PsiExpression param = pair.second; Project project = pair.first; PsiExpression topLevel = getTopLevel(project, param); ParameterizedCachedValue<PsiExpression, Pair<Project, PsiExpression>> cachedValue = param.getUserData(TOP_LEVEL_EXPRESSION); assert cachedValue != null; int i = 0; for (PsiElement element = param; element != topLevel; element = element.getParent(), i++) { if (i % 10 == 0) { // optimization: store up link to the top level expression in each 10nth // element element.putUserData(TOP_LEVEL_EXPRESSION, cachedValue); } } return CachedValueProvider.Result.create( topLevel, PsiManager.getInstance(project).getModificationTracker()); }
private void visitLiteral(PsiElement literal) { String value = literal.getText(); if (value.length() > 2 && (value.charAt(0) == '"' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == '"') || (value.charAt(0) == '\'' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == '\'')) { if (mySubstitutionPatterns == null) { final String[] prefixes = myGlobalVisitor.getContext().getPattern().getTypedVarPrefixes(); mySubstitutionPatterns = createPatterns(prefixes); } for (Pattern substitutionPattern : mySubstitutionPatterns) { @Nullable MatchingHandler handler = myGlobalVisitor.processPatternStringWithFragments( value, GlobalCompilingVisitor.OccurenceKind.LITERAL, substitutionPattern); if (handler != null) { literal.putUserData(CompiledPattern.HANDLER_KEY, handler); break; } } } }
public final RunnerResult analyzeMethod( @NotNull PsiElement psiBlock, InstructionVisitor visitor, boolean ignoreAssertions, @NotNull Collection<DfaMemoryState> initialStates) { try { prepareAnalysis(psiBlock, initialStates); final ControlFlow flow = createControlFlowAnalyzer().buildControlFlow(psiBlock, ignoreAssertions); if (flow == null) return RunnerResult.NOT_APPLICABLE; int endOffset = flow.getInstructionCount(); myInstructions = flow.getInstructions(); myFields = flow.getFields(); myNestedClosures.clear(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Analyzing code block: " + psiBlock.getText()); for (int i = 0; i < myInstructions.length; i++) { Instruction instruction = myInstructions[i]; LOG.debug(i + ": " + instruction.toString()); } } Integer tooExpensiveHash = psiBlock.getUserData(TOO_EXPENSIVE_HASH); if (tooExpensiveHash != null && tooExpensiveHash == psiBlock.getText().hashCode()) { LOG.debug("Too complex because hasn't changed since being too complex already"); return RunnerResult.TOO_COMPLEX; } final ArrayList<DfaInstructionState> queue = new ArrayList<DfaInstructionState>(); for (final DfaMemoryState initialState : initialStates) { queue.add(new DfaInstructionState(myInstructions[0], initialState)); } long timeLimit = ourTimeLimit; final boolean unitTestMode = ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode(); WorkingTimeMeasurer measurer = new WorkingTimeMeasurer(timeLimit); int count = 0; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { if (count % 50 == 0 && !unitTestMode && measurer.isTimeOver()) { LOG.debug("Too complex because the analysis took too long"); psiBlock.putUserData(TOO_EXPENSIVE_HASH, psiBlock.getText().hashCode()); return RunnerResult.TOO_COMPLEX; } ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); DfaInstructionState instructionState = queue.remove(0); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(instructionState.toString()); } // System.out.println(instructionState.toString()); Instruction instruction = instructionState.getInstruction(); long distance = instructionState.getDistanceFromStart(); if (instruction instanceof BranchingInstruction) { if (!instruction.setMemoryStateProcessed( instructionState.getMemoryState().createCopy())) { LOG.debug("Too complex because too many different possible states"); return RunnerResult.TOO_COMPLEX; // Too complex :( } } DfaInstructionState[] after = acceptInstruction(visitor, instructionState); for (DfaInstructionState state : after) { Instruction nextInstruction = state.getInstruction(); if ((!(nextInstruction instanceof BranchingInstruction) || !nextInstruction.isMemoryStateProcessed(state.getMemoryState())) && instruction.getIndex() < endOffset) { state.setDistanceFromStart(distance + 1); queue.add(state); } } count++; } psiBlock.putUserData(TOO_EXPENSIVE_HASH, null); LOG.debug("Analysis ok"); return RunnerResult.OK; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { LOG.error(psiBlock.getText(), e); // TODO fix in better times return RunnerResult.ABORTED; } catch (EmptyStackException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.error(e); // TODO fix in better times } return RunnerResult.ABORTED; } }
@Override public void setToEditor(@NotNull final Editor editor) { assertDispatchThread(); final PsiManager psiManager = PsiManager.getInstance(myProject); if (psiManager.isDisposed()) return; if (!myFile.isValid()) return; final PsiFile psiFile = psiManager.findFile(myFile); if (psiFile == null) return; if (!mySerializedElements.isEmpty()) { // Restore postponed state assert myPsiElements.isEmpty() : "Sequential deserialization"; for (SerializedPsiElement entry : mySerializedElements) { PsiElement restoredElement = FoldingPolicy.restoreBySignature(psiFile, entry.mySerializedElement); if (restoredElement != null && restoredElement.isValid()) { myPsiElements.add( SmartPointerManager.getInstance(myProject) .createSmartPsiElementPointer(restoredElement)); restoredElement.putUserData(FOLDING_INFO_KEY, entry.myFoldingInfo); } } mySerializedElements.clear(); } Map<PsiElement, FoldingDescriptor> ranges = null; for (SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiElement> ptr : myPsiElements) { PsiElement element = ptr.getElement(); if (element == null || !element.isValid()) { continue; } if (ranges == null) { ranges = buildRanges(editor, psiFile); } FoldingDescriptor descriptor = ranges.get(element); if (descriptor == null) { continue; } TextRange range = descriptor.getRange(); FoldRegion region = FoldingUtil.findFoldRegion(editor, range.getStartOffset(), range.getEndOffset()); if (region != null) { FoldingInfo fi = element.getUserData(FOLDING_INFO_KEY); boolean state = fi != null && fi.expanded; region.setExpanded(state); } } for (RangeMarker marker : myRangeMarkers) { if (!marker.isValid()) { continue; } FoldRegion region = FoldingUtil.findFoldRegion(editor, marker.getStartOffset(), marker.getEndOffset()); FoldingInfo info = marker.getUserData(FOLDING_INFO_KEY); if (region == null) { if (info != null) { region = editor .getFoldingModel() .addFoldRegion(marker.getStartOffset(), marker.getEndOffset(), info.placeHolder); } if (region == null) { return; } } boolean state = info != null && info.expanded; region.setExpanded(state); } }
private static MultiHostRegistrarImpl probeElementsUp( @NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull PsiFile hostPsiFile, boolean probeUp) { PsiManager psiManager = hostPsiFile.getManager(); final Project project = psiManager.getProject(); InjectedLanguageManagerImpl injectedManager = InjectedLanguageManagerImpl.getInstanceImpl(project); if (injectedManager == null) { return null; // for tests } MultiHostRegistrarImpl registrar = null; PsiElement current = element; nextParent: while (current != null && current != hostPsiFile) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); if ("EL".equals(current.getLanguage().getID())) break; ParameterizedCachedValue<MultiHostRegistrarImpl, PsiElement> data = current.getUserData(INJECTED_PSI); if (data == null) { registrar = InjectedPsiCachedValueProvider.doCompute( current, injectedManager, project, hostPsiFile); } else { registrar = data.getValue(current); } current = current.getParent(); // cache no injection for current if (registrar != null) { List<Pair<Place, PsiFile>> places = registrar.getResult(); // check that injections found intersect with queried element TextRange elementRange = element.getTextRange(); for (Pair<Place, PsiFile> pair : places) { Place place = pair.first; for (PsiLanguageInjectionHost.Shred shred : place) { if (shred.getHost().getTextRange().intersects(elementRange)) { if (place.isValid()) break nextParent; } } } } if (!probeUp) { break; } } if (probeUp) { // cache only if we walked all parents for (PsiElement e = element; e != current && e != null && e != hostPsiFile; e = e.getParent()) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); if (registrar == null) { e.putUserData(INJECTED_PSI, null); } else { ParameterizedCachedValue<MultiHostRegistrarImpl, PsiElement> cachedValue = CachedValuesManager.getManager(project) .createParameterizedCachedValue(INJECTED_PSI_PROVIDER, false); CachedValueProvider.Result<MultiHostRegistrarImpl> result = CachedValueProvider.Result.create( registrar, PsiModificationTracker.MODIFICATION_COUNT, registrar); ((PsiParameterizedCachedValue<MultiHostRegistrarImpl, PsiElement>) cachedValue) .setValue(result); e.putUserData(INJECTED_PSI, cachedValue); } } } return registrar; }
public void performAction(IntroduceOperation operation) { final PsiFile file = operation.getFile(); if (!CommonRefactoringUtil.checkReadOnlyStatus(file)) { return; } final Editor editor = operation.getEditor(); if (editor.getSettings().isVariableInplaceRenameEnabled()) { final TemplateState templateState = TemplateManagerImpl.getTemplateState(operation.getEditor()); if (templateState != null && !templateState.isFinished()) { return; } } PsiElement element1 = null; PsiElement element2 = null; final SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel(); boolean singleElementSelection = false; if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) { element1 = file.findElementAt(selectionModel.getSelectionStart()); element2 = file.findElementAt(selectionModel.getSelectionEnd() - 1); if (element1 instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) { int startOffset = element1.getTextRange().getEndOffset(); element1 = file.findElementAt(startOffset); } if (element2 instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) { int endOffset = element2.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); element2 = file.findElementAt(endOffset - 1); } if (element1 == element2) { singleElementSelection = true; } } else { if (smartIntroduce(operation)) { return; } final CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); final Document document = editor.getDocument(); int lineNumber = document.getLineNumber(caretModel.getOffset()); if ((lineNumber >= 0) && (lineNumber < document.getLineCount())) { element1 = file.findElementAt(document.getLineStartOffset(lineNumber)); element2 = file.findElementAt(document.getLineEndOffset(lineNumber) - 1); } } final Project project = operation.getProject(); if (element1 == null || element2 == null) { showCannotPerformError(project, editor); return; } element1 = PyRefactoringUtil.getSelectedExpression(project, file, element1, element2); if (element1 == null) { showCannotPerformError(project, editor); return; } if (singleElementSelection && element1 instanceof PyStringLiteralExpression) { final PyStringLiteralExpression literal = (PyStringLiteralExpression) element1; // Currently introduce for substrings of a multi-part string literals is not supported if (literal.getStringNodes().size() > 1) { showCannotPerformError(project, editor); return; } final int offset = element1.getTextOffset(); final TextRange selectionRange = TextRange.create(selectionModel.getSelectionStart(), selectionModel.getSelectionEnd()); final TextRange elementRange = element1.getTextRange(); if (!elementRange.equals(selectionRange) && elementRange.contains(selectionRange)) { final TextRange innerRange = literal.getStringValueTextRange(); final TextRange intersection = selectionRange.shiftRight(-offset).intersection(innerRange); final TextRange finalRange = intersection != null ? intersection : selectionRange; final String text = literal.getText(); if (getFormatValueExpression(literal) != null && breaksStringFormatting(text, finalRange) || getNewStyleFormatValueExpression(literal) != null && breaksNewStyleStringFormatting(text, finalRange) || breaksStringEscaping(text, finalRange)) { showCannotPerformError(project, editor); return; } element1.putUserData( PyReplaceExpressionUtil.SELECTION_BREAKS_AST_NODE, Pair.create(element1, finalRange)); } } if (!checkIntroduceContext(file, editor, element1)) { return; } operation.setElement(element1); performActionOnElement(operation); }
@NotNull final RunnerResult analyzeMethod( @NotNull PsiElement psiBlock, @NotNull InstructionVisitor visitor, boolean ignoreAssertions, @NotNull Collection<DfaMemoryState> initialStates) { if (PsiTreeUtil.findChildOfType(psiBlock, OuterLanguageElement.class) != null) return RunnerResult.NOT_APPLICABLE; try { final ControlFlow flow = new ControlFlowAnalyzer(myValueFactory, psiBlock, ignoreAssertions).buildControlFlow(); if (flow == null) return RunnerResult.NOT_APPLICABLE; int[] loopNumber = LoopAnalyzer.calcInLoop(flow); int endOffset = flow.getInstructionCount(); myInstructions = flow.getInstructions(); myNestedClosures.clear(); Set<Instruction> joinInstructions = ContainerUtil.newHashSet(); for (int index = 0; index < myInstructions.length; index++) { Instruction instruction = myInstructions[index]; if (instruction instanceof GotoInstruction) { joinInstructions.add(myInstructions[((GotoInstruction) instruction).getOffset()]); } else if (instruction instanceof ConditionalGotoInstruction) { joinInstructions.add( myInstructions[((ConditionalGotoInstruction) instruction).getOffset()]); } else if (instruction instanceof MethodCallInstruction && !((MethodCallInstruction) instruction).getContracts().isEmpty()) { joinInstructions.add(myInstructions[index + 1]); } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Analyzing code block: " + psiBlock.getText()); for (int i = 0; i < myInstructions.length; i++) { LOG.debug(i + ": " + myInstructions[i]); } } // for (int i = 0; i < myInstructions.length; i++) System.out.println(i + ": " + // myInstructions[i].toString()); Integer tooExpensiveHash = psiBlock.getUserData(TOO_EXPENSIVE_HASH); if (tooExpensiveHash != null && tooExpensiveHash == psiBlock.getText().hashCode()) { LOG.debug("Too complex because hasn't changed since being too complex already"); return RunnerResult.TOO_COMPLEX; } final StateQueue queue = new StateQueue(); for (final DfaMemoryState initialState : initialStates) { queue.offer(new DfaInstructionState(myInstructions[0], initialState)); } MultiMap<BranchingInstruction, DfaMemoryState> processedStates = MultiMap.createSet(); MultiMap<BranchingInstruction, DfaMemoryState> incomingStates = MultiMap.createSet(); long msLimit = shouldCheckTimeLimit() ? Registry.intValue("") : Registry.intValue("ide.dfa.time.limit.offline"); WorkingTimeMeasurer measurer = new WorkingTimeMeasurer(msLimit * 1000 * 1000); int count = 0; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { List<DfaInstructionState> states = queue.getNextInstructionStates(joinInstructions); for (DfaInstructionState instructionState : states) { if (count++ % 1024 == 0 && measurer.isTimeOver()) { LOG.debug("Too complex because the analysis took too long"); psiBlock.putUserData(TOO_EXPENSIVE_HASH, psiBlock.getText().hashCode()); return RunnerResult.TOO_COMPLEX; } ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(instructionState.toString()); } // System.out.println(instructionState.toString()); Instruction instruction = instructionState.getInstruction(); if (instruction instanceof BranchingInstruction) { BranchingInstruction branching = (BranchingInstruction) instruction; Collection<DfaMemoryState> processed = processedStates.get(branching); if (processed.contains(instructionState.getMemoryState())) { continue; } if (processed.size() > MAX_STATES_PER_BRANCH) { LOG.debug("Too complex because too many different possible states"); return RunnerResult.TOO_COMPLEX; // Too complex :( } if (loopNumber[branching.getIndex()] != 0) { processedStates.putValue(branching, instructionState.getMemoryState().createCopy()); } } DfaInstructionState[] after = acceptInstruction(visitor, instructionState); for (DfaInstructionState state : after) { Instruction nextInstruction = state.getInstruction(); if (nextInstruction.getIndex() >= endOffset) { continue; } handleStepOutOfLoop( instruction, nextInstruction, loopNumber, processedStates, incomingStates, states, after, queue); if (nextInstruction instanceof BranchingInstruction) { BranchingInstruction branching = (BranchingInstruction) nextInstruction; if (processedStates.get(branching).contains(state.getMemoryState()) || incomingStates.get(branching).contains(state.getMemoryState())) { continue; } if (loopNumber[branching.getIndex()] != 0) { incomingStates.putValue(branching, state.getMemoryState().createCopy()); } } queue.offer(state); } } } psiBlock.putUserData(TOO_EXPENSIVE_HASH, null); LOG.debug("Analysis ok"); return RunnerResult.OK; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { LOG.error(psiBlock.getText(), e); return RunnerResult.ABORTED; } catch (EmptyStackException e) { LOG.error(psiBlock.getText(), e); return RunnerResult.ABORTED; } }