private static int addToUsages(
      @NotNull Document document,
      @NotNull Processor<UsageInfo> consumer,
      @NotNull FindModel findModel,
      @NotNull final PsiFile psiFile,
      @NotNull int[] offsetRef,
      int maxUsages) {
    int count = 0;
    CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence();
    int textLength = document.getTextLength();
    int offset = offsetRef[0];

    Project project = psiFile.getProject();

    FindManager findManager = FindManager.getInstance(project);
    while (offset < textLength) {
      FindResult result = findManager.findString(text, offset, findModel, psiFile.getVirtualFile());
      if (!result.isStringFound()) break;

      final SearchScope customScope = findModel.getCustomScope();
      if (customScope instanceof LocalSearchScope) {
        final TextRange range = new TextRange(result.getStartOffset(), result.getEndOffset());
        if (!((LocalSearchScope) customScope).containsRange(psiFile, range)) break;
      UsageInfo info = new FindResultUsageInfo(findManager, psiFile, offset, findModel, result);
      if (!consumer.process(info)) {
        throw new ProcessCanceledException();

      final int prevOffset = offset;
      offset = result.getEndOffset();

      if (prevOffset == offset) {
        // for regular expr the size of the match could be zero -> could be infinite loop in finding
        // usages!
      if (maxUsages > 0 && count >= maxUsages) {
    offsetRef[0] = offset;
    return count;